active 7 years, 10 months agoForum Replies Created
May 7, 2016 at 2:13 pm #6660
May 7, 2016 at 1:20 pm #6658
May 6, 2016 at 2:33 pm #6576
May 6, 2016 at 2:31 pm #6572
May 6, 2016 at 2:29 pm #6570
@puppetgirl if you have too many people in your group please let me know, I can take a few and I’ll come earlier say….6:30pm?
May 6, 2016 at 10:09 am #6552
Hey guys,
I propose a meet up, just for fun/meet some of you guys. Here’s the date, let me know if you’re coming:
Friday May 13th
All Star Lanes
4459 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 900418-10pm?
May 6, 2016 at 9:38 am #6548
9. mmmm, Bacon.
May 3, 2016 at 10:54 pm #6459
Hi Kim!
I didn’t hesitate. I simply unlocked the phone with my fingerprint and closed out the Slack app so the gentleman had access to the main menu. Handed over the phone and proceeded to wonder whether the woman was saying my phone could be deleted in 120 seconds or all the information could be copied in 120 seconds*.
*made the bad choice of not equipping my hearing aids** on so there was a lot of “what did you say?” or “repeat that?!”
**yes I wear hearing aids or least I should be wearing them. -
May 1, 2016 at 2:49 pm #6284
So this was my first meeting with anybody from OOA*. I’ll be absolutely honest, I left the meeting feeling like shit. The only things that really lifted me up were three things:
1.) Talia: led me into some hallway and eventually to an elevator while I was hooded. She had a confident stride and was quite positive so I trusted her immediately. And she didn’t have me bang into a wall, bonus.
2.) The whispering man: I agree with @electrichippo that what he said at the end intrigued me so it’s probably my motivation to stay with all of this. Had he not been there I probably would have bowed out. More on this in a bit.
3.) My mini-side quest (at the end) of finding the next Apostle (which happened to be @mike) at the initial meet point and stare at him for 10 seconds. @mike would NOT stop talking and I do not have a very good poker face/ability to dead pan especially when my friend is like “yes, what, what’s up, yes?” Thanks man, I think I actually needed a good laugh.
So, the event did serve as a good food for thought but I actually feel the questions were so vague that it was a set up for automatic fail no matter how you answered. Plus the ironic dark room/very cold demeanor of the woman asking the questions made me feel on edge. This forces me to kinda think why am I going out of my way to Spread the Light in clever ways when in turn I just got treated sorta like crap. And look, while I know as you read this you’re probably thinking that I need to call the Wahbulance but I guess I didn’t expect the woman who was asking all the questions to be so condescending considering I’ve never met her. I’ll admit that I take things rather personally so if the point of this meet was for me to re-evaluate myself a bit then fine, OOA got it in the short term. As a matter of fact there was one remark that she made that made me feel so terrible about myself that I actually went home asking my husband if I am in fact a selfish person (while crying on his damn shoulder).
I know I risk of getting some flack from you guys or even the OOA but I’m just being honest here, no apologies will be given here. Will I continue with this? Yes. Was I rattled by the meet? Yes. Do I expect OOA reps to be just as hostile next time (assuming there is another event) and will I be more guarded? Most likely.
*I’m pretty sure this was not a Sentinel gig.
April 26, 2016 at 7:15 pm #6057
8: Et tu, Brute?
Mabl bl t paxxe vbiaxk hk “Vtxlxk Vbiaxk”.
May 6, 2016 at 2:12 pm #6567
@coryphella THANK YOU!!!
May 2, 2016 at 11:31 pm #6414
May 1, 2016 at 3:33 pm #6287
Sentinel called me out as weak.
Fuck those guys.
April 28, 2016 at 8:23 am #6171
That’s great @puppetgirl!
April 27, 2016 at 10:24 am #6100
Wow @electrichippo, have fun!