I've been so wrong regarding the Overseer

Tension brand Forums IN PERSON EVENT DISCUSSIONS I've been so wrong regarding the Overseer

This topic contains 30 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lukas L Lukas L 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #20696

    Before my first run through Ascension, I had so many questions. Who to be loyal to, who was the enemy, who I had to attack and who to protect. I loved Four, and my loyalty to her was a given. After her death, my second most concern was one that many of you shared: Four’s prodigy Addison. Her well-being became the first priority. I thought that the best way to proceed was to align myself with those who had similar beliefs: the Brothers of Seraph. I went through Ascension again to try to help Addison. I didn’t know how, but I knew that I had to do something.

    I had a chance while I was speaking to her. I pressed as hard as I could. Brought up Tom. Brought up Mark. Brought up Carlos and the art gallery. She faltered for a moment, but I saw something in her that I did not expect: she was fighting it. In my fervor to save Addison I had not considered that Addison did not want saving. This wasn’t brainwashing, this was metamorphosis. We spent all of our time trying to save the caterpillar without knowing that we should be celebrating the butterfly instead. I see the truth now, and I’m so sorry to have ever doubted it.

    Glory be, my brothers and sisters

  • #20697
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said


    So Addison wasn’t brainwashed at the final event…she might have planned this from the start? But what’s her endgame?

    • #20698

      I believe you’re still looking at this the wrong way. Whatever Addison planned is not important. Addison is no longer. The woman we loved and wanted to save is the Overseer now, and any effort spent to save the woman she was is one both wasted and foolish.

      Her endgame is another topic entirely, I think.

  • #20700
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I too was totally taken aback by the Overseer. She is very well aware who she is, what the OOA did to her and what she has become. She is very headstrong.

    That said, do I think she is in total control?


    No I don’t. Everyone answers to someone.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
  • #20703
    Profile photo of Nosnevets

    That’s a really interesting way to look at it, Sean. I tried Carlos when I was there for my first time. I said it on 3 occasions unsure if she had heard me.The first time she was walking through a door, looked back at me glared then shut it pretty much in my face as I tried to follow. The second was softer so I really don’t think she heard me. But with a few others in the red room I said it louder and she verbally responded to me. He body language was very shut off and standoffish. So I thought “well that is an avenue lost” and I didn’t know what else to try. Later in the evening, she called me out by name almost in a chastising tone.

    I interpreted this as it being too late at the time. Whatever brainwashing or juju was at work had set its course and was irreversible at this point, an ODSM 1 up from the stuffed animal incident. I had left it at that because no one really reported anything different until their second visits where the word Overseer started being thrown around. I needed to know, I sprung for a second ticket. But after reading this post and reanalyzing I think she’s been in that headspace since day one. She didn’t say the words, but I met the confident, assertive, Overseer that night. She was comfortable in her skin and had no wish to change that. I haven’t had my second meeting yet. I do hope to pick her brain still, but this does change things.

  • #20705
    Profile photo of Michelle


    Truthfully, I did not care for “Addison” and I absolutely love your description of her journey, in your words, her metamorphosis. That is perfect. I could never have followed the girl previously known as Addison. When I returned to the OOA, my time with her in the mirror room is when I expressed to her my feelings about the old Addison. I was honest with her about who I thought that previous version of herself was and why I couldn’t follow her. But, I gave myself to the Overseer because I believe in her and the wisdom she shared with me. I do not believe that it’s smooth sailing from this point forward. I believe there’s a dark storm ahead that we will have to weather. Perhaps she is aware this is coming and that is why she has brought The Brothers of Seraph into her arms. Perhaps she is building an army. I don’t know maybe that’s a stretch.

  • #20706
    Profile photo of Blondie

    I, like Michelle, never really cared for the girl formerly known as Addison. No shock there, I was never quiet about that fact. Which I guess is why it was a bit of a surprise to some when I joined BOS. That was more to do with a matter of principles. My feelings towards Addison weren’t important. I am not the kind of person to sit back and watch anyone go through what I still consider to be emotional abuse by a cult.

    But the Overseer, Addison 2.0, she intrigues me. And I look forward to seeing the change in her. I hope we finally get to talk.

  • #20713
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    There is no Addison, only Overseer.

    And she knows I will do what she asks of me.

  • #20844
    Profile photo of Sadako

    One thing I’ve learned over my short time on Earth is we are all forced to suppress our true identity. Whether it’s to be accepted in society or because we’re afraid of what we might find if we allow ourselves the freedom.

    Overseer is not suppressing Addison. Addison spent most of her life suppressing Overseer.

    We should be openly celebrating her newfound truth as the key to our salvation.

    Glory Be!

  • #20852
    Profile photo of Mouse

    Sadako – You couldn’t have said it better. “Be yourself” sounds so trite and easy, yet its so difficult.

    I sometimes morph myself so much to meet expectations sometimes I am not even sure who I am or what I want!

  • #21004
    Profile photo of Graham

    I have only been through once so far (I return on the 3rd), but something about my time in the OOA was shocking to me: I was afraid of the Overseer. I went in hoping to talk to Addison, but there was something about the way she looked at me that shut me up. Made me want to join.


    But then I saw the true nature of the OOA. I went through the process of removing my senses. I fully believe there is a deity at the heart of the OOA that is using Addison/Overseer as its mouthpiece, but whatever it is is truly evil.

    Can Addison be saved? Is there a way to call Tom to the Institute itself? Could there be some other trigger point for her that could snap her out that we haven’t discovered yet? A favorite childhood song, maybe? Some other memento from her past?

    And if there isn’t a way to snap her out, what then? I’m afraid to wait too long because whatever is coming after her I believe will be truly destructive.

    • #21005
      Profile photo of Sadako

      I think the real question is why is everyone convinced they know what’s best for Overseer. A little introspection goes a long way.

    • #21011
      Profile photo of Taylor

      I always learned that you cannot control what other’s actions are, how they feel, or how they view you. All you can control is your own behaviors and actions. If there is someone you care for, that you want to protect, then it is important to communicate that to them and ask how you can help. But ultimately, it is up to them to reach out and tell you exactly how you can help.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Taylor Taylor.
    • #21010
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      Ascension 1 Spoilers

      Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers

      But then I saw the true nature of the OOA. I went through the process of removing my senses. I fully believe there is a deity at the heart of the OOA that is using Addison/Overseer as its mouthpiece, but whatever it is is truly evil.

      That’s interesting @sweeneyskip. For quite some time I have believed that the Gatekeepers are supernatural. Possibly those above Gatekeepers as well or maybe those above are human and trying to use the supernatural beats for whatever they “believe” will happen. Essentially I was around when Gatekeeper 5 was the top dog to listen to. He stepped down completely for 4 to come around. I thought this meant a gatekeeper had to be silenced or perhaps die for the next iteration to come about. This led me to believe that this is what the purpose of ascension is. The idea being that they find willing people seeking enlightenment, they rid us of our personality… an ego death like Buddha, Jesus, or a great DMT trip. We think we become this “Ascended Master” but really we are making ourselves empty vessels for an entity… spirit…demon(?) to possess us. These gatekeepers. Later we found the hierarchy that showed gatekeepers and the overseer… and oracles being unattached on the outside. (This is why I say some may be human? watching making sure things go well… and I imagine oracles are human but burdened/gifted with the ability to hear the words of Anoch.)

      3 seemed to have come early and thrown everything into chaos. He also didn’t seem fully formed and was astounded by things like Pokemon go and Netflix. Many people theorized that gatekeepers may have been grown in test tubes… which is comical considering the stature of 3… but I attribute these mannerisms he displayed to being the entity learning how to control the body. It seems a hard process to rid any shred of personality from a person and let them be controlled like a puppet on a string, a rag doll in hand, or a meat suit. In fact, this roughness in transition is what I attributed to Addison’s kidnapping by 4. I figured 4 wanted to ease the arrival of the next gatekeeper as smooth as possible, so she took Addison and tried to mold her and ready her to make the possession as seamless and without discomfort to the new gatekeeper as possible. She had Addison writing standards preparing herself and doing all sorts of tasks. There even was a time I thought she wasn’t preparing Addison to be 2, I thought perhaps 4 wanted to rejoin with a new body. Maybe Addison was the younger, newer model for 4 to step into? I dunno…Meanwhile, while Addison was in an MK Ultra like state doing these things she’s hearing 4 constantly berate and threaten to kill 3. I thought Addison was brainwashed at that point. She wasn’t really 2, she thought she was and the only thing she knew was right from hearing it over and over was “kill the other gatekeepers”. THAT is why originally I though Addison way still be in there. That’s why I tried Carlos and failed at ascension. But as of the recent periscope, I think she is no longer the unsure timid Addison from before I thought she was brainwashed even, she seems more herself than ever. I’d still love to remeet with her and decide for myself in person when I go back, but that’s where my head is at right now.

      But the other interesting bit of what I quoted from you above is about the Oracles. @summoningdark mentioned to me that she thinks the reason Ascension is this big pu…semi-public thing now is because there’s something wrong with the supernatural bit. She things the Oracles can no longer see, or are too old and have dementia or something of that nature. She got to see an oracle, an old woman’s face in the dark. She could tell that better than I could… but my first time through I had a similar path but did NOT see the same thing.

      After having had our senses taken away I was put into the doctor’s room and made to put tools on a tray with someone else. I was elected to carry the tray and went into an altar room to have the tools blessed by the oracle. The doctor I think came in with he, I could hear him chanting anyway, it was a pitch black room especially when the door closed. I kneeled with the tray in the dark and the same, a face flashed. This was no old lady. At the time I thought I was crazy but they tell you another is random at the beginning for a reason right? A light shined down on a black tribal looking face, some kind of monster. I had thought of the beings in the red room, but this seemed very elaborate. Black, tribal, intricate yet small headdress. It was quick. Less than a few seconds maybe. The door opened again revealing nothing and no one there so I took the tray and stood up and turned around and Addison was there watching me. I thought maybe it was her face and the darkness and the top down quick light flash had distorted things for me, but others have told me Addison wasn’t there until they got out or turned the corner. She thanked me for having such an important job and led me where to stand and told me what to do for the ceremony.

      TL;Dr Yeah… I think there’s something within the walls. Evil or not, I’m not sure, everyone should decide that for themselves… But there’s something. I can see how the methods may be wrong but the intention good, or just everything wrong… I’m very in the middle wanted to find out more… but there is something there. And as for Addison being a mouthpiece, totally plausible. But by Anoch? By an entity different altogether? Sampson? Or none of the above?

    • #21022
      Profile photo of Blondie

      I think it is fair to say the old Addison is gone, left behind along with the name. She is Overseer now. Whether this is a kickass version of the girl she was before, a new “person” entirely inhabiting her body or the result of a psychotic break is yet to be seen. I know my questioning of her sanity has never been popular, but it is something I cannot disregard until I look her directly in the eyes. I don’t intend to be disrespectful. I believe eyes are the windows to the soul. I have no intention of trying to save someone who doesn’t exist anymore. But I just have to know if her intentions are legit or if she is putting some of my dearest friends in danger. @masterlock I hope I get this opportunity.

    • #21024
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      @blondiecamps I have to agree with you on that one. I didn’t say it above but REVELATION I’m not so sure Addison is in there anymore. Following my same line of thinking, if Addison was brainwashed and thought herself 2, does that even give her the right or the know how to appoint the one? Maybe both the real 2 and the real one are still out there?

      This is all a big what if.

      Before she was kidnapped or any of that I met her in person at the mixer. She was a shy mousy girl.You’ve read her journal and saw her shyness… I’d say it might’ve been worse than portrayed in writing. Now as the Overseer she is strong, she is determined. I do think she is in control… maybe…

      Addison… yes Addison the one we knew, was taken after she broke down from being 2 by ODSM just before Ascension started and transformed. They could have taken the real her and bolstered her up into being the confident powerful Overseer she is or it could be something different altogether. The OOA/ODSM saw the raw fury 2 was beholding and wanted to nip that in the bud. Perhaps Addison is dead. Perhaps Sampson filled her with a new persona which is so strong in her vessel because it killed the old Addison. It says “I’m in control” on the periscope and you believe the conviction in its voice, the power… because it’s true. It is in control. Maybe Addison isn’t dead actually… Maybe she’s too weak to manifest in that vessel at all other than the phrase Sampson has. (That manifesting being falling to her knees unable to even…like the white girl she is?) Collapsing to your knees sounds like a puppet with its strings cut to me to be honest, no one home, but it could be a very weak persona.

      Addison could be in complete control, so with no disrespect, I just want to meet her and see for myself. She could have a new found strong will that she uses to stay in control, but I’m not sure about that with this idea of Sampson’s phrase… I think Sampson is controlling someone or something within her… the Overseer is in control… the Overseer is not Addison… Sampson is a modern necromancer

      Or something. All speculation.

    • #21025
      Profile photo of Blondie

      With the amount of meddling they have done to that girl’s brain, it is a wonder that there would be anything left to control… They have a lot to answer for. But this word Samson uses to make her drop to the floor is certainly interesting. Like it is a failsafe implanted to stop her the second she starts to go off his script and onto her own…

    • #21027
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      Ah, but did Hades ever truly control Cerberus? Can you really control a spirit or an entity? Especially if this being is much older wiser and more experienced than any living creature… Sometimes the dog turns and bites the handler, sometimes it’s lovingly, other times it’s terrifying.

  • #21006
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    I think you are dead right, Sadako.

    We have incomplete information.

    I love love love how much compassion and caring is being exhibited.

    @Graham — it was nice to meet you. My intuition tingles with a similar feeling. The form of this deity, whether internal or external, would appear to be in play in some form.

    • #21007

      *Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post**Possible Ascension spoilers in this post*

      I’m afraid I have to disagree with both @lmsmedley and @sweeneyskip to a degree. Multiple people including both III and the Overseer have confirmed that Anoch has not spoken to the Gatekeepers in some time. Think back to your Ascension experiences, specifically the end. Ascension as a whole is set up as a desperate attempt to find the next Oracle, the next Ascendant that will be able to allow once more the agents of the OOA to hear the word of Anoch that they have lost.

      The process is a hard one, and often unsuccessful, but the process itself is a search. That is why I believe Samson, the OSDM, and the Overseer are all so focused on this event, and the Countdown of the 242 lead to this moment, this hunt for the next Oracle. Whoever the next is and whoever has the Oracle in their care essentially controls the only known link to Anoch.

  • #21008
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    Thank you, Sean. As mentioned, I’m operating with incomplete information so your insight — everyone’s, actually — is valuable.
    Kindly fill me in on the “Countdown of the 242″…unless it is a spoiler. Thank you.

    • #21009

      No problem, it was information not associated with Ascension but rather with Indoctrination that’s happened over the past ~8 months. Indoctrination was essentially lead by the Gatekeepers, each numbered. We met the stoic 5, the fiery ~four, the volatile III, the once innocent 2 who we once knew as Addison but now know as Overseer and then The One, which is another topic entirely.

      This countdown of Gatekeepers was chronicled in the Book of Anoch, starting from a gatekeeper from an extraordinarily long time ago. He was what the rituals in Ascension pay homage to. He was First of the Counted and Last from the End, Gatekeeper 242. 241 came after him and so on and so fourth. This countdown ended as Ascension began

    • #21233
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      This is new info to me.

  • #21017
    Profile photo of Taylor

    Sean, this is a really interesting viewpoint. I like how you are thinking about it. People grow, people change, people transition. And as this occurs, we often try to resist this change. Where is the person I fell in love with? Where is the old you? But that’s not fair. People change for a reason, and we can only hope that this change is an improvement for them and that they are happier because of it. We can try as hard as we want, but we can never change anyone. We can’t force anyone to change. We can only give them our feelings and our thoughts and let them make the decision on their own.

    Addison knows how each and every one of us feels. She listens to us, I can see that. But assuming that this is her choice, we don’t have a say in this. As you have said, we can only support her.

  • #21026
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Based on all the interactions, it feels like there is a serious internal conflict brewing…with Addison and the future direction of the OOA hanging in the balance. Like all religions, the followers seem to have different ideas on where to go. No matter how much Samson and the OSDM try to control her, our Overseer seems to have very clear ideas of where she wants to take all of us.

    I feel like we’re sitting on top of a powder keg that go off at any moment.

  • #21029
    Profile photo of prufrock5150
  • #21195
    Profile photo of Crystal

    I will update with more information when I get home but tonight Samson showed me a new side of both himself and Overseer… and encouraged me to share this information with any and all that may be interested.

    Addison is still in there. Samson is not a believer. He is definitely using her, but I do not know why.

    Again: Addison is still in there. She is being tortured and she can be saved.

    The OOA won’t allow me or my partner to return, but surely one of you reading this will be successful.

    • #21199
      Profile photo of Bryan

      @blacklotustriad: When you say The OOA won’t let you return, do you mean for a 4th visit – or did you have a truncated visit tonight?

  • #21202
    Profile photo of Crystal

    A little from column A, a little from column B…

    I’ve typed out all of the details that I can remember here. I also received a threatening call from a ‘cleaner’ while I was in the midst of typing it up.

    • #21206
      Profile photo of Bryan

      Thanks for the detailed report. Will be interesting to see if any other 3rd Rounders get similar experiences – or are waved off going altogether.

  • #21311
    Profile photo of Lukas L
    Lukas L

    :Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers::Possible Ascension Spoilers:

    **The only reason I am posting this, is most of us have already seen the scenes I am describing in the Verge’s video**

    Prior to going through Ascension, when Addison was doing all of the periscopes, I finally stated that I pledged my loyalty to her. This was after we were to decide if we were OOA or BOS which I wouldnt choose either.

    Going into Ascension I had this loyalty in mind. Like alot of you I wanted to see if I could some how get her out. I saw her in the room with the puzzles and I said “Hello Addison” she looked at me and smiled. In the White room she came to vist me again while I was sitting on a bench. Simon told me not to make small talk with anyone and this kinda worked in my favor (As far as my perception of the events to follow are concerned) Addison started talking to me, saying she remembered talking to me on the phone. I stayed silent, she would ask me other questions, every now and again it seemed like she would shudder or have a tick. I was giving one word answers due to Simon’s request or just being silent. I didnt want to break the rules. Then she would look at me, look at the TV. Look at me, Look at the tv, Look at me, Look at the tv. Some would say this was glitching. After what happened next, I dont think so. I think she was testing me. I think she was baiting me to try to Un-glitch her to try to fix her. But Simons no small talk request stopped me from trying, im glad it did. Next I got pulled back into the changing room. Now this is kinda strange considering it wasnt the man you all call Samson who was asking me these questions. It was someone else. He asked me if Addison was acting weird. (Remember, I am a Addison/Overseer Loyalist) I said no, he asked if she mentioned her family. I said no. He said are you sure Addison wasnt acting weird at all, kinda glitch maybe. I said no, she is in total control. He said she is in total control. I said yes, in total control. He said good to know. With that I was escorted out of the room. As I exited the room, who was walking around the corner looking at me with a smile. It was our Overseer. Now this may just be a gut feeling. But I think she was listening. I think she was seeing if I would call her out. I think this was a test. One of the few tests I feel I passed in my Ascension. Or, maybe she was just walking around the corner getting from one room to the other. I’ll never know. But I will know what my gut tells me. @masterlock is in control, and I am still a loyalist.

    But here is a thought I have been having. If the do have the tech to be able to mind control people, couldnt they convince people that the mind control isnt controlling them.

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