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  • #10379
    Profile photo of Cody

    Ive been experiencing some glitchy wiggly posts as well. for a few days now! Winds of change!

  • #10320
    Profile photo of Cody

    Cool man. Just thought I would throw that out there. When coincidence is totally removed from the equation.. things get pretty intense. Just sayin.
    The what if’s are what I live for in life. hahaha.

  • #10318
    Profile photo of Cody

    Thanks for all your work @mkarrett. Greatly appreciated.

  • #10419
    Profile photo of Cody

    I believe this was the path we did not choose. Sorry megan. You were wanting clarity on the right things as I recall.

  • #10417
    Profile photo of Cody

    I agree with you Kim. At the same time though, there is much uncertainty.
    This is what I see;
    He gave us the answers we sought to have answered. Im starting to think perhaps we asked the wrong questions.
    We should have demanded to know what was happening to Addison. I feel we made selfish choices as to gain information rather than feel for our fellow man (in this case woman to be exact). I am not sure of the timeline, and im just winging this off the top of my head as usual. I dont think we were aware that Aleister was in danger of some sort of that time, only that he had been silenced. Should we have asked more questions about this?
    We are ALL worried about these individuals as far as I have noted.
    So as a group who is genuinely concerned for these two individuals.. why did we opt for the information rather than that which was already a common concern for flesh and blood?
    The information we received was fitting, it showed how things always go… the road desired, and not the one born out of light. We all had an insatiable desire to know more information.
    Addison said that she had something… also that she left something.. unless the details are being kept away from the forums, this has still not been found not released as of yet. Was this the information made available by choosing another path?
    Maybe if we had asked for her location or what the hell was going on with Addison and AL/Overseer. Maybe why 4 left so soon or even better , what III’s motives were as everyone within the OOA was in a panic and afraid of him.
    It was hard to see at the time as we believed that she was perhaps going through changes etc and there was NEVER before offered an opportunity such as this by the OOA. I feel that we chose unwisely.
    Power over people, the repeating theme.
    Maybe we could have seen Addison to safety with the right question.. stopped the madness that seems to continue within the OOA. The threat of sorts from III to AL.
    I could be wrong but I do not think so.
    A lesson learned I say.
    We also voted to keep the information quiet when it was revealed.. this was for security reasons and a number of other excuses we made at the time.
    Every time there were those that made the correct choices in my eyes..
    I was not among them sadly. The group outweighed those that were screaming concern.
    Another lesson learned.
    Al graciously let Kim back onto the forums… Why oh why on earth would he do that? Kim is an outspoken loyalist to the BOS…
    Sharing information was specifically stated by 4 as well as encouraged by the “teachers”.
    So knowing we would share information on the forums would seem as though they have no concern about information getting into BOS hands?? would this not be a logical assumption based upon this knowledge? Perhaps this is because the light is the light no matter who’s eyes it shines upon?
    Once again we are the experience…
    Gatekeepers are higher on the chain.. but we did not know this at the time.
    So now we are left with an insight into the history of thee OOA that in a metaphorical way.. depicts the decisions we made as a group.
    This is a sad realization for me.
    Lessons learned every day.. hindsight is 20/20 and regret is a waste of time.
    I will let these events forge brighter decisions in the future. They will also encourage me to scream louder for what is right instead of what we desire.
    Sorry for yet again another ridiculously long reply. Hah.

  • #10374
    Profile photo of Cody

    Someone has been reading!

  • #10372
    Profile photo of Cody

    *applause* I dig that shit brother. ^

  • #10333
    Profile photo of Cody

    Do you believe that leaving is an option for yourself at this point @rizzzoooooo? Have not you tried this at one point already? How did that work out for you? Here you are… here we all are. It seems even if any of us leave we will be hoplessly lurking and unable to turn away regardless of our open consent or not. I know that no matter what happens, I will be hoplessly following this to see where it goes. I feel as much as I am here by will, I am trapped by curiosity whether I like it or not. hah

  • #10332
    Profile photo of Cody


  • #10331
    Profile photo of Cody

    I understand your mentality. I too suffer from the the same flaw… If it should really be viewed as such.

    So here’s my thoughts, the other participant that met this individual had to call someone and during this phone convo had to swear allegiance to the OOA. Is this because they had not previously done so on the forums?
    There was a time where the community encouraged vows. I have never taken one. So I wonder If this Is a way to get individuals to swear an oath of sorts. Acting or no.. do you not say the words?
    This also brings me to Addison and his encounter with the dude who used to work/act for the OOA. What the hell was in the script that he refused to say out loud? This I find intriguing… and I have a strong desire to know what was on that refused script… that could make someone stop mid job and question if they should continue speaking. haha
    ooooo the imagination rolls. So anyway I’m not sure how I myself may respond in certain instances. You would think however, that if they have us profiled and such.. that these personality “flaws” would be accounted for. no?
    So planning a trip to LA for 10 days. thinking between July 7-16th. Taking the kids and misses. Do the Disney thing while it’s still all magic for my 6yr old. Nothing in stone yet but exploring options either way!

  • #10328
    Profile photo of Cody

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
  • #10317
    Profile photo of Cody

    Why assume that the blacked out boxes have no power? If the information or knowledge has been leaked from the “elites” then perhaps these boxes represent the moles or affiliates of the other organizations from where the information to form the Anoch Institute originated. Perhaps there is Is yet other influences that work behind yet another veil or level that we are not able nor allowed to see as of yet.
    So much possibility here to just assume and dismiss.

  • #10291
    Profile photo of Cody

    You havent gained any type of enlightenment since being a participant?
    I have gained much in the way of enlightenment since joining. Certain things have awoken in me. Signs everywhere in everything. Certain walls within my mind have been shattered as a result of my participation.
    Personal growth and introspection.
    Leads to information, synchronicities I couldn’t even begin to describe to you and have you still believe me sane unless you were experiencing the same things. Others have written me to ask if I was perhaps experiencing the same things as a result of some of my replies and posts on here. I know I am not ALONE in this regard.
    I have learned a great deal about others and other perspectives.. life is a constant state of learning and tension seems to be amplifying the effect. For me anyway. I am curious how many more have experienced this and remain silent out of fear.
    “go to where your fear is and live there!” <— or something like that. can’t remember off the top of my head.
    But each to the or own. I do however encourage others to share their acknowledgement of similar occerances or experiences if in fact you feel the same things.

  • #10278
    Profile photo of Cody

    Yeah buddy. Preach on scribe. I also agree that there is nothing to back it up. He who makes the claim has the burrden of proof! Show me the…. proof.

  • #10273
    Profile photo of Cody

    Interesting that you would say that as it seems the opposite has been stated by overseer and the proof is in the pudding I say. The only things that they have censored are things that could be a liability of sorts..
    If we do not Question and speak our truths.. we are compromised.
    Perhaps the freedom of speech pertaining to enlightenment.. as this is almost indescribable in itself.
    So what proof is there that they do not support Freedom of speech? Because artistic expression is preferred?
    I have not been afraid throughout this experience. It has been a positive experience so far as I can tell.
    I have learned a great deal.

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