What to do with III?!

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA What to do with III?!

This topic contains 124 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of TheBuz TheBuz 8 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #12821
    Profile photo of Melissa

    MOD Notes:. This conversation was moved/split from The Letter

    Carry on! What are we going to do with @gatekeeper3 ?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #12633
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Think of this as maybe a biker gang.. If we don’t have faith or have problems with the local chapter leader, we can possibly join a different chapter. Seems @mumumusings gets the same messages that we do here in LA, but yet he’s in Missouri. Maybe he’s in a different chapter of the OOA, but hears the whole breakdown of LA business. There was certainly someone there the other day in Missouri to drop off a message and someone there to intercept Mr. Reddit Guy, on top of that, what the letter had as of national information on the OOA Institute.
    Back to the biker gang… If they can stay within the same organization, yet change city allegiances, do we have the same capabilities? Because III is fucking shit up here in LA!!

  • #12634
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    If we’re treating this like a biker gang then III is going to find himself on the wrong end of a barrell.

  • #12635
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Think of this as maybe a biker gang.. If we don’t have faith or have problems with the local chapter leader, we can possibly join a different chapter. Seems @mumumusings gets the same messages that we do here in LA, but yet he’s in Missouri. Maybe he’s in a different chapter of the OOA, but hears the whole breakdown of LA business. There was certainly someone there the other day in Missouri to drop off a message and someone there to intercept Mr. Reddit Guy, on top of that, what the letter had as of national information on the OOA Institute. Not a big leap to assume they have different chapters within their Institute on a national level, based on the evidence.
    Back to the biker gang… If they can stay within the same organization, yet change city allegiances, do we have the same capabilities? Because III is fucking shit up here in LA!!

  • #12636
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    For shits and giggles, let’s think of this as maybe a biker gang.. If we don’t have faith or have problems with the local chapter leader, we can possibly join a different chapter. Seems @mumumusings gets the same messages that we do here in LA, but yet he’s in Missouri. Maybe he’s in a different chapter of the OOA, but hears the whole breakdown of LA business. There was certainly someone there the other day in Missouri to drop off a message and someone there to intercept Mr. Reddit Guy, on top of that, what the letter had as of national information on the OOA Institute. Not a big leap to assume they have different chapters within their Institute on a national level, based on the evidence.
    Back to the biker gang… If they can stay within the same organization, yet change city allegiances, do we have the same capabilities? Because III is fucking shit up here in LA!!

  • #12641
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Then I think it’s time to go “Sons of Anarchy” on III.

    I know there are those within the OOA who are in the middle of a complicated power play… I’m sure there isn’t a single Apostle here who isn’t willing to help them.

  • #12642
    Profile photo of Cody

    What do you propose Andrew?

  • #12643
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @kasch are you proposing a vote for Mayhem?

  • #12646
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    I second this! Vote for mayhem. Throw the beast out.

  • #12647
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Chaos and mayhem?! That’s my jam!

  • #12648
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Yes. I propose MAYHEM.
    Together, the “Prospects” are strong!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #12651
    Profile photo of Mike

  • #12653
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

  • #12655
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    It seems like a Mayhem vote it is then. All those in favor of Mr. Mayhem meeting III vote aye. All those opposes… nay

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #12656
    Profile photo of

    I would like a detailed spreadsheet showing me exactly what “mayhem” entails and what will be required of me, especially over the next four days.

  • #12657
    Profile photo of


  • #12658
    Profile photo of GATEKEEPER3

    Oh, @kasch, your desire and aspirations sadden me.

    I applaud your initiative, but do you not think others have tried?

    Sadly, this is not the way it works.

    I had so much to teach you… the knowledge I possess grows every day.

    Now, you will become another statistic. One more name in a growing list.

    I wish you would have contacted me directly, and we could have saved ourselves from the theatrics.

    You hold out hope for a savior, look in my reflection and come to understand it is III.

    Yours In Light,

  • #12659
    Profile photo of Ezi

    Mayhem!!!! Aye!

  • #12661
    Profile photo of


    Prepare for War!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #12662
    Profile photo of

    Uh oh.
    I think @kasch might be the subject of the next Periscope video?

  • #12664
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @coryphella Mister Mayhem – Death. ” Meeting Mr. Mayhem” is SOA euphemism for killing someone.

    As for specific details, that is left up to the one who proposed the vote. He may do as he wish and entrust the help of those who are willing.

  • #12665
    Profile photo of Mike

    Honest question here: but what can we do right now? If we all vote for chaos and mayhem, how will that be implemented? We don’t know where III is and he still has power over everyone and I’m assuming, still has the people close to him, terrified of him. They never said this is a democracy and III always said he is final in everything.

    I’m in no way sticking up for him, but I feel we need to holster these ideas until we can actually act on them. Maybe once Plan B goes into effect?

  • #12666
    Profile photo of


  • #12667
    Profile photo of

    *points to Mike’s post*

    See? Spreadsheet. And calendar.

  • #12668
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @gatekeeper3 although I respect your ranks, I’d like some questions answered. You continue to say you have so much to teach us but what is it? We are still waiting. It feels as things have fallen off course and going back onto the correct path does not seem to be your plan. If you could please give us a heads up to your plan I am sure we will all figure this out together. We are reasonable people but the Mayhem vote stands if we do not get answers.

    Edit: Spelling and Grammer

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #12669
    Profile photo of Mike

    One spreadsheet won’t do…I think we need Four

  • #12670
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Sons of Anarchy. Great show if you’ve never seen it.

  • #12671
    Profile photo of

    Oh. It’s Hamlet, with the guy who was smart enough to back out of 50 Shades.

  • #12673
    Profile photo of GATEKEEPER3

    I am sorry @nking were you under the impression that III answered to you?

    Paths now altering. III recommends think before you speak.

  • #12674
    Profile photo of

    *grabs popcorn*
    *from couch in Minnesota*

  • #12675
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    You are nothing without the support of this forum.

    I vote MAYHEM.

  • #12676
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @gatekeeper3 I mean no disrespect, but we all have questions and you continue to promise teachings. We as a community are asking for those teachings to be brought forward. I do not expect you to answer me. Considering this is the first time you and I have had actual contact back and forth, I figured I speak up and stand behind my community in wanting answers since I have been so passive the past few weeks. Is there seriously anything wrong with that?

  • #12677
    Profile photo of

    If I had the power to produce Four spreadsheets I would in a heartbeat. I’m really good at Excel but not THAT good.

  • #12678
    Profile photo of Mike

    @nking – You blind fool. He has taught us many things. He has taught us never to question him. He has taught us that if we speak up, we risk ridicule and losing our jobs. He has taught us that, it IS better to be feared than loved/respected. He has taught us about emotions. He has taught us about power trips.

    Sigh, Neil…all of his teachings are right there in front of us


  • #12679
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J
  • #12680
    Profile photo of Mike

    There’s no need to bring mac and cheese into this!!!

  • #12681
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Oh @mike you are so right. I have been so blinded by the light. Reved up like a duece another runner in the night. Ahaha. Those are teachings that do not lead to enlightenment but blind hatred and fear. Quite the opposite of enlightenment.

  • #12682
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    What did you expect, @gatekeeper3?

    You cut down @mike, murdered Aleister, and declared yourself “King of Anoch Mountain”… Did you really think we’d all stay quiet like good little submissives as you dismantle the entire infrastructure and make narcassistic posts? Since day one, we’ve been encouraged to be open and honest about our thoughts on these forums and that doesn’t change no matter who is in charge. We’ve shown you infinite patience, while you have shown us none. If you’re going to step up and be a leader, do it now. But don’t play the evil warden and be surprised when there’s a prison riot.

    As for the rest of you in the OOA, @gatekeeper4 , Addison, etc… I think it’s safe to say that everyone here supports you. I don’t want to speak for the entire community, but I think it’s pretty obvious that each and every one of us has your back and will do whatever it takes to restore some order to The Order.

    • #12687
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Exterimate the brutes!

      You only had our respect to gain @gatekeeper3. Now you have your power to lose.

      I stand with Four.

    • #12948
      Profile photo of Nosnevets



    • #12956
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Ha! I would much rather be D10 when he goes nuts in that one episode and makes that dude a scarecrow for all eternity.

      Ain’t no one wants to be a Dalek.

  • #12683
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Mac N Cheese is more enlightening than @gatekeeper3

  • #12688
    Profile photo of Rusty

    My thoughts immediately went to Addison since it seemed she was being “groomed” in some way from r the future.

  • #12690
    Profile photo of Ezi

    @gatekeeper3 you are about to have a revolution on your hands it seems, maybe if you can get off your high horse and show some humility you might avoid it. Or better yet, step down and let GK4 take the reigns again.

    • #12691
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      The imogenous amoeba doesn’t understand the meaning of humility.

      Though self preservation is a natural instinct that might kick in.

  • #12692
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Mr. Ohio is watching. They need to know that we, as one, stand with them so they can make their move.

  • #12693
    Profile photo of Melissa

    @mike, Here’s my suggestion going SOA on III:

    We don’t know where he is so there’s not a damn thing we can do. III only seems to feed on our defiance and dissent.

    Just ignore III.

    Maybe baby simply needs a time out.

    • #12694
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      That is quite the opposite to what the SOA does. If they do not know where someone is… they find them. It happened so many times in the show. I am sure with the right questions we can find whoever we want. Imagine if the SOA put one of their countless enemies in “time out” – how do you think that would go?

    • #12698
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Never saw SOA but I get the basic plot @nking. :)

      Because I don’t believe in death as a form of justice, I’m going to take the ignore III route and focus on other items. If we collectively did this perhaps it will smother the fire?

    • #12703

      @mkarrett Remember when @gatekeeper3 showed such stunning compassion towards @mumumusings? This would suggest to me that somewhere inside GK3 there is a hint of kindness. Drawing that out might be the best outcome the apostles could hope for.

    • #12704
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      He’s had the chance plenty of times, instead he chose to act high and mighty, ban or destroy allies to us, and burn down the community we formed here. His sins are not to be forgiven from me.

      I stand with Four.

    • #12705
      Profile photo of Cody

      True dat kim!

    • #12707
      Profile photo of Melissa

      @electrichippo, thank you for bringing that up, I think that is a good reminder to all during these times.

      Perhaps killing III with kindness is the answer.

    • #12709
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Not for nothing, but @electrichippo has made her alliegance known… And she wants this place calm.

      What does that say?

    • #12711
      Profile photo of Melissa

      I dunno, Kim doesn’t like drama? I can’t really speak on behalf of @electrichippo though.

    • #12714
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      This isn’t drama.

      This is a revolution.

    • #12718
      Profile photo of Cody

      I think you may have revealed your hand to soon Buz. I’m with Mike and Megan and M.K. here. Art of War is laughing from the sidelines. lol

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #12733
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      If you’ve read the art of war, you’d chuckle at what you just wrote.

    • #12715

      @thebuz It says, as @mkarrett suggests, that I’m not a proponent of violence. I am also not a proponent of control and manipulation which is why I fled the OOA. Many will balk at this statement and that is your choice, but for me, OOA did not look to be what I need in my life.

    • #12734
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I dabbled in pacifism once… Not in ‘Nam of course.

    • #12710
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Did III offer Overseer Kindness, did he offer @mike kindness, how about Alesiter, and we are still not sure about @regent7… was he in a wheelchair prior to meeting with III? I may have missed a bit of that but doesn’t sound like it.

    • #12735
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      Can we take III out ourselves? No. But we aren’t powerless either.

      We have known since the beginning that III has been a problem… That the OOA is in trouble. That we need to be active in this experience.

      What can we do? We can raise our voices in solidarity and show where our allegiances are. Let the true OOA know that we are here to do whatever is asked if us. That IS power.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #12697
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Use your mod powers and ban him?

    • #12700
      Profile photo of Melissa

      MODS don’t have that power.

    • #12754
      Profile photo of Rusty

      I agree with some of your logic @mkarrett
      I think this thread may simply be fuel for III’s fire.
      My mother used to say something about the dangers of “pissing in the wind.”

  • #12695
    Profile photo of Mike

    I love you guys, but comparing a bunch of horror nerds to 1%ers and the guys in SOA is…just…too…much.

    “When keepin it real goes wrong”

    • #12699
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Low Energy. Make Tension Great Again!

    • #12706
      Profile photo of Cody

      Bahahaha @mike. Keepin it real went WAY wrong today. lmao.

    • #12756
      Profile photo of Rusty


  • #12708
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Bring it.

    • #12712
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      so jon snow is III?

      seems you want his head

    • #12713
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Nah, other way around. Though I’d make @nking or @kasch Snow. I know I’m a Tormund kind of guy.

    • #12717
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      View post on imgur.com

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #12726
      Profile photo of

      The point of this entire battle was that Jon Snow did a REALLY BAD JOB at leading.

    • #12730
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Symbol of standing alone against all odds.

    • #12732
      Profile photo of

      You better hope your sister’s around to save your ass then.

    • #12737
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      All I can say is that I won’t bend the knee to @gatekeeper3.

    • #12744
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      GK3 = Ramsay Bolton

    • #12746
      Profile photo of

      If GK3 = Ramsay Bolton, then who is Euron Greyjoy? Because Book!Euron is about to make Ramsay look like a kitten. Show!Euron is just a dick so far.

    • #12747
      Profile photo of Lukas L
      Lukas L

      You are generous as you are divine, O King of Kings. Such an offer only a madman would refuse. But the, uh, the idea of kneeling, it’s… You see, slaughtering all those men of yours has, uh, well; it’s left a nasty cramp in my leg, so kneeling will be hard for me.

    • #12740
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      i think calling for III’s murder does not make things right.

      first of all, who is regent 7? We don’t even know. Could he be bad? Good? Who knows. Is he really crippled? How would we even know, we never met him and he barely spoke to us

      Is overseer really dead? how would we even know, we never met him.

      In fact, could anyone here even describe these characters’ physical appearance?

      Why should we care enough to ask for someone’s death over things that may or may not have happened and characters we have no relationship to.

      Also, four was before some people’s time here on the forum. But I’d like to point out that she was not nice or nurturing anyone on their _path toward whatever this enlightenment supposedly is.

      what if III truly does possess the enlightenment that the OOA is claiming to want to give us. Maybe it’s not the enlightenment some of you seek, but how do we know? We don’t even know what it is we are seeking.

      also, those who ask for blood should be ready to give it, as history, and GoT, has proven time and again that an eye for an eye merely leaves everyone blind (I know, hackneyed)

    • #12761
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @endlesspictures You make very valid points. Calls for violence and death and banishment? Really? What will be left and who will take the place of those removed? Yes, there is disturbing stuff going on but are we becoming what we seek to eliminate?
      My own version of “eye for an eye.” – If we destroy the House where we all dwell to prove a point or to show dissatisfaction… that simply leaves all of us without any shelter.

    • #12765
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      He threatened @kasch.

    • #12767
      Profile photo of Mike

      He did? By saying his name is being added to a list? I wouldn’t say that’s a threat at all :)

    • #12773
      Profile photo of Mike

      Unless this is the list

    • #12774
      Profile photo of

      I’m here for your photoshopping needs, Mike.

    • #12776
      Profile photo of Mike

      I don’t know what you’re talking about 😉 That was straight from the movie. Crazy coincidence!

      PS thank you 😀

    • #12782
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      @mike – I direct you back to formerly-living members of the OOA who became one of III’s “statistics.”

      Believe me, I’m watching my back right now.

    • #12785
      Profile photo of Mike

      Oh I get it @kasch, but we are still all assuming there have been deaths. We’re also assuming that what he said to you was meant as a threat. I mean, Santa puts us all on a list and we’re not making threats to go to the North Pole to feed him to his reindeer :)

    • #12964
      Profile photo of Cody

      Love the labowski drop. The dude abides!

    • #12779
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      @Rusty …. I think this is happening because we feel like we need to PROTECT our house. Unless III drops some sort of epic truth bomb, the majority see him as a threat to the Order. For all we know, he’s actually Sentinel and not-so-secretly destroying it from the inside. (Remember, we were told that they had infiltrated the OOA).

      That being said, I’m tickled pink that one Sons of Anarchy joke led to total chaos…

    • #12753
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      Wait, wasn’t Jon Snow stabbed to death by his own men?

  • #12736
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @gatekeeper3 Things seem to be falling apart at the seams for you. Great leaders do not lead through tyranny. A tyrant will always fall. @electrichippo has mentioned you have shown moments of kindness. Perhaps you have lost your own way a bit, tasting power can do that to a person. I don’t know but I’m guessing the more you show a tyrant’s colors, the more Apostles will stand with another. The Apostles are losing their patience, some already have. It’s chaos and not a good kind. People are wanting to wage war against you. There’s been suggestions of hunting you down. This is not good… well, not good for you. Because can’t you see what is happening? Your quest for complete domination is only making the community stronger (stronger in standing against you)… I don’t know, my take is that you view those of us below you as weaker than you.

    Maybe you should watch A Bug’s Life, @gatekeeper3. Unfortunately, it’s not available on Netflix but you can rent it on iTunes for $3.99. It’s a delightful Pixar film. What’s important though is you will see what happens when a community stands together against a tyrant. 😉

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle. Reason: typos and fixing redundancy
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #12745
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    Caps thread was the embodiment of mayhem.. maybe it’s time for a round 2? We know III isn’t a fan of capital letters.

  • #12749
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    My heart is with @thebuz but my brain is with @mumumusings & @mkarrett. I guess it comes down to what the hand does.

    • #12751
      Profile photo of Mike

      “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop”

    • #12757
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I don’t want a split with us.

      I want us to stand together.

      I understand your position though, and won’t fault you for any stance you choose!

    • #12781
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      hey @monkeymuffin333 remember that time you told me I was being rude to III?

    • #12794
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      You sir, are a saucy imp. I dig that. 😁

  • #12777
    Profile photo of TheBuz


    Bag of Dicks

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of TheBuz TheBuz.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #12784
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    I think @thebuz should start a new thread:

    who wants to help me kill III

    • #12795
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      What’s funny is I never said “kill III”

      I want him removed from these forums and from the OOA.

    • #12798
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      let’s just say it’s been heavily implied then.

      I’m trying to say, ahem, moderators, this thread has spiraled very far away from discussing the letter

    • #12800
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      I’m personally fine about it running wild. Lots of interesting things are happening because of that. Reminds me a lot of how my brother and I interact-we talk about one thing, jump onto another and another and another random thing then try to backtrack to the original topic at hand but we end up laughing at how out of hand our conversation got. 😀

    • #12799
      Profile photo of Mike

      Yeah but you did say

      If we’re treating this like a biker gang then III is going to find himself on the wrong end of a barrell.

      So if you’re taking what he said to Andrew as a threat, then this could definitely be taken as “kill him”

      Just saying….devil’s advocate :)

    • #12804
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Yeah, but this is an online forum with a power hungry person in charge who threatens us and others around him.

      But I will say this… Based on the sorts of things I wrote down in my questionnaire… I am not afraid to protect myself, and III knows this. There’s a reason he hasn’t responded directly to me.

      He also might not be totally human so there’s that, too.

  • #12947
    Profile photo of Melissa

    In honor of your tag @thebuz I’m just going to leave this link for you. 😉

    • #12949
      Profile photo of TheBuz


  • #12950
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O
  • #12951
    Profile photo of Mike

    What we’re really doing

    • #12953
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Speak for yourself.

      When you play the game of thrones…

    • #12955
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      now I have regrets about suggesting III watch game of thrones…

  • #12957
    Profile photo of

    Jeez guys

  • #12961
    Profile photo of Mike

    @gatekeeper3 I wanted to bring this to your attention in case you wanted to attend. Let me know if you do and we can possibly meet up! It’s in LA at Machine Project 😀

    Be the Cult Leader You Wish to Follow

  • #12963
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    I had no idea bringing up the comparison of the OOA to the SOA would cause all out Mayhem! This is insane, but so much fun!! I for one will be a voice against @gatekeeper3 until he is removed and someone else steps in. Hopefully, it will be @gatekeeper4 but at this point, anyone could be doing a better job at guiding their Apostles than III is doing. Oh and by the way, I vote Aye!!

    • #12965
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I’ll be the voice next to you dude.

      This is simply about removing III from power.

      He has proved to be an incompetent and ineffectual gatekeeper and power most certainly should not be centralized to him (which is exactly what he has been doing).

      I don’t care if he’s shown kindness here and there, he is not the leader we need nor the one we deserve.


  • #12810
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    thank you @mkarrett I do not envy your job

  • #12939
    Profile photo of Melissa

    @endlesspictures thank you chocolates may be sent to the following address lol jk

  • #12941
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Thank you for keeping it all intact. I was concerned you were deleting everything.

  • #12944
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Quite presumptuous @thebuz, what do I look like, @gatekeeper3 ? 😉


  • #12946
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Fuck you GKIII

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