What belongs in this forum?

Tension brand Forums NEW ASPIRANTS, Begin Here What belongs in this forum?

This topic contains 36 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Jon Jon 8 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #8463

    NEW ASPIRANTS, Begin Here

    This forum is geared towards new Disciples. Experienced users are able to post resources that newbies would find useful. Tips, tutorials, and guides all belong here. New Disciples will be able to use this thread as a starting place, and are free to ask all of their basic “How do I ___” type questions, as well as publicly introduce themselves if they’d like

  • #8510
    Profile photo of Chris424

    Hello im chris by the way. I have a question im stuck on the puzzle with the 5 senses and i spell out sense and it doesn’t seem to do anything but take me bk to the home page

  • #8511
    Profile photo of Cody

    Thats odd. It should work. Sometimes it glitches. Id suggest trying again. You have it right. It will make a noise an the commit button will go red. then click the commit button not the camera.

  • #8512
    Profile photo of Cody

    There is 2 possibe “e” selections for the smell sense.

    • #8513
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      The dials are a little bit fussy. Just fiddle with them and it should work.

    • #8514
      Profile photo of Chris424

      I have tryed a bunch and the commit button wont do anything

    • #8515
      Profile photo of ReidV

      I double checked, it works. Use the number bar under the first amulet as a guide, youre looking for a sequence

  • #8516
    Profile photo of Mike

    Also, try clicking them to turn them rather than dragging them

  • #8517
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    Are you on a phone or computer @Chris424?

  • #10601
    Profile photo of explodingtulips

    @TheGuilded Hello everyone! I believe I am up to date with everything but was wondering if there was anything I could actively do to aid the OOA. Also, once I feel comfortable to delve into other forums where would be the next best place to start after this one?

    • #10603

      To actively aid the OOA? The only things that you can do are spread the word and help us decipher their message.

      I’d argue that most of the conversations happen over in the Puzzles thread, as that’s where we spend the most amount of time trying to unravel the mystery before us

    • #11126
      Profile photo of explodingtulips

      Okay @thegilded thank you!

    • #10604

      @explodingtulips It’s good to see you back! So sorry I never replied to your PM weeks ago. You may have read, I’ve been on quite an adventure and was banned from the forum for quite some time. I’m back now and as resolute in my convictions as ever :)

    • #11127
      Profile photo of explodingtulips

      @electrichippo no worries! Glad we are both back on our journeys :)

    • #10606
      Profile photo of Cody

      For minute by minute updates check out http://thetensionexperience.com/activity/

    • #10607
      Profile photo of Nosnevets


  • #10608
    Profile photo of Cody

    Oh yeah, if you feel like really getting your creep on, check out http://thetensionexperience.com/members/
    You can see whos active.

  • #16241
    Profile photo of catsaregreat

    Hi, im literally super new to this, i just signed up and barely am getting my ticket today for this. What exactly should i do to begin?

    • #16242
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Start investigating other posts on this New Aspirants forum, this question has obviously been asked a lot, and it will be good practice to hunt for answers – because that’s primarily what we’re doing here.

      Find the Questionnaire on the home page and fill that out, and if you’re brave enough, buy a ticket to the event in September.

      Good luck.

    • #16243

      Welcome, @kittyyrampage – You’re already in the right forum to begin. The first step is to get acquainted with the story so far, who’s who and what’s been happening. The official timeline is a good first step. If you want more details, the stickies as well as some of the other “I’m new here” posts have links to timelines and recaps that will help you get started. Further, some of us manage the Chroniclers’ sticky which gives details week by week over the past few weeks.

      As far as activities there are puzzles and hidden links for you to find if you want to go deep into it, but I’d highly recommend just learning what’s been happening so far as a first step.

  • #18432
    Profile photo of NoLessLost

    Hi everyone! I am new to the experience and unfortunately live nowhere near Los Angeles :( I’m in the Panhandle of Florida so that leaves me to join in on the online experiences only. I look forward to working with everyone so that I may learn more and find out what all of this is…

    • #18447
      Profile photo of DimStyle

      @nolesslost don’t worry. Go through the time line, keep active in the forums. There are a few of us not anywhere near LA… I am in Saint Augustine so good to see another Florida person around! Get caught up and enjoy YOUR journey!

  • #18449
    Profile photo of NoLessLost

    I am doing my best so far LOL! I managed to get to see the video and such from the Indoctrination page. There is so much already available I don’t even know where to begin. I looked at the Forums and saw some posts regarding a diary and so much more. It is almost overwhelming!

  • #20429
    Profile photo of NerdyRedHead

    Hello! I just started and I am a little confused. Lucky for me I just moved to the Culver City area of Los Angeles. I will most likely be asking for help and clarification on here often. :)

  • #20442
    Profile photo of Lukas L
    Lukas L

    @nerdyredhead welcome. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. The forums are a little quiet right now that Ascension is going on, but there are quite a few people people on here that are very knowledgeable and everyone for the most part is always willing to help out.

  • #20447
    Profile photo of NerdyRedHead

    When I click on “INDOCTRINATION” at the top of the site I get a slide bar puzzle, once I solve it and click a small Icon at the top It takes me to a spin puzzle with the nose, eye, lips, hand and ear. Once I enter the correct word, and click “Commit” I get a picture with a gold frame that looks like it belongs in a medical office for eyesight testing. the page is “Light-is-Near” but I cant seem to be able to click on anything or go anywhere from here. Can anyone help?

    • #20485
      Profile photo of DimStyle

      @nerdyredhead you are on the right path. If it is an eye chart, what do you see? As you eluded to, you cannot click on anything on the page. So use the eye chart as it is to be used. I thought I heard mention that the follow on page may be broken. Can anyone else confirm this?

    • #20486
      Profile photo of Bryan

      @nerdyredhead @dimstyle Confirmed – it is broken, but the eventual pay-off is not. NerdyRedHead, if you think you’ve got it figured out feel free to PM me and I can point you in the right direction, assuming somebody else hasn’t already. :-)

  • #20474
    Profile photo of Tristan

    Hi All! My friend and I bought tickets on Oct 5th for Ascension next weekend, super excited! Was just wondering if I should have received any other communication or verification from the OOA. Please let me know if it seems like I’m not getting something, we don’t want to miss our event. Totally new to this whole thing, but very interested!

    • #20475
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Hi, it seems that most people get some sort of communication from the OOA roughly 12-48 hours prior to your time slot. I can vouch that that I know several people got phone calls from the OOA so make sure your phone accepts private number calls.

    • #20479
      Profile photo of Tristan

      Ok great! Thank you!

  • #20759
    Profile photo of DJKPro

    New here, hello all.
    Having issues with the eye puzzle myself. I’m lost, between a hint given by EH on Unfiction and the hints here, I may need a bit of a nudge!

    Cheers, all.

    • #20760
      Profile photo of Bryan

      @djkpro: Hello, and welcome!

      There appears to be something amiss in the eye puzzle, but all is not lost. Shooting you a PM with a suggestion…

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
  • #20799
    Profile photo of DJKPro

    Thanks, @Bryan, replied.

  • #21906
    Profile photo of SirHuxleyWiseass

    Greetings. I’m new to the forum, and just had my first experience as I “ascended” last Saturday night. I have tickets to go again this Friday. Any advice on a second time around?

    • #21907
      Profile photo of Bryan

      @sirhuxleywiseass: Hey, good to see you here in the forums! Glad you were able to grab a ticket for a second round.

      My advice? Learn everything you can here about the ongoing story of The Tension Experience. What happened in Indoctrination, what happened since Ascension started, the latest Periscopes and FB Live videos, etc. BUT avoid the Round 2 spoiler threads. The more immersed in the experience you are, the richer Round 2 will be for you – but some discoveries and conclusions should be your own.

      For me personally, I went into R2 with two objectives:

      1. A “meta objective” to be more participatory and interact more with the characters.

      2. A story/character-based objective. I wanted some answers from a certain someone.

      That approach worked well for me.

  • #21929
    Profile photo of Jon

    Hey everyone! I’m Jon. I wanted to finally create an account and give out a friendly hello. I’ve been loosely following everything since March but because I live in Philadelphia, I withheld from creating an account until now. I was able to attend Ascension back in September and returned for my second time this last Saturday. I’m still speechless at my experience going through it both times. The people I’ve met going through have just been wonderful. You all rule.

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