My call came in…


This topic contains 45 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of TheBuz TheBuz 8 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #15151
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    It was a male voice. It asked me “What has the OOA done for you?”

    I paused… and then the voice said “That’s right. Nothing. I think it’s time you join us. The BOS. Pledge your allegiance.”

    I answered with “Fuck no” and they hung up.

    But as I sit here… and ponder their question… I have to admit… the OOA literally has done nothing for me. Nothing.

    So here I sit.. with this dilemma. Knowing I have to pick a side… even though I thought I had already decided.

    And I feel like I must make this right. My voice was not heard before… so maybe I can do a little good in this world.


    I hope you guys can accept me, despite my previous actions. I sincerely apologize… for everything. I am at your disposal.


    @nking, @kasch, and @kingkill33- I am sorry that I just can’t be associated with you guys any longer. The first step to forgiveness is cutting out the bad and admitting your flaws. I implore you to reconsider your positions. Again sorry, the friendship you’ve all shown me is greatly appreciated, and Andrew… when we speak next… please no Tension related stuff… I cannot discuss with you. I’m sorry again.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of TheBuz TheBuz. Reason: forgot a word
  • #15153
    Profile photo of Mike

    I can’t wait for you to back up everything you said about III when you meet him in person, since, you’re now on the same side. These gifs are going to be AMAZING!!

    • #15155
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      A big man can admit when he’s in the wrong and apologize for it. Can you?

    • #15160
      Profile photo of Mike

      I didn’t see any apology to III

    • #15166
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I hope you guys can accept me, despite my previous actions. I sincerely apologize… for everything. I am at your disposal.

      However I plan on making it a personal apology directly to @gatekeeper3 as well as @electrichippo.

      I simply didn’t have the knowledge at the time. And for that, I take full responsibility. I am saddened by my actions, and all I can do is ask for penance and forgiveness. Whether they choose to accept it or not is their decision. My feelings will not alter either way.

    • #15174
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      so clearly, you’ve received more information than just the phone call?

    • #15182
      Profile photo of Amie

      I was wondering this as well…

    • #15187
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Wish I could say so. Sadly I don’t expect anyone in BOS to accept me as I wouldn’t accept me. But I gotta do what I feel is right, regardless. And right now, with everything that has been presented to us… I choose the BOS as clearly, to me anyway, they are the good guys. III may have his flaws and weirdness… but it was a means to an end, and for the better of everyone here I feel.

      The past few days have been an immense bummer to me as hearing all the whispers about me being this overly emotional alpha male and irrational buffoon got to me. So in my opinion I’d like to prove people wrong… I’m not that guy. I can be better, and I will be better.

    • #15190
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      but yet, what has BOS done for you? you said the OOA has done nothing, but what has BOS done?

      just curious as to why to you they are now the good guys?

    • #15192
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I’ve had my concerns with the OOA for some time now, and to be honest I thought what @gatekeeper3 was doing was representative of my concerns. However… knowing now that his goal is to take down the OOA from the inside out… and that the B.O.S. can stop this insidious cult and truly has bigger aspirations than just a scorned lover… It’s easy to pick, for me anyway.

      I don’t think any of us were fully on board with the OOA… we were just charmed by Four and the institute in general. The fact is though that they are indeed a cult… and a deadly one at that.

      Perhaps it’s an ends justify the means type of deal… but I know for sure that I don’t want to be with the OOA… I want to be on the side of light… not the side of dark.

      I hope others join me in the same thought process.

    • #15197
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      The choice is yours and yours alone, I admit I’ve felt like you do on several occasions in the roller coaster of a week I’ve had with you guys, but my gut told me to pick differently, just like your gut told you to pick how you did. Much luck, and congratulations for standing on your own, it’s not an easy position to be in.

    • #15201
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I appreciate that, sincerely.

      I wish you luck on your _path. I hope of course for you to reconsider in the future.

    • #15202
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      though your decision remains a bit surprising, I think your reasoning is sound. The OOA has never been up to anything good, that I am fairly certain of.

      Good luck on your new path!

    • #15206
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Thanks Jake… that means a ton to me.

      I know this is weird… but if anything this is half in game allegiance playing and half me truly wanting to better myself to everyone here.

    • #15207
      Profile photo of Mike

      The OOA has never been up to anything good, that I am fairly certain of.

      You’re fairly certain, yet you’re still here. People are choosing sides today, why not follow in others footsteps who feel the same as you and say, once and for all, what you stand for instead of complaining about the OOA?

    • #15211
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Is every post from you meant to be condescending or is that just an accident? Or am I reading more into every post you make? I know @gatekeeper3 took away your scribe gig but that doesn’t mean you need to take it out on the rest of us.

      I truly don’t know what I said to upset you, Mike… but I’m sorry for whatever it was.

      Good day to you.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of TheBuz TheBuz.
    • #15213
      Profile photo of Mike

      When people talk a big game and then don’t follow through, I just like to express my opinion. I thought everyone was ok with expressing opinions?

    • #15215
      Profile photo of Mike

      Also, that post had nothing to do with you @thebuz

    • #15222
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      You 100% are allowed opinions, but perhaps your messaging is slightly kinked. I simply ask you just reread what you are typing to someone before you continue as it has come off as rather condescending to me. I won’t speak for anyone else.

      Again, I doubt your intent is such… but perception is reality.

      Sorry again if I said something to upset you in the past. Was not MY intent either.

    • #15242
      Profile photo of Mike

      I know what I said and how I said it.

      I’m sorry if I’m not buying the whole “FUCK OFF jk ok I’m BoS now lol” when you have been one of the most vocal people, to the point of annoyance, of the “Let’s kill III” bandwagon. Now, all of a sudden, you’re ok with teaming up with someone who you said “threatened your best friend”. III threatens him, you declare war, and now you’re allies. So yeah, if you got any sort of attitude from my posts, that’s why.

      You did nothing to me personally, but like I said, when I see something that doesn’t seem right, I call it out.

    • #15244
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Yep. Fully copt and admit to that… You know what it got me? Nothing.

      I was given a choice… And I’m choosing for my own sake.

      And honestly… With me joining them… I hope I can convince them to not hurt @kasch or better yet… Show @kasch the light once I have more info.

      That is my thought process.

      And you didn’t hide your annoyance, but I apologize none the less. Hope you can choose your own way.

    • #15216
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      Not complaining at all, merely stating what I have observed.

      As of yet, no one has asked me to choose a side and nobody on the forums, in my opinion, has the right or sits in a position to tell me I have to pick one side or the other or leave the forums.

      Also, as I said above what has BOS done for us either? I’m not sure they are up to anything good either. That’s why I prompted Buz for more info.

      If there is some info against the OOA that would cause me to side with BOS I would be willing to hear it.

      Otherwise, I’m happy to straddle both sides until the choice is forced upon me.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
    • #15220
      Profile photo of

      There is. III gave it to us in Echo Park. And Warren gave it to 3 of us at the bar a couple of nights later.

    • #15229
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      yet, there’s still no hard evidence. and warren was far from someone that I would trust.

      If he was BOS, it still seemed as if he were working for the OOA through his actions at the bar.

      Just like there’s no hard evidence that III has killed anyone.

  • #15159
    Profile photo of Amie

    Well I certainly didn’t see this coming. Good luck I suppose?

  • #15168
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    @thebuz Wish you the best bro! Gonna be a sad day when I see you taken down, along with III, and BoS!

  • #15171
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    What the hell, @thebuz???

    Pick up your phone!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
  • #15172
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    and the hits just keep coming!

  • #15177
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    Better hope they don’t RIZZO you since you said no at first 😂

    • #15179
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O


    • #15188
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      That was no fun at all, wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy haha

    • #15191
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I deserve it to be honest.

  • #15185
    Profile photo of Rusty


  • #15195
    Profile photo of Ezi

    There was a time I might have at least listened to what BOS had to say, but since I severely dislike III’s actions and cannot stand behind them in any way, I wouldn’t be able to side with them at this point. The enemy of my enemy in this case is the OOA. So I will stand with four.

  • #15196
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I just got off the phone with @thebuz. I tried to reason with him but he was unmoved.

    What a strange day this has been.

    • #15198
      Profile photo of TheBuz


      Out of game for sec if I talk to any of you outside of the forums and EXPLICITLY ask you not to post about it, please don’t. :/

    • #15200
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      Got it. Won’t say a word. Also, I wish you the best of luck on your path.

  • #15203
    Profile photo of

    Wishing you only the best, @thebuz. I hope @gatekeeper3 hears you out.
    And if by chance I hear from him/them, I’ll put in a good word for you.

  • #15205
    Profile photo of Ezi

    @thebuz please let me know if you need my services if you meet III and things don’t go so well. I’m an expert at seating people in wheelchairs 😛 I truly wish you the best of luck with your decision!

  • #15208
    Profile photo of Michelle

    Oh my, @thebuz. Never in a million years would I have never seen this coming. Good luck to you.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
  • #15210
    Profile photo of JoeKaye

    Of all the things that have happened over the last few days, this one threw me for he biggest loop. What is the ever loving f**k is happening? Is everyone defecting now?! Defecting party!!!!

  • #15214
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    did they accept you after denying the first time?

    • #15227
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      No…. doubt I’ll be able to post here for much longer.

  • #15233
    Profile photo of

    I don’t think Warren was BoS, but I do think that he was sent to tell his story as evidence of the OOA’s wrongdoing.
    And was sent by Aleister, who some suspect (note: it’s in the timeline) was working with BoS.

    • #15243
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      he told his story, but without specifics or any evidence. just saying “they’re up to some no good shit man!” that’s not enough for me to jump ship

      But I also won’t blindly swear allegiance to a vengeful cult-like organization

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