Periscope – 7/19

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Periscope – 7/19

This topic contains 45 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of 111_error 111_error 8 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #15850

    Four, you looked exactly as I had imagined


  • #15852
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Four, you treat Addison exactly as I had imagined.


    • #15856
      Profile photo of Rusty

      A bit bothersome, yes, @111error But I have faith that Addison is a strong spirit. She will thrive in the end.

  • #15853
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    YESS!!! It is ON!

    • #15854
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      It’s tough love, @111error

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
  • #15857
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    I trust you have your plans set ~four… If you need help, you know who to call.

  • #15859
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    I said this on facebook but I’ll reiterate here.

    The fact that they had a fire going in the middle of July in LA is enough for me to pledge allegiance to @gatekeeper3 and BoS.

    • #15862
      Profile photo of Rusty

      That made me laugh!
      There have been many references to “burning,” @thebuz I thought you were one of those that wanted fire?

    • #15864
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I want the OOA out. If that means burning it all down, so be it.

      I’ll carry the torch myself!

      But good god it’d be hot.

    • #15868
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      seriously, it’s 95 out! that means they probably have their ac up too high, which means they’re using an excessive amount of precious energy. down with four!

    • #15869
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Seriously! She probably has a huge lawn that she keeps watering even though we’re in a drought! And Addison was tearing apart a flower!


    • #15876
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O
  • #15860
    Profile photo of Freedom's Flame
    Freedom’s Flame

    ~four has made her intentions clear; Friday, ladies and gentlemen, the dance begins…

  • #15861
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    @gatekeeper3 rest up, sugar!

  • #15863
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    late to the party, but catching the recap on periscope now.

    Dance Card Punched.

  • #15865
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Just caught up. That was amazing! Super stoked to see what happens on Friday! I will be leaving to be out of town for the weekend on Friday so hopefully it comes at a convenient time.

  • #15866
    Profile photo of Michel

    Long time thing doesn’t moved,i’m hook up for what to follow. Just not expect me to take side, both side seem as bad than the other.

  • #15870
    Profile photo of Mike

    Friday will be interesting for sure! Also, I’m not seeing how Addison was treated badly. She had a flower snatched out of her hand, that’s really it. If Four is training her, then the training isn’t done and a mission this big needs to be done by Four. Maybe Addison can learn from the master on this one.

    PS – Four, save me a dance…preferably it’s on the grave of someone or the ashes of something.

    • #15871
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I also see it as training, I’m sure we will see Addison grow into her own badassery.

    • #15872
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @aleocotillo She *was* a badass, but that was before the night she burned photos of her past in a blood ritual. Since then, she is not the Addison we knew, she is obedient and quiet and ..

      .. I guess it doesn’t matter any more. I just hope she’s safe.

    • #15873
      Profile photo of

      I agree with the no bad treatment of Addison. I don’t remember ever having seen a badass Addison prior to the burning of the photos or since. I think Four will make her stronger. If III doesn’t make pancakes out of her on Friday…

  • #15877
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I don’t care what kind of psychic jibber-jabber power III has… he’s no match for the feisty brains of @gatekeeper4. Make this pancake eating Eyes Wide Shut reject quake in his boots!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • #15879
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Haha! “Eyes Wide Shut reject” is awesome!

    • #15881
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      As opposed to Four’s patronizing lust speak?

      At least @gatekeeper3 is proactive and not just pontificating in the shadows.

    • #15882
      Profile photo of Melissa

      …And somehow torturing someone with butter knives was alright? Torture? @regent7 was basically III’s damnit doll. Somehow this is acceptable in contrast to some sharp words?

      We’re going to agree to disagree with this one I’m sure but I just wanted to toss this little fact out there for your consideration. :)

    • #15885
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      yet @regent7 is fully capable of leaving, stealing something from III and making a phone call?
      Doesn’t this almost prove that III was exaggerating his claims of violence?

    • #15891
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Fair enough assumption, but if you approach it from the place that these people are trying to indoctrinate and recruit young women away to join their cult to raise an old God… Perhaps maybe it’s a fight fire with fire scenario.

      No one is innocent.

  • #15880
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Well now! What an interesting turn of events! @111error, yes ~four may seem harsh but I even had to admit, the whole “should I meet him”/”should I not” got real old real quick. Sometimes tough love is in order to make one grow up a bit.

    • #15883
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Hypothetically, I might be referring to previous events too. Torture? I think you remember the donut mixer and what we were about to witness, right?

    • #15884
      Profile photo of Mike

      The thing is, we didn’t see anything from either side. All we got was talk. At the mixer, we got told what “would” happen and were interrupted, then III was putting ideas out there (butter knives, staple gun, etc) and we filled in the blanks. I hate to say this, but III never said he was going to hurt Regent 7…we all assumed based on the information given. The only time there was any sort of morbidity was when III removed the tongues of the OSDM.

    • #15886
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      I agree. This is why I cannot deinitively choose a side. It’s just heresay from both sides with no evidence.
      However, I do agree with @111error that what the OOA was about to do to Addison at the mixer is the closet I’ve felt to being absolutely not okay with something. So OOA most definitely leads the way for me in being shady

    • #15887
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      What did they say was going to happen to Addison?

    • #15888
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @aleocotillo They brought her out to be stripped in front of us, and tortured for two hours, for undefined violations of conduct.

      Two (maybe more?) people were asked if they were strong enough to watch Addison be tortured for that long.

      As they were about to start, Tom Barrow, who claims he is her father, and who Addison called out to as “Daddy”, burst in through the back of the room and tried to save his daughter. Due to that interruption, the OOA ended the event and left, dragging Addison with them.

    • #15889
      Profile photo of Cody

      Yeah, the phrase “strong enough” is laughable to me.
      I think one must be strong to stand up to such things.
      It would be more acurate to describe someone as twisted enough to watch 2 hours of something like that.
      I still like to believe that it was a test of sorts.
      The event was planned to stop it before anything actually happened…

      So just to clarify @111error, Where do you stand in all of this? Have you chosen a side? Where do your loyalties stand?

    • #15892
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @sovereignskies Fair enough, you’re right, I haven’t stated my allegiance publicly.

      Addison used to communicate with me, in tears, talking of being in constant pain, being scared, and of having her memory gradually erased in the ‘cap’. In one Tension Experience video, we once even spotted a flash frame that said “Make her forget all that she knows.”

      Addison once asked me to promise that I would always support and help her. I made that promise.

      After they burned her past in a blood ritual, she changed. Not everyone acknowledges it, but she is clearly not the Addison that begged Russell and myself to help her.
      How can I trust people that would do this to her? That would strip and torture her for hours in front of strangers?
      How can anyone support the O.O.A. in this knowledge?

      I don’t know why ~Four and Addison sent me flowers and the USB drive of information. Was it an apology? Was it coercion? I’ve had no further contact and do not know. I delivered the intended message, but have been left to choose my own _path from here.

      I stand with the BoS.

    • #15893
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Well said dude. Glad to stand with you.

    • #15894
      Profile photo of ReidV

    • #15897
      Profile photo of Cody

      I had wondered for a while now @111error.
      Thank you for clarifying.
      It has been hard to decern with your comments. Always back and forth.
      I do find it funny how you defame the OOA for the “torture” that was to occur, and yet you make allegiance with those whom coordinate and collude with someone who openly states they are a murderer.
      I am not sold on the murderous nature of three nor the torturous nature of the OOA.
      As @mike has pointed out… the only thing close to supporting three being a killer are his own words.
      Much as the OOA has only threatened or talked of things of a dark nature.
      They seem the same to me in this regard.

    • #15916
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @111error… interesting, how we differ. My friend, I see your points, I truly do, but everything you state encourages me to stand with @endlesspictures in a grey zone that seems to be getting larger rather than smaller. And… if there truly is no grey zone, then I am not sure how you plan to stand with Addison while leaning toward the “opposing team.” Both sides have shown that murky depths may harbor unknown monsters.

      Yes, we have witnessed a change in Addison, but we do not know the details of how this change has been encouraged or orchestrated. I must take her at her own word. She stated she trusts you and me. If my loyalty is to be tested, I will be loyal to her before I am loyal to BOS or OOA. I am willing to be tested. As @mike states, there seems to be many assumptions being made theses days. Recently, @thebuz apparently saw the same things you saw, @111error, and asked me if I could see them, too… I cannot. Do I sense @mkarrett and others rethinking the conclusions jumped to in the past, perhaps?

      I believe our goals are in alignment, Sir… but we seem to see different paths leading forward.

    • #15917
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I keep wondering why Addison apologized to you during the phone call where she asked if she could count on you. Is there still something coming?

    • #15920
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @aleocotillo I think it may be a simple expression of concern. If something bad is coming, for me personally or for the entire community, she may feel helpless and may not be free to offer any guidance or specific warning to any of us.
      “I’m sorry,” may be a simple acknowledgement that whatever is coming is… inevitable.

    • #15921
      Profile photo of Mike

      This reminds me of a call I had received from a couple months ago. It was a female (maybe it was Addison? I didn’t know enough about her voice back then) and I got a similar message. It was basically something like “I’m sorry for what’s about to come next. I am sorry” and then hung up. Before that, she said that things would get very dark and I would need to lead them out of the dark. At the time, I thought it was about the mixer, because I hadn’t gotten an invite at that point yet.

    • #15922
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @reaton That fence is starting to look mighty uncomfortable, my friend. Are you going to stay there forever?

      I know that where you’re sitting certainly IS a delicate flower..

    • #15890
      Profile photo of Melissa

      You’re right guys, I got carried away with loaded assumptions. The butter knives could have been for IIIs pancakes.

      Still ~four hasn’t stripped Addison, it was that older man in the scarf that led that (or well, tried).

  • #15895
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    Let’s dance y’all

  • #15915
    Profile photo of Blondie

    Ugh, I always miss the fun! Stupid 8 hour time difference and inability to get Periscope to work on *any* of my devices…

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