I see why GK4 is sew upset haha.
Anyways, tickets on sale in july= event in august??
@thebuz no other Zodiac to my knowledge, though i would check with some older members as well.
And i think we all are expecting an October event but who knows? If so…Birthday party with Ooa woo!
Anoch maybe?
I got one around 6pm!
I was asked how I was enjoying the experience (I am) and to clarify some of my stranger questionnaire answers.
They hung up promising “big plans…”
Thanks for the support guys, think I’ll try to solve the puzzles “properly” in the future haha, though it might be a good idea to revisit some searches if we are stuck in the future.
“Dark” http://thetensionexperience.com/password-protected-page/
Thanks Sean, think ill hunt around and see if i can dig up anything new. Let me know if i hit gold?
“Light” reveals this http://thetensionexperience.com/54093-2/
Beginning Is The End?
Btw Enoch has many other biblical meanings besides the loose one i provided, most can be found thru this link.
@mike there are no coincidences…
…unless you like To Kill A Mockingbird.
Can you elaborate Melissa?
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