I've decided to share this

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA I've decided to share this


This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of TinNose TinNose 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #18411
    Profile photo of Melissa

    For those that are new I will give you some background:

    Back in April-ish 2016 I went to The Wisdom Tree, a local hike in Griffith Park (Los Angeles, CA) and posted a small advert for The Tension Experience on the tree. I took a pic and shared with Tension.

    In return I got this as a gift.

    Within the MP3 are personal references, one of them absolutely freaked me out because it’s a citation from a paper I recently published and wasn’t terribly accessable. My Haunt Life briefly discussed it on one of their podcasts a while ago but kept the more personal stuff out.

    Anyway I thought I’d share. @kasch or @nking you have permission to use this for your documentary, if you wish.

  • #18474
    Profile photo of TinNose

    I finally had a second to listen to this. Holy cow, that’s pretty intense. Were you able to play the audio backwards???

    • #18477
      Profile photo of Grace (bumble)
      Grace (bumble)

      I’m just doing that now

    • #18478
      Profile photo of TinNose

      Can’t wait to hear what they say! (assuming you’ll share!)

    • #18480
      Profile photo of Grace (bumble)
      Grace (bumble)

      Of course- it’s not really mine to police!

    • #18479
      Profile photo of Grace (bumble)
      Grace (bumble)

      Holy moly it’s kinda creepy
      So what it says is:
      (in a young girls voice): Watch out the elevator is falling, there is nothing you can do, just forget, forget what you know
      (Older female voice maybe with an accent): three (or we its have to tell) previously calibrated the SIV instruments were used in this study, the instruments were checked for accuracy using a (something?) certified 0.100 percent decimal tri (?) gas standard (this is hard to hear)
      (young girl again with some beeping in the background): The elevator is falling forget what you know.

      SO YEAH!

  • #18481
    Profile photo of Grace (bumble)
    Grace (bumble)

    And here’s the reversed track- maybe You guys can help figure out some of the bits I couldn’t?

  • #18482
    Profile photo of TinNose

    Wow! Great job. That last section, it’s in a foreign language, yeah? Can someone translate??

  • #18487
    Profile photo of TinNose

    Hahaha, oh wait, I’m an idiot. What I thought was a foreign language, was just the original speech in reverse!! That’s what I get for listening on my phone!

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