Winston Smith

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  • #21824
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    I hope that you find what you seek. We may not agree on the true nature of the OOA but it is clear that your heart, and the hearts of the other participants are in the right place. Good luck to you all, we’re certainly going to need it.

  • #21815
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    We are as interested as you are to see how this chapter ends. It is not our intention to impact, or disrupt you or the other attendees in any way. We will not interfere, but we do intend to observe, and collect data of our own. It’s too late to prevent what’s coming, but with any luck, we’ll be able to harness what we’ve learned here to prevent future tragedy.

    You are not the enemy, and it’s important to us that collateral damage be avoided wherever possible. We are not savages, unlike the OSDM.

    Now that it’s become clear to us that OSDM is operating on a national, and even international level, we are focusing our operations on disruption of the global OSDM criminal enterprise. That being said, it is of critical importance that we monitor and observe the events playing out in the Los Angeles chapter, as they will almost certainly have global implications for us all.

    You have nothing to fear from us. @masterlock, I’m not so sure about. She’s wound so tight, it’s hard to predict what she might do.

    Speaking for myself, I just hope whatever it is she has planned, you all make it out safely. You’d better have your seat belts fastened, cuz this is going to be one hell of a ride.

    To fund our future operations, we have taken long positions in the popcorn industry. If our own recent consumption is any indication, expect a run on supplies. You might want to stock up now, before it’s too late.

  • #21809
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    @thegilded, Things are moving very quickly at this point. We believe we’re well positioned to have sleepers present this weekend, as our intelligence indicates something big is brewing, and is likely to culminate either Saturday, or Sunday night.

    To protect the personal safety of our informers and agents, as well as our sources and methods, many, or even most of our activities must remain covert. We will send a message, OSDM will know it. It will be at the time of our choosing, and the circumstances that have the greatest impact.

    To the the extent that we can publish information without allowing ODSM easy opportunities to counter, we will endeavor to do so.

    @samson, your time with us is nearing an end. You will soon be asked to make a sacrifice. The truth of this is undeniable, but you do still have a choice to make. What will your sacrifice mean? When all that’s left of you are memories, will we remember you as the monkey, or the buzzard? Do you have what it takes to straighten up, and fly right?

  • #21727
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    @thegilded It’s not trespassing when you have tickets.

  • #21715
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    Dear OSDM,

    This can happen in any city, at any time.

    While you were focusing on all the sound and fury at your doorstep, what were you not paying attention to, as it snuck in through your back door?

  • #21640
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    They aren’t, but thats precisely because of our imperfect perception of fundamental truths. We can glimpse it through a cloudy window, but it’s difficult to pin it down precisely. The message we should take from his is not that each of our perceived realities is the truth. The message is that each of our perceived windows into this world is not only different, it’s flawed, and can’t always be trusted. What you see isn’t always the truth. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. False memories can be suggested and genuinely believed. Penn and Teller can fool us with magic tricks. We can’t trust ourselves, we must verify.

  • #21611
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    A fact doesn’t require approval to exist. Your perception of reality is definitely subjective, but reality itself is not. Either I do, or I do not have a coin in my hand. Whether you believe it, or not, whether you see it or not, does not change the reality of the situation. When I flip it, it lands on heads, or it does not.

    You are driving your car. If you fail to perceive the car turning left in front of you, or simply decide that you don’t believe it, does that prevent you from colliding with it? Do you simply glide through it, or does reality intervene as your face collides with the airbag.

  • #22620
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    That’s a cult for you, it’s all fun and games until the cyanide comes out. Just like Heaven’s Gate, a few survivors still cling to their shattered expectations, unable, or unwilling to accept the harsh, but incontrovertible truth that it was all a lie.

    Many of you have become that crowd standing in a field on December 31st, 1999, waiting for the world to end, and failing to grasp the utter absurdity of it all. A new day breaks, and the beautiful/terrible reality sinks in, that nothing. Fucking. Happened. Did they really believe the universe was going to end according to the Gregorian calendar, or any calendar at all? Is their god that…cheap?

    Why is it that the word of god always needs to be transcribed by, or spewed from the mouth of a human? Who’s words do you think you’re hearing?

    If the words are so important for us to hear, why communicate them to your potential followers through such a flawed, and corruptible method? Shouldn’t god be smarter than that? If it doesn’t matter who says the words, then the integrity of the words themselves matters a great deal. Why communicate something so important using methods that cannot avoid perverting and altering them. Would you communicate an important message for all of humanity, by whispering it into a hurricane, and expecting the wind to carry it everywhere, unaltered? Does anyone remember playing “telephone” as a child? If the Church of Anoch is thousands of years old, what do you think has happened to those words in a 3000 year old game of telephone? Is your god that…cheap?

    Seriously folks. Take a moment to recall the faces of each of those corpses we bore witness to last night. Those people died in violence. The OOA and the BOS are not your friends. Anoch is not your friend. The clockmakers and the rest of the OSDM are not your friends. They were perfectly content to carry on their twisted experiments here and elsewhere. Remember, Samson was loyal to the clockmakers, and all of those people were dead before Michelle shanked Samson. You can’t dismiss what happened with a wave of the hand, and mutterings about a lack of faith. OSDM weren’t just part of it, they were running the show. Samson gives us a speech about community while we trip over a pile of murder victims. And there you are, the believers, tripping over yourselves to rationalize it. Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

    To the believers: Just whose side do you think you’re on?

  • #21852
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    @thegilded, A fair, and excellent point. We are all individuals, making individual choices. One cannot accurately claim to represent a group, only one’s self. Each bird in a flock is not aware of the movements of the flock as a whole. Each bird is only aware of itself, and its immediate neighbors. Any number of birds can choose to fly together, for any reason. That does not obligate all birds to join this particular flock, nor does it speak for those who choose differently.

    Anonymous doesn’t have an identity, and cannot be spoken for, despite numerous attempts on the part of others to do so. Anyone who claims to represent Anonymous is almost by definition, a liar. That is true here as well.

    You may see masks, but that’s just a tip o’ the hat. The truth of the matter is that Anonymous itself is just a mask that can be worn, or not worn. It’s our actions that allow us to effect change on the world around us, not what we wear, or how it’s branded. Sometimes it’s a useful distraction when people focus on a mask, and ignore what’s actually important.

    Scientology has not yet been dismantled, but it has been de-fanged, and exposed for the paper tiger that it is. It continues to be toxic to the health, and well-being of others, but it is under quarantine, where it will remain. When was the last time you took Scientology seriously? When was the last time a journalist was afraid to write about them? When was the last time their membership was increasing, rather than facing an inexorable decline? An organization with billions of dollars in the bank can afford to keep itself on life support for quite some time, but it doesn’t change the prognosis.

    Cults are often very similar to each other in many ways, regardless of their particular flavor of dogma. To the extent that these two are similar, it’s fun, and occasionally helpful draw attention to those similarities, but it’s more important that we focus on the cult in front of us, rather than the competition, just down the street.

    As OOA likes to tell us, “You are the lie.” The Guy Fawkes mask is just as much a lie as your name brand clothing, your political parties, and your fancy sports cars. It’s a fun distraction, but *you* should be focusing on the cult in front of you, and let OSDM get distracted by silly masks.

  • #21724
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    @sadako, I’m very interested to see what @masterlock has in store for us. I’m just not sure I want to be standing next to her when she goes off. I’ll bear witness from a safe distance.

    I don’t think this is the first time OSDM has done this. @masterlock may be an anomaly in an otherwise well-oiled machine.

    Are you certain that this is the only place this story may be playing out right now? @samson has OSDM and OOA chapters everywhere. It’s so much bigger than this one @masterlock.

  • #21581
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    *Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers*

    @sadako, was there anything in the back seat of Samson’s car? In our last visit, there was a leather messenger bag. I attempted to gain access to the bag, but was caught with my hand in the cookie jar. I know it had a bottle of pills, and some paperwork inside. It was too dark to read any of it, but I’m almost certain that this bag contained valuable information.

    Whatever is going on, Addison ( @masterlock ) is the key to everything. Once we understand why she’s so important to them, we can convert that knowledge into power of our own. I regret getting such a late start in all this. So much of this chaos, and destruction to innocent lives could have been avoided if we’d understood sooner that this wasn’t just some garden variety Hollywood Cult, catering to actors. Every time we peel one layer of this onion, there’s another one underneath. Nobody puts on that many layers of armor if they’re not afraid of something.

    If Addison is just another character played by Sabrina Kern, then Thomas Barrow is a character too. Has he been helmetted as well? What is the *true* purpose behind his desire to get her back? Is there some other organization battling with OSDM for control over Addison/Sabrina/Overseer? Does OSDM have an enemy? I think so.

    To that entity: Hi. What are you waiting for? Let’s do this.

    @samson, I hope you have a bugout bag packed, cuz this house is coming down. Do you think they’re going to protect you? Nah, man, that’s not how this story ends. When the heat starts to make your bosses uncomfortable, you too will be sacrificed for their “greater good”. Is that really all you are, a patsy waiting for a fall to take? Don’t be a tool, be the hand that wields it.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Winston Smith Winston Smith.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded). Reason: Prepended spoiler tag
  • #21511
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    I don’t think @samson and the OSDM have any idea what kind of delightful mayhem a handful of experienced cultbusters can wreak on their agenda. These guys can’t even properly mask the phone numbers they threaten people from. Did they really think we came in for some personality tests? Three times? Hey @samson, I bet I know more about you than you know about me. It’s a little tougher to infomine someone who makes you work for it, isn’t it?

  • #21262
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    On our first trip through the experience, it felt like Overseer was the one pulling the strings in the OOA. Now, it seems clear to me that Samson, and the OSDM are really pulling the strings behind the scenes. Overseer is, herself, a puppet of the OSDM, and I think the helmet is the means by which they gain control over her, through manipulation of her thoughts, memories, and beliefs. OOA is just one of OSDM’s many(?) “projects”. I think we should ask ourselves, what else is OSDM entangled in, and what are they trying to achieve with the OOA?

    If you accept that Samson is not actually a true believer, then that seems to imply that the newly ascended Oracle is a fraud. Is the Oracle just another string to control the OOA through? After all, what is the purpose of the Oracle, but to receive instruction from Anoch on high. It’s easy to control a cult when the word of God comes from a mouth of your choosing. I want to meet this “Oracle”. I’m reasonably certain now that this “Oracle” isn’t actually an Oracle. What I’d like to know, is does the Oracle themselves know that they’re a fraud, or are they being manipulated, and controlled by OSDM/Samson the same way Addison is?

    Samson is clearly running a very large show. He implies that he has the power to influence national elections, and he has the power to issue instructions to “Clint” in the Midwest, or wherever he was. That suggests that Samson is not just a regional player, he’s not just running the LA branch, as it were. Is he running the whole show? Is Samson really the man at the top, or is there someone above him? If Samson is the man at the top, then the Oracle is definitely a fraud. If Samson is not in charge of the OSDM, then someone else is, and the question becomes…Who are they, and do Samson, and this hypothetical figure have the same goal, or is Samson working to undermine the OSDM from inside it? Cui bono?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Winston Smith Winston Smith.
  • #21251
    Profile photo of Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    I encountered Dr. Applebee on both my first and second visits, is he the doctor in question?

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