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  • #8771
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @mkarrett Thank you for starting this thread, numerous people seemed to have had interactions with Addison… even if short… on Sunday.

    I tried to talk to her briefly on Sunday, I thanked her for helping answer my questions about the address, etc, since I was a last minute invitation. (She signed the email I received.) She was shy and we only had a chance to exchange a few words before Mary the Attendant 19 pulled me away… she and I had not met, so she wanted to say “Hi” at that moment.

    I have received one phone call since the event… from Addison.

    When Addison called, she thanked me for trying to talk to her, she sensed I was concerned and wanted to speak to her. It had obviously been an emotional day for her, she was dealing with a headache, apparently. She stated in that call that things were confusing for her these days and she was worried for her family.

    But, she also stated that she is UNSURE if that man who burst into the mixer on Sunday actually IS her father…

    • #8782
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @daela The phone call was brief but she did state that she was having issues with confusion. I know when I spoke with Tom, he stressed he THOUGHT the “helmet” may have had some effect on Addison… but obviously he is guessing.

      @endlesspictures Yeah, he certainly did get thrown around, but remember that Addison did call him “Daddy” at one moment. Correct?

      @111error I believe you are correct that someone mentioned in a private meeting got told the “machine” had helped them in some way… but the specifics I am not sure of. (Do not recall if that came out as the meeting started to disband… it may have.)

  • #8638
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @nking I also saw the View Master with shots of Hollywood. Something Tom expressed to me on Saturday was that, at one point, Addison did want to become an actress, I wonder if that is the connection?

  • #8634
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Hello, all. I have had a long, long day of business related meetings, etc. So, I am just now having the chance to catch up with this thread. I am exhausted, but feel I should join you all in sharing sooner, not later. Please know, I am grateful to all of you who have shared what happened for them in the room… it has revealed to me that the room was a much busier hive of activity than I had originally realized. To be honest, I was very distracted during much of the events by many things weighing heavily on my mind.

    I feel the need to agree with the sentiments already stated by several – I appreciate this community.

    Within moments of my entrance into the room on Sunday, The Leader took me by the shoulder and lead me through the back doors and upstairs to the room which has been described and mentioned in previous accounts. I appreciate @mike respecting my encounter by not wanting to give specific details that may parallel his encounter. Very kind, but not absolutely necessary. He is correct, it seems our encounters had a similar theme.

    I believe when I had the hood over my head, that the woman speaking to me was Gatekeeper 4. Her sass is admirable and unmistakable. And, she is intimidating. As the helmet and hood messed with my senses, she messed with my brain and emotions. She made it clear that she felt I had something to “give” them and she made it quite clear that I had “better make it good.” She counted down from 10 and informed me that I had better deliver something worthy at the end of the countdown… and, I failed. She gave me another chance… I am afraid I over thought what I was being asked. Was it an object? Was it information? In my mind, I truly believe it was information… and I let it be known that the previous day I had been tricked into a meeting that may reflect poorly on myself. I also revealed an instruction that I was given at that meeting

    At that point, Gatekeeper 4 gave me a moment of graceful courtesy by letting me know that I had done okay. But, I must admit, I had mixed feelings about revealing what I did.

    As some of you may know, I was not originally invited to this event. The OOA had extended an invitation to the Sunday mixer after something unfortunate happened to me on Saturday. Some of you may know, judging by Facebook postings, that a few people were going to receive some form of “lesson” on Saturday at a separate OOA meeting. Comments were made on Facebook vaguely hinting that perhaps my pain threshold may be tested in some way. To be honest, I was intimidated and nervous.

    It should be known that I NEVER MADE IT to that OOA meeting. Through a ruse, someone managed to commandeer me and a few other people into a different meeting that had been arranged for us. At this meeting I was given information about the alleged history of someone who is in the OOA. I met two people who are in great pain, and felt a huge emotional loss in their lives. They did not try to recruit me to any organization, or try to persuade me to act against the OOA. However, their tactics were, how shall I say, quite… questionable. A request was made of me to be on the lookout for a young woman who may have lost her way in life.

    Several people present on Sunday noticed how upset I was at the end of meeting when a man – named Tom – violently burst into our mixer. The reason for my upset – Tom was the man I had met the day before imploring me to help find his lost daughter.

    When that interruption happened, I was stunned and heartbroken. Could I have prevented this? I am not sure. I had no idea how to react. As far as speaking with Addison, I did so once during the mixer. Our exchange was… brief and awkward.

    I may have somehow failed in this situation. I may have failed Addison, I may have failed Tom, I may have failed the OOA. I may have failed my community. For those of you who sensed how upset I was by the events that unfolded, I hope this sheds some light on it.

  • #8329
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @kingkill33 I, too, am waiting for more information. I am confident we will receive something soon. My invitation was very mysterious and this delay is simply causing nervousness and excitement and questions upon questions to pile up in my brain. (And, my brain is requesting sleep now, and it has earned it this week! Hopefully, tomorrow will bring more… )
    Very, very curious about the weekend to come!

  • #8280
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @atticus360 Thanks for sharing here and thank you for the clarifications. I have been a little bit behind and I missed your stuff on Instagram. Glad to see it now.

  • #8781
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @mkarrett ( and @addisonborn ) I only met tall and manly Addison for the first time on Sunday. He seems cool. 😉

  • #8655
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Wow, Melissa, now that you say that… I think I remember reacting to period clothing in on of the photos. Good point. I agree… my guess is she would be in early twenties. No clue what the age of the pictures may indicate.

  • #8637
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Thank you @mkarrett for the kindness – both now and in that moment, it is appreciated.

  • #8631
    Profile photo of Rusty

    I also thumbed through several of the book quickly near the end of the day, but did not notice anything special… or written… inside them.

  • #8630
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @mike You were great and, I believe, very in tune with what many of us in the room were feeling. Congratulations on a job well done.

  • #8629
    Profile photo of Rusty

    If I recall correctly, wasn’t that image revealed from a clue left on the photo of me in the first consultation? If there is a connection, I am not clear what it would be.

  • #8628
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @monkeymuffin333 You have provided a useful account, for sure. I was distracted for portions of the meeting, for sure, and you helped fill in some blanks. I appreciate that!

  • #8627
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Wow, @halfgreekgoddess, it sounds like you got some very different instructions than other people there, for sure!

  • #8626
    Profile photo of Rusty

    It was an honor to meet you in person, Sir! Hope your journey home was smooth and uneventful!

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