active 8 years, 4 months agoForum Replies Created
July 13, 2016 at 3:43 pm #15042
That was not Four’s best. As @kasch, @Buz, and myself all stated this was not for Kim to perform. This was for somebody else. If we wanted III gone we needed to make something happen. This is what happens when a community goes overwhelming passive and shuts out those who are trying to make a change and push things along. This was an exact theory stated at the party.
Lukas, four did not choose Kim. It was III who choose Kim. The pill was up to us to @daela to decide and she choose Kim who we all know is BOS!
July 11, 2016 at 6:15 pm #14645
Hey guys I just thought of something. The debate we were having was to open the package or not. Four specifically said to @daela “YOU do not open this” (meaning @daela) The package is marked FOUR MY VERY BEST – which could mean a few things or be for a few people. I think one thing that keeps getting confused is we don’t know whats in there. We know there is a pill bottle and a paper of some sorts. You all keep automatically jumping on the it will kill three wagon, but it may not. It may just be instructions and we may find out who the package is for if we just open it and see whats inside. We can’t make a decision as a community as to what to do with the contents if we do not know what the contents of the package are… am I right?
Why not let’s find out whats inside and then go from there?
July 11, 2016 at 1:29 pm #14547
Hi I’m Neil. I am an independent horror filmmaker out of Los Angeles, California with 3 short films (The Magician, A Shadow Fell, and Sleepless) all available online. I am currently editing my fourth currently titled Inked: A Prologue which should have an October release and will guide iNK Films to our first feature length. I also run the site We Are Indie Horror (www.weareindiehorror.com). WAIH is an independent horror community that spans the entire globe in efforts to connect and unite the independent horror arts. My roommate and myself started the site about a year and a half ago and have grown immensely ever since. We now span all social media platforms including a YouTube series and a podcast titled Tea Time of Terror. I am incredibly passionate about all things horror and love anything scary. I found Tension when a friend, I believe @kasch, posted the initial puzzle back in February. This has been one wild and crazy journey but I would not trade it for anything else. I listen to mostly Rock music of all kinds spanning from classic rock such as The Beatles and Pink Floyd to today’s metal such as Slipknot and Machinehead. I work a 3 jobs to pay my bills while running both projects so I am usually incredibly busy and always doing something. Anything else you want to know feel free to ask.
July 11, 2016 at 1:04 am #14455
@daela that’s so awesome you have this big decision! I for one am excited to see what you choose. Thanks for recapping in such an awesome way.
Anyways I believe the package is not meant for Kim but for someone else. The package was made before Kim was chosen. For all the reasons we discussed today, I think this falls more as the backup. There are most likely specific instructions for whoever it’s for within the package. Until that package is opened we will never find out what in it.
I’m cool with handing the package off to Kim but I’d love it if we saw what was inside as well. I don’t want this to be kept a secret. I feel like something really important lies inside that package and it’s more than just what we assume.
Those are my two cents.
PS today’s conversation was awesome. I did not believe to see any disrespect coming from either side. It was exciting and tense and we all left still being friends.
Best of luck Lauren! Whatever decision you make changes the _path for all.
Glory Be!
July 10, 2016 at 9:51 pm #14404
okay with the events tonight – I have made my voice loud and clear. As for what I believe, well the right minds heard. Does something need to happen? YES! Is it our decision, only if @daela allows it to be. It is inevitably her choice and we must respect that. She knows my opinion and I still strongly believe it regardless of what others say. We have to see what happens next and please let it allow us to the right _path.
P.S. Are anybody’s initials C.S.?
July 10, 2016 at 9:45 am #14230
Looking forward to today – see you all around 3:30-4ish!
July 13, 2016 at 3:52 pm #15064
July 13, 2016 at 3:47 pm #15053
I think your last statement is correct. Regardless, if that package would have ended up in someone else’s hands, that could have changed a lot of things. Four did not want that package to Kim. There is no way she would think Kim would do what was asked. This was the exact reason we were not for giving this to Kim.
July 13, 2016 at 3:39 pm #15028
Four did not choose Kim. The package was meant for someone on the side of the OOA and it fell into the wrong hands as suspected. III choose Kim to meet with him knowing damn well what he was going to do.
July 11, 2016 at 10:23 pm #14690
I see what you are saying, but the topic was brought to the forum for discussion. I don’t think those opposing are trying to subtly guilt but offer our opinion and other options as our minds think. It is part of a discussion, a forum, you might say.
July 11, 2016 at 9:55 pm #14687
I didn’t mean it literally. No do not close it. I just felt that every time someone tried to offer their opinion or view point they get shut down. So it just was a bad circle that kept going and going. So no do not shut it down – that was a dramatic statement to show my frustration. I’m cool now – it don’t bother me.
July 11, 2016 at 7:32 pm #14667
if we are going down the supernatural path – yeah sure that could totally be it. It also could be a sugar pill meant to act as a test for the person who receives it. The letter inside probably gives instructions or directions or even just a love note to whoever is suppose to get it and it could give us better insight into the intentions of the strange stuff in the pill bottle. I really do not know and that is part of the fun of the mystery.
July 11, 2016 at 7:20 pm #14662
To reiterate my point one more time – the second post comes from a standpoint of we need to stop thinking that whatever is in there will kill anyone. We do not know until we read the letter inside. That is really all I am trying to say. It’s another point to back up my stance yes but I cannot read another comment saying that whatever is inside will kill III because we literally do not know. If this is a dead topic then Sentries why not close this particular topic?
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Neil King.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
July 11, 2016 at 7:01 pm #14658
Look I agree with it being her decision and I completely understand that – but there is no harm in me voicing my opinion. And actually I was mentioned in getting in the decision but I felt it important that someone who has had no interaction or no personal experience go – so my selfless self did not automatically volunteer as I have been picked out by Tension in the past. I was all for @daela to go because she deserves it. She’s been in since the beginning and has been an awesome sport through the whole thing. Minus a few minor experiences at the events she never had anything major so as soon as someone said her name I was completely on board.
Guys I am not the bad guy here. I just have an opinion and an interpretation and there is no reason that I am NOT allowed to state it.
I really just wanted to point out the fact that everyone is assuming we are killing III with whatever is in there when we don’t even know exactly what it is or what instructions it entails. But if you want me to be done than sure I’ll be done. As all of you I will wait – even though it is a blast having discussions (hence the back and forth for three hours yesterday during the BBQ)
July 11, 2016 at 1:35 pm #14550
As I said before, the debate was heated. It was healthy and passionate. Honestly I loved it! I had a very strong opinion as others did as well and yeah towards the end when we knew time was getting out it got more spirited than it should have been. Nothing was malicious, disrespectful, or mean. We all left being better friends for the discussion and hugged it out with EVERYONE respecting the decision that was made, agreed with or not. We are a community. If we let this one thing tear us apart because of hearsay and a stupid game of telephone we are not only letting ourselves down as a community but letting Tension down as well as that is never their intention. We are suppose to discuss, debate, and argue. It is part of the game. @daela has a tremendous decision to make and if you want to see my opinion on the situation head over to the forum post where we are discussing “The Fate Of The Package”. I cannot wait to see what @daela choices and what decision @electrichippo will come to. Best of luck to both of you. Whatever decision is made we support you. please share with the community when said decision is made. We are all dying to find out!