Kimberly @ElectricHippo

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  • #17058

    Excellent question @mkarrett.

    And furthermore ” @gatekeeper2 ” … **WHY** did you slit her throat? If you owe that answer to anyone here, I say it’s me. I’m the one who sat not two feet from FOUR and bore witness to this act of violence. Explain yourself. It might be the only way you regain some of your lost little lambs.

  • #17053

    Addison: I strongly second the sentiment of @thegilded. If what you mean is you are building literal walls where those inside can be safe and sound, that would have held no appeal to me. I have my own walls and they are quite nice as is. If you mean metaphorical walls… well, the same holds true, no thank you.

  • #16921

    @lenize: Will do, Ezi :)

    I just realized the newer people might have a really hard time with my use of real names. I can modify the list to be more true to forum handles if there is enough interest.

  • #16901

    I won’t be congratulating Russell because I’m not sure appointing him Scribe truly is a gift. @reaton is one of the best human beings among us. I respect him immensely. Because of this, my one hope in all this is that Addison continues to do him no harm.

    It’s a momentous occasion. @kasch and I actually agree on something. It’s quite awkward. Let’s not let it happen again πŸ˜‰

  • #16776

    @thebuz: One does not simply give a Gatekeeper a deadline…

  • #17032

    @jpbauer: Shall I add you to the allegiance list? Considering the level of paranoia, I’m going to guess that a — is in order πŸ˜‰

  • #16968

    BOS grows stronger…

    Allegiance Notes – 8/1/16 1pm PST (draft/not official)

    Morgan(Error) – BOS
    Daela – BOS
    Kimberly – BOS
    Rizzo – BOS
    Ale – BOS
    Buz – BOS/III
    Megan – III/BOS
    Cody – BOS

    Amie – loyalty leans towards OOA
    Melissa – anti-III, anti-2, loyalty leans towards OOA
    Blondie(Greeny Bluey) – anti-2, anti-III

    Ezi – anti-III
    Neil – anti-III
    Gray (KingKill) – anti-III
    Mike Fontaine – anti-III

    Sean(Gilded) –
    Iris –
    Kristin(EPhorror) –
    Max(ReidV) –
    Nate –
    Maria –
    Tom(Pruf) –
    Jake – β€”
    Lucus –
    AddisonB – β€”
    Susie – β€”
    Ethan – β€”
    Derek – β€”
    Bumble – β€”

    Mustafa(Mumu) – OOA
    TinNose – OOA
    Freedom’s Flame – Gatekeeper2
    Michel – Gatekeeper2
    Russell(Rusty) – Gatekeeper2
    DimStyle – Gatekeeper2
    Andrew – Gatekeeper2

    *** β€œβ€“β€ means the participant made a comment stating neutrality.

  • #16965

    @blondiecamps: My super duper top secret alliance (that isn’t related to Tension storyline at all) likes you and has named you Greeny Bluey forevermore πŸ˜€

  • #16964

    @sovereignskies: Sentinel discussed Aleister’s situation with me. I trust what I was told.

    Excerpts of the relevant conversation from late May:

    Aleister’s intentions are good, but he is blackmailed into sitting this post.
    He was there when I [BOS member] was, acted a guide to those who strayed.
    Now, he is forced to do their disgusting bidding.
    OOA will blackmail ANYONE.
    Aleister is a puppet who OOA use as a front, he has no real power outside of making sure “it” operates.
    The Organizers come down hard on him if they fall off track.
    All Aleister can do is advise.
    BOS tried to get him out.
    Aleister had reasons to stay.
    OOA haven’t begun anything outside of toying with people.
    There is good within the OOA, just not those who run it.

  • #16903

    @mumumusings: @kasch and I agree that @reaton is a stellar individual. You’re correct, other than this, we are quite opposite.

  • #16895

    @lenize: Thank you for clarifying. I’m relieved to know it wasn’t a member of Sentinel. To be clear though, III did not defect to BOS. He’s not one of us. He is, hmmm… let’s keep it simple and call him an ally :)

  • #16890

    I do however despise a certain new BoS defector a lot more and will therefore have to side with the enemy of my enemy for the moment.

    @lenize: I have a vested interest in keeping track of those who turn to Sentinel. If you have a grievance against one of us, I’m available to listen and respond. If you prefer to remain silent on the matter, I respect that as well. As far as I know you have never been anything but fair and polite to others, as such, you deserve the same in return.

  • #16879

    @thegilded: This is not the first time I’ve heard reference to the ONE. ONE has taken notice. I consider my words carefully.

  • #16824

    Pleased to see the date is set for @gatekeeper3 & @thebuz.

    May this meeting result in everyone getting precisely what they deserve.

  • #16777

    @thegilded: Doubt that. I heard rumors that Benny loved mac and cheese AND fruit loops on his Dog Haus dogs, simultaneously.

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