Dead drop from Addison to Morgan – 6/30

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Dead drop from Addison to Morgan – 6/30

This topic contains 86 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lawrence Lawrence 8 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #13121
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Another call from Addison a few moments ago… Asked if I was near a computer, as she is sending me a message soon.. o__0

  • #13123
    Profile photo of Mike


  • #13125
    Profile photo of Amie

    Soon as in, in the next 30 minutes before I’m stuck away from a computer?? lol knowing something is coming and I’ll probably miss it is TENSION!!

  • #13127

    Last time someone was told to be near a computer, @mumumusings got a letter. Be ready, just in case

  • #13129
    Profile photo of Mike

    and before that was @coryphella, which was also a Periscope letter treasure hunt

  • #13131
    Profile photo of Amie

    If there’s a periscope I hope III doesn’t delete it after!!

  • #13132
    Profile photo of Amie

    well shit!! lol

  • #13133
    Profile photo of 111_error


  • #13134
    Profile photo of Amie

    Holy shit I got to watch it!! Morgan!!!

  • #13135
    Profile photo of Amie

    Man, I grew up there and I’m trying to figure that out! Good luck!!

  • #13136
    Profile photo of

    The periscope in case it gets taken down.

  • #13138
    Profile photo of Michelle

    This is awesome, @lllerror. I can’t wait to see what treasure you find!

    *sorry for the edits. I kept putting his username in wrong. :/

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded).
  • #13142
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    good luck sir!

  • #13144
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Go, team Venture!

    View post on

    • #21373
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud


  • #13148
    Profile photo of MColyard

    Wait, does he know where he is going? Are we getting a periscope?

  • #13152
    Profile photo of Ezi

    Does anyone have @111error periscope if it’s going to be broadcast?

  • #13153
    Profile photo of

    He’s already broadcast – he’s kirobass on periscope. It should still be there.

  • #13154
    Profile photo of Mike

    Search for “kirobass”. Username is Kiro

  • #13155
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Heading home now to uncover the USB contents …

    Well played, Addison. And thank you everyone involved, here, there, on Periscope, all the things. =*)

  • #13168
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    well done!

  • #13179

    Please note that I moved the posts regarding the drop vs the phone call from the old topic to this one to maintain some semblance of topic relevance.

    Carry on about your business

  • #13180
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Thank you Seantry :)

  • #13181
    Profile photo of MColyard

    Again, raises hand – I’m in Atlanta, and I will drive wherever!

  • #13185
    Profile photo of Ezi

    Could someone please help me out by putting the periscopes on youtube? I struggle to load them from my phone to watch and I’m stuck at work for another 4hrs.

    • #13279
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      That’s a good idea I second this idea. I also volunteer as tribute if I can figure out how to download them.

  • #13186
    Profile photo of

    Its the same flowers from that one picture!

  • #13191
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Oh boy …

    So, on the flash drive are two files, a photo of Addison and ~four, titled “Peace”.

    – Save this file to your computer, and use an EXIF reader, or rename it from .jpg to .txt and there is a message from ~four…

    (@thegilded and @addisonborn found this while I was uploading this next part of this story … )

    There is also an audio file, “NEWMATH.wav” which I’ve uploaded here:

    Tension know I’ve been an audio engineer / dogs body for more than 20 years, and I could immediately hear data was hidden in the file. So, threw it into a spectrogram analyzer, and voila:

    … I’m pretty | blown away | by this …

    Thank you Addison, ~four, Tension.

    • #13194

      Ain’t that some shit… Looks like III isn’t quite as much “The Last” as he thinks

    • #21374
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      3 never did anything this cool (as far as I’ve read so far)

    • #13196
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Can you fiddle with the jpg and pic up what’s in the background? I see numbers @111error

    • #13199
      Profile photo of Mike

      Looks like it could be a calendar. The dates match up

    • #13198
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      That spectrogram… crazy. Could four turn into 2 when III’s out of the picture? is III going to take a piece of four for the transformation? Or is it less literal? Four is creating 2 by removing III?

    • #13203
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      this is awesome, tension has some skillzzz

    • #13207
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      also, @111error could there be anything else hidden in the audio? Besides just sounding like a fucked up Primus track, it sounds like there’s a distorted voice in there

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
    • #13214
      Profile photo of 111_error

      I’ve not found anything else, and there was nothing hidden in the USB trash folder.

    • #13286
      Profile photo of Melissa

      @111error did you add in the _480 part or is that part of the original file name?

    • #13287
      Profile photo of 111_error

      No, the file as I received it was “PEACE.jpg”.

      I think the 480 originally referred to the resolution of the picture (pretty low, for these days)

  • #13192
    Profile photo of Melissa


  • #13193
    Profile photo of

    Great job!

  • #13195
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    The 4-3=2 seems to mean, possibly, that @gatekeeper4 is gonna take @gatekeeper3 out of power and replace 3 with a new leader, which will be our Gatekeeper2. Could that be Addison maybe??

  • #13197
    Profile photo of Mike

    This is so freaking awesome!!

    Now who are the 2? Addison and Four? Are they taking over?

  • #13200

    My money’s on the previous theory brought up – 4’s going to do whatever it is that They do to Addison to make her into 2

  • #13202
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    how about 4-3=2. Because it’s not one gatekeeper, it is Addison and four together

    • #13204
      Profile photo of Melissa

      My thoughts exactly @endlesspictures. ~four and Addison, working at a duo.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa. Reason: gotta spell ~four's name right!
    • #13205

      I’m interpreting it less like math and more like “4 Removes 3 Resulting in 2”

    • #13209
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      your math is orwellian

    • #13211

      My math is doubleplus good, you shut up

    • #13212
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Oh god now I’m thinking 2+2=5

    • #13218
      Profile photo of

      That was my interpretation too, Sean.

    • #13290
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Very cool @111error

      I believe @thegilded is better at math than I am. 😉
      I am also in the Sean camp on this theory.

  • #13213
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Seriously that is incredibly impressive. Great job to those who could find it.

  • #13215
    Profile photo of
  • #13216
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    This is blowing my mind. Yay Morgan! ❤️

  • #13219
    Profile photo of Michelle

    You guys are hella talented! So happy for you Morgan! Great job!

  • #13220
    Profile photo of

    I join the ranks of those super impressed by this. I have no idea how easy or hard it is to hide data in sound files like that, but I love that this was done for you specifically.

    And another out of town drop!

    • #13230
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Thanks miss, this completely blew my mind. Wasn’t expecting anything, let alone audio puzzles.

  • #13222
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl


  • #13224
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Holy fucking shit!

    Just when I think Tension couldn’t get any cooler, they outdo themselves again! That is some serious Mission Impossible shit going on.

    Well done, Morgan.

    The end is nigh for 3. This keeps getting closer to our theory that Addison will be 2.

    • #13231
      Profile photo of 111_error

      I agree, this was absurdly impressive, amazing, and kind.

      I’m pretty overwhelmed.

  • #13225
    Profile photo of Nosnevets

    In addition to the exif extraction did you open the pictures as txt files @111error? Or open in any steganography programs? I’d do it and check myself, but I thing image hosting websites delete the metadata and add their own.

  • #13256
    Profile photo of Duchess

    Great sleuthing! I wonder how soon GK2 will appear. What do you think about the 4 yellow roses? Four from GK4? What about the significance of the color? Proflowers says yellow is for friendship and joy.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Duchess Duchess.
    • #13260
      Profile photo of Duchess

      Aw danggit, I see that was brought up on fb. I’m always late.

    • #13266
      Profile photo of 111_error

      But you were correct, and that’s more important than lurking here all day to post first, and risking your job like the rest of us! 😉

      Yes, four yellow roses – the same as someone posted to Tension’s Facebook yesterday.

      I don’t know how long you’ve been following the menagerie of Tension plot lines, but them being ‘friendship and joy’, and from Addison and ~four, meant the world to me. Many feelz.

    • #13292
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Also, @toyintoyin, yellow was the color of the roses Addison gave to many of us at the infamous “mixer” event that was disrupted by her father.

      @111error – you know all of this lifts my spirits.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty.
  • #13264
    Profile photo of Mike

    Just thought of something. With the secret message in the .wav, it makes me think of 242 again (4-3=2). I know 242 has significance already, but what if this is something more that Four is using. For example, the 4 is surrounded (or guarded/protected by 2). Maybe Four is surrounding herself by 2 others? She has someone on each side of her in preparation to come back? Or maybe, she is somehow “splitting” the Gatekeeper roll with Addison and both of them become 2…which make up Four.

    Yes, I know how it sounds haha

    • #13268
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      yeah, I can’t remember what spurred it, but I had a similar thought about 2 4 2. the twos surrounding gatekeeper four.

      maybe it is a type of holy trinity thing. where the three pieces all represent God in various forms.

      Uh oh, here comes voltron thoughts again!

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
    • #13270
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Or the original trinity of Maiden, Mother and Crone. (Where my pagans at?)

    • #13272
      Profile photo of

      Former pagan!

    • #21375
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud


  • #13277
    Profile photo of Mike

    Just realized no one brought up anything about the name of the jpeg…”Peace”.

    Seems like an odd thing to name a picture based on what’s currently happening with III and Four. It seems like they’re going to war.

    Possible meanings:
    Since the image is of Addison, maybe she’s at “peace”. Her face does look kind of…blank?
    Four is asking us for “peace” – As in, stop attacking III, she has a plan in place?
    Someone is saying “peace” as in “Peace out!” and maybe Addison is leaving? Could that go along with “I’m ready”?

    I know Morgan is sure that this is her, but I seem to remember her looking a little bit different at the mixer. I didn’t really have a long conversation with her, but this image looks…different. Thinner/longer face perhaps? Can anyone else that was at the mixer give their thoughts?

    • #13280
      Profile photo of 111_error

      #alwaysmyscribe Well hello Mike, and ZOMG, it’s that conversation we just agreed to have on here..
      I noticed the file name when I opened the USB stick, but then I got diverted by the hidden messages. You’re absolutely right to revisit this.

      Do you remember me saying that when Addison called me recently, she seemed calmer than any other time we’d spoken? Her face reflects what I was describing. She’s not as sad as we saw at the mixer, but she’s also not as animated as I’d previously seen her. This is also the first time we’ve seen her without make up, she does look like she’s gone through some kind of change.

      Since ~Four is now getting vocal again, I don’t think the filename refers to a goodbye, but you may have a point with it either meaning they are peaceful, and / or we should let them carry out their plan without having to wade through fires people are setting here.

      ~Four probably wants to set those fires herself.

    • #13281
      Profile photo of Lukas L
      Lukas L

      @mike I could be totally off but another interpretation could be that four is giving Addison to BoS as a peace offering. Some have speculated that 3 is BoS and is destroying the OOA from within. We know from @reaton hijacking meeting that BoS (Correct me if I am wrong. Going off memory from the podcast) was real interested in getting Addison out of the OOA whether the two were her parents or not. Is it possible 4 thinks 3 is BoS and could be offering Addison as a peace offering?

    • #13284
      Profile photo of Mike

      @111error – Makes sense, I hope it’s not a goodbye. She’s way too important to everyone involved!

      @lukasrl – I like that theory too! This could go so many ways!

    • #13285
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      I took the picture title of peace to mean that 4-3=2 will equal peace in the OOA. that Addison represents peace. also, that she is at peace with whatever decisions she has made.

      however, this being the tension experience, I can’t believe that we are nearing any kind of actual peace.

      as for her appearance in the photo, I can’t be sure this is the same girl we saw at the mixer, but I am nearly 100% sure this is the same girl who has been in the periscope videos.
      I’m pretty sure they would want to keep continuity with using the same person and it could be as simple as what @111error is saying, her hair and make up are different. Sometimes even the angle or the camera lens can change someone’s appearance.

      a darker theory would be that the OOA indeed killed/removed the old Addison and swapped her with a similar looking person hoping that we wouldn’t notice.

  • #13282
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    Congratulations Morgan! Beautiful, just beautiful.

  • #13283
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    That does not look like Addison at all.

  • #21380
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    Forgive my ignorance, and I know much of this is in the timeline…but could someone give me a quick primer on GK2, 3, 4 and BoS?

    • #21381

      Before the Overseer, before Samson, before the OSDM, we the Aspirants and Disciples were led by figureheads that the OOA referred to as the Gatekeepers. They taught us the teachings of the OOA, and guided us on our journey.

      The first Gatekeeper was Gatekeeper 5 or GK5 for short. He was a stoic, emotionless near father figure. Next we had GK4, who was a passionate woman who took a woman who was at the time a shy Attendant One, Addison, under her wing. Addison later went on to kill GK4. We then had GK3 who was… intense. Buz had the duty and honor of killing him, leaving us with GK2, a newly raised Addison. She stepped down from that post in order to become the Overseer.

      The BoS is an organization comprised of rebels, ex-OOA members, and people who believe the OOA to be corrupt. Short for the Brothers of Seraph, arguably the most famous member went by the name Sentinel. The BoS maintains an active community of members that are on this board even now.

    • #21382
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      Thank you. Now that there is an Oracle, does this mean there is a direct line to Anoch?

      One other question:

      Is Samson afraid of Thomas Barrow because of the subjective existential threat he may present to OOA, or
      Is Samson protecting The Overseer because he presents an objective threat to her?

    • #21383

      Assuming that we accept that there actually are/were Oracles that were found during the Ascension process, that implies that there is now a/some direct link(s) to Anoch. Although I cannot stress enough that I’m still not sure about a true Oracle having been found.

      If Samson is afraid of Mr. Barrow, it seems likely that he is because Thomas represents a link to Addison’s past, where Samson only wants the Overseer to focus on her future. Thomas may possibly represent a way to undermine Samson’s plan with the Overseer. Thomas Barrow is Addison Barrow’s father. No matter what else, I would doubt very much that he presents an objective threat to her, as he only wants her back.

    • #21386
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      I don’t wish to be indelicate, but is it possible that Addison suffered at the hands of her father at some point…

    • #21387

      While possible, I do not believe that we currently have any reason to suspect as much. Pre-Overseer Addison and her journal are what we have to go off of, as well has first hand meetings that some members had with Mr. and Mrs. Barrow to use as character references.

      All strongly suggest a loving family who wanted their little girl back.

  • #21388
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    Thank you, Sean.

    I am going for visit #3 on Saturday.

    • #21389
      Profile photo of Crystal

      Can’t wait to hear how a third visit works out for you! 😀

  • #21391
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    If I return…

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