active 8 years, 2 months ago-
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
This probably isn’t the smartest question to ask these days but I can’t help it.
@gatekeeper3: You didn’t always act in the manner you do now. What happened to you?
What happened to the gatekeeper who reached out and gave me advice at a time when I needed it?
What happened to the gatekeeper who told me that “true depression is as a human…[Read more]
Blondie posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
So, um, @gatekeeper2‘s original post was edited by @gatekeeper3… Just putting that out there… #whatdafuq
Susie J posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
It’s no surprise I have a crush on @gatekeeper3. I am attracted to strangeness and chaos. And I have mental health issues and am attracted to the same. As such I choose to stay with the OOA. But I also recognize the self-destructive tendencies within myself and though I have no issue with self-defense with extreme prejudice I can not support…[Read more]
111_error posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
@gatekeeper3 I stand with the BoS.
TheBuz posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
I beg for mercy and forgiveness @gatekeeper3. Please let me help you.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@regent7 You did not fail us. @gatekeeper3 did. If you must go, I hope you go peacefully and entrust those that remain with your mission.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
After today’s events I’m wanting to pull a @gatekeeper3 and go to sleep.
What you’ve seen you cannot unsee…
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@gatekeeper3: Please, when you get a moment, check your email account used to send my evite (begins as: k…@gmail). I’ve sent you a token of good will. Consider it a gift for hosting our meeting. @regent7: Please notify III if he is not available here to check his own messages. I assure you it’s not an instrument to do you harm. Thank you.
Cody posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@gatekeeper3 Well, Well , well. Look who’s come.out to play. 😆
Michael Rizzo posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@sambickerson right now trying to fix @gatekeeper3 and his shit show:
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Geez, @gatekeeper3, gimme a shock. Gimme a jaw dropping surprise that’ll knock me off my feet and freak me out.
Not some dopey gif.
Michael Rizzo posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
In this time of pure hate, are we not just doing exactly what @gatekeeper3 wants us to do? I feel the best way to go about this is quiet ourselves and plan this out before jumping head deep into the shit. We know 4 is going to be bringing her best, all we’re doing to stirring the pot and potentially giving 3 a bit of laughter. He does not care…[Read more]
Low Energy post. Gatekeeper III is a mess.
I think a lot of the issue is we see a stop in progression and we all feel so helpless. We want to help and get our _paths straight again. We know III is potentially messing things up and yes we can await Four but in this case patience may lead us into a deeper hole then we need to be. As for the Mayhem vote I called it because well I love that…[Read more]
111_error posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
I see people wearing V For Vendetta masks, and hurling their popcorn at the movie screen.
If this is part of the show, the screen’s getting dirty and the movie harder to watch, as intended.
If it isn’t part of the show, the usher just said they might soon escort people to the exit.It all seems very sudden, and @gatekeeper3 seems less nonplused…[Read more]
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
I have this image in my head of @gatekeeper3 carrying a little toy ray gun. He aims it at Neil, Andrew and Buz, makes some pew pew sounds and they disintegrate into the ether, never to be heard from again. Maybe the subject of your next comic @mkarrett?
Or we laugh at him as he has shown nothing but empty threats.
@gatekeeper3‘s threats haven’t been all empty. Ask Aleister, Overseer and even Regents7 what they think. Oh wait… nevermind.
You could be next.
Then I go out standing up for my beliefs. I refuse to live in fear of enlightenment. And I refuse the bidding of this sorry excuse for a gate keeper.
I was thinking a water pistol, actually. Maybe because of the summer heat. 😉
I’ll take the water pistol. It’s hot in the valley.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
I’m all game for fixing what @gatekeeper3 has broken but if he calls the bluff and the ball’s in our court do we really have to go as far as to have him killed? Is death the answer?
I believe in justice but not in the form of death.
But, when things don’t go your way, start a war, right? 😉
It appears a lot of our fellow apostles have taken a page out of the book of III Mustafa.
They say they have not learned any lessons for him yet they call for his demise.
I’m for reform, unity, healing the damaged and broken.
this of course , as I have mentioned previously, could all just be to test us.
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@gatekeeper3: Seems @kasch, @thebuz and @nking believe the OOA is something akin to a democracy… Mayhem, mutiny, and so much big talk. Those before who have stated displeasure have been directed towards the door, or worse. Fingers crossed @gatekeeper4 rides in on her white stallion and proves to be a true hero, rather than just another p…[Read more]
TheBuz posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
I’ve begun tagging the keyword “Bag of dicks” regarding any post about @gatekeeper3.
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@gatekeeper3 Your apostles doubt your ultimate power and treat you with disrespect, and you do nothing. Why is this?
Why do you continue to poke the sleeping bear?
Why should I be afraid of him? None of you are 😉 Besides, he’s not my boss (BoS).
First above… then below
If you destroy all above you and then below you, there will be no one left but you. Sounds awfully lonely @gatekeeper3
@gatekeeper3 doesn’t need friends, he has Netflix.
Your impotence is laughable. Tired of your games.
Four, if you’re reading this, I’m with you.
“As above, so below.” You who will not bow down to your superiors, you who harbor no remorse nor respect, you who are the center of what is above and what is below, what has come before and what will come after, will find that the quote is “As above, so below.” What you found lacking in your peers you will find reflected in your charges. We are…[Read more]
YEAH Susie J! Im with you girl! ❤
That is what he is basically saying. First above, then below. I think that will end up including us. I’m not afraid of III though. He can’t touch us, we are too strong together.
_Michael Gray posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Thank you for round of beers @gatekeeper4 seems like @gatekeeper3 is too busy sleeping to notice haha
Michael Rizzo posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@gatekeeper3 is a child, when someone says something that hits his feelings he drops them. That is plain coward actions. 4 was interesting and dangerous in herself, but if she can end 3, more power to her.
If ~four can easily end III, why was the OOA so much more scared of III turning up?
Also, this probably isn’t important, but … 5, four, III ..
Why no standardized naming scheme?
I believe the III thing is self adopted @111error. His official tag is still @gatekeeper3. Cool new tag function just appeared!
I do not condone his (III’s) actions. I do not think @mike deserved to be stripped of his rank.
Crazy times. I stand for unity.
I stand for the betterment of ALL.
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@mumumusings: I haven’t forgotten III’s messages to you either. They are a large part of why I have kept an open mind in my personal dealings with him. I think the answer you seek has to do with the concept of gray rather than strictly of black versus white. Perhaps III has done very bad things. This doesn’t mean he can’t also do very good things.
Yea. That’s the thing-even though he’s done some pretty wild and dangerous stuff, I’m just not fully able to accept that he’s as evil as some make him out to be. Somehow, I’ve still got faith in someone like III. I’m not sure what that says about me.
On the other hand, he’s threatening the OOA…I have been changed in a way because of my journey…[Read more]