active 8 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
August 4, 2016 at 3:24 pm #17517
Addison was PISSED about periscope
August 4, 2016 at 12:41 pm #17483
I can raise a glass to that.
Three was a risk we took, what happened was unfortunate and it is what it is, but it will not affect us. We are strong, and will continue to move towards our ultimate goal.They will be saved.
August 3, 2016 at 10:38 pm #17386
What I witnessed was just another OOA sanctioned killing. Killing is killing, no matter who the victim is or the reasons behind it.
August 3, 2016 at 8:02 pm #17342
Good luck bro, make us proud!
August 2, 2016 at 1:42 pm #17133
Knowledge is power and power is shared between the brothers and sisters of seraph. Unlike the institute, we do not hold back secrets from each other. We know what our organization is and what we stand for, do you know yours?
August 4, 2016 at 11:41 am #17460
100% get where you’re coming from, but let me say this. The way Buz talked about 3 before he “switched sides”, was very biased. It was never a “we need to kill three but just to save lives” it was a “I hate three so much I want to kill him”. (Obviously not exact words).
His best friend who knew this was happening is saying that we should all celebrate the death of this man. Celebration should never follow a death, even if it was to “save countless others”, this death should just be another part of the war, but people are celebrating! Trying to party because Buz killed a man!
He also did this on his own with the help of the OOA, we had no knowledge of this what so ever. He went behind our backs, and killed an ally. No matter what three has done in the past, three had not repeated his actions of killing while partnered with the BOS, nor do we even know if he would repeat again. Trust is very important to us, Buz broke that trust and then killed an ally.
I know we are in this war and that we need to doubt what anyone else says, but if you just look at this as if you were apart of the BOS… Do you really think you could stand with someone after they betray your family, lie to your family, break the trust of your family, and then kill one of your own?
We just can not do that. -
August 4, 2016 at 11:19 am #17445
Ok bb, I understand that and we all share the same mindset, We are always here for you and anyone else (BOS or not) but murder? When your “brother” who stood with you, who wanted to help people, who wanted to SAVE people, just turns his back and kills a man… I’ll be honest, I could not and will not ever stand by with that man next to me. No one here has done anything that would stop BOS from trying to help them, until last night. Until Buz with one Z went ahead and took a man’s life. We all have to make our own decisions, we make our own path… Buz made his choices all by himself, and unfortunately we just can not abide with that.
August 4, 2016 at 11:00 am #17432
If one of your fellow “FE” peeps goes ahead and does some real dirty shit (I’m talking some shit that you goes against everything you stand for). Would you really want them sitting next to you. That’s not school lunch room politics, that’s just common sense. But hey, if you guys are down with that and don’t judge murderers? Then it seems like you and the OOA have a lot more in common than you thought?
August 4, 2016 at 10:38 am #17427
Mike, when are you going to give it a rest. Up here on team “FE” and trying to come for anyone because you can’t be scribe again? Everyone knows you’d be all up in that GK2 action if she really made you scribe. (Everyone saw your original post, you were ready to kiss ass again when she mentioned you before editing the post). As for buz? Unlike the OOA and team “FE”, we aren’t too fond about senseless killing (shocking, who would’ve thought?)… All you need to know is it’s safe to say you won’t see Buz sitting with us come scare LA
August 3, 2016 at 4:31 pm #17308
I totally feel @thegilded is the way to go, he’s been on your side of the fence and def deserves a piece of action
August 2, 2016 at 3:43 pm #17188
I apologize if that came off as an assumption, I was more so trying to show the general idea of it than I was trying to personally convince you. Everyone has their own choices and we accept and respect all.
August 2, 2016 at 1:56 pm #17151
The BOS was created exactly for that reason: For the people. Our “agenda” doesn’t contain anything to do with brainwashing helmets, missing persons, or insurance fraud. We are here for one reason and one reason alone, to help you.
August 2, 2016 at 1:53 pm #17144
We’re all happy to have you with us. Big things are coming soon, and I wouldn’t want to be standing next to anyone but my brothers and sisters in arms.
August 2, 2016 at 1:48 pm #17139
Anyone is able to learn from us, all we need is commitment. If you stand with us and help us in this battle, we can help you. People on our side are already being given reasons why they have chose the right road.
August 2, 2016 at 11:19 am #17082
This answer is weak. The community all just want some kind of answer. I can’t speak for myself, but this response has and will send people to the other side of the fence. Everyone’s intention was to save Addison, and here you are saying we can’t handle it and to just stick with you (after killing their leader). You keep saying you’re nothing but a vessel, but what we all want to know: Is there any bit of addy left in there?