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  • #7725
    Profile photo of Cody

    Light to dark has already said. “The measure shows that many speak of uncovering details about others questions.
    That is not the way, the details to seek are for the light of the group, not to divide the group with darkness. -%light2dark” 4 days ago to me and as long this,
    “Advice from where I lurk in the d a r k
    Pieces and parts have been brought to the light, but much is left untouched.
    While some items have triggered due to seekers pulling them from the forward,
    Others are wound by time and *efforts* of those on the _path will set them in motion. -%light2dark” alluding to the fact there is in fact much left to be found. So I think waiting on the OOA to be a wayward perspective @irishalliwell120.
    @gilded I suppose much can be lost in translation,you are saying there may be a clue to something else hidden there,but there is not layers. I have just found your approach to sway from creativty and imagination.
    perhaps it is just translation.

  • #7717
    Profile photo of Cody


  • #7716
    Profile photo of Cody

    @gilded do not take offense… but I have noted through observation, that at times (while I do not believe it to be intentional) seem to dismiss ideas quite readily. this can be evidenced by the “new puzzle” thread, as well as many other threads. When people speculate and use colorful imagination,you step in with imperical logic and dismiss right away. many times to be proven wrong later on. When the eye puzzle was new you said that there was no way it could be a separate URL or page…that was later proven wrong. Maybe they want you to be quiet more as this trait stifles creativity. Once again… no offence. I know you have the best intentions at heart.
    I could ever wrong BTW… but it seemed l2dhinted towards my app idea not being so bad in a pm. I could be wrong though.

  • #7698
    Profile photo of Cody

    Morning 4! I do not want answers given… Iwant the community to uncover them together! The hive mind can do wonderous things.
    Thanks for the encouragemet.
    Resolve set.

  • #7679
    Profile photo of Cody

    Yeah Im not sure. there is 5 numbers usually 1-1-1-1-1 when turning dials the numbers change to the corrisponding letter number. so for instance if you change the touch dial it will read 1-1-1-1-1 or 2-1-1-1-1 or 3-1-1-1-1 or 0-1-1-1-1, but when you turn a dial and it points to no letter sometimes the dial will read 10 or 55 or negative numbers like -13 or -57, when you get one single number and then turn another dial it will go back to the 5 number sequences again but if you keep turning it to where its not pointing to a letter as well, it will go to another single number. I have been able to get it to where three of the five dials are pointing at nothing and then I got a three didget single number like 145. seems starting with taste dial has had best results so far for me in getting to the three didget number. One time I got got four dials to the glitch zone but clicked again by accident and could not get it back into glitch position. I am attempting to get all five dials to not point at anything in hope that perhaps a 4 didget number will appear or something else perhaps.
    the fact that the numbers change form when the dials are glitched tells me that its not a glitch. if it were it would still be reading on the five number sequence. Maybe its nothing but it sure seems like there is something more to it to me.

  • #7676
    Profile photo of Cody

    Spoiler alert! yeah man. you mean the gear puzzle? lol. So now I realized that those numbers change. But there is definitely some significance. When you spin a dial until it glitches and points to nothing, there is a single number opposed to a five number sequence. So I have gotten 3 digit numbers to appear by spinning multiple dials until they glitch. I’m not sure what it means but I’m still trying to disect it and figure out some kind of pattern or something.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
  • #7667
    Profile photo of Cody

    @gilded @mike @111error @endlesspictures @coryphella @EVERYONE!!!! there is something here.

  • #7666
    Profile photo of Cody

    OK! Now im convinced the gliches are intentional!! when you go to puzzle and onduce glitches you get a different number! I did so and then backed out and went back into puzzle and tried a new turn dial. each one when glitched creates a SINGLE number. touch = 55 smell=-59 hearing = -57 taste = 14 and sight= 13

  • #7665
    Profile photo of Cody

    I feel like we may be onto something here.

  • #7663
    Profile photo of Cody

    I always found it funny how that puzzle is glitchy as well. This page has been updated and that puzzle has remained glitchy. Perhaps this is on purpose as when it glitches it lands on spaces that are empty. Maybe that makes it possible to create 4 letter words and corresponding number combos? Some investigation into Whether or not the empty spaces correlate to actual letter numbers to determine if it is in fact just a glitch.

  • #7662
    Profile photo of Cody

    I always found it funny how that puzzle is glitchy as well. This page has been updated and that puzzle has remained glitchy. Perhaps this is on purpose as when it glitches it lands on spaces that are empty. Maybe that makes it possible to create 4 letter words and corresponding number combos? Some investigation into Wethersfield the empty spaces correlate to actual letter numbers to determine if it is in fact just a glitch.

  • #7710
    Profile photo of Cody

    yeah maybe the sound reference is in relation to certain sounds that are made when getting it correct.. like when the comitt goes red. They watch profusely…. “the flack gets heavy when your over the target”. they have been watching progress since this began being discussed last night.. as well have been actors in the play.
    No need to ask if we are onto something.. their observation speaks volumes.

  • #7705
    Profile photo of Cody

    @gilded have you ever seen this tyoe of layered code? It seems this has even perhaps been referred to by l2d in the past.

  • #7696
    Profile photo of Cody

    “Interesting references to the underworld in comments” can you ellaborate? I know nothing of reading code. “Underworld” perhaps refering to layered code? What do these comments say specifically? there coud be hints.

  • #7693
    Profile photo of Cody

    I already asked @gilded.. he did not respond at all.
    I happen to know (from video games) that not all that exists can be seen through code.
    As much as you wouldnt think ths is possible, I assure you it is.
    Whenever a new dlc would come out for a game, computer guys would read the code and then have all the puzzles and eggs uncovered immedeatly. So the developers created a new type of code.. one that would only let you see what there was at the time… while more existed in layers.. they were not visible until keyed. I remember watching a youtube video where this guy was NERD raging because he couldnt just figure out all the secrets by reading the code anymore.. he admitted that once certain things were keyed, there was new code available. Perhaps something like that exists within tension as a means to make us work together rather than the computer guys just reading the code and figuring it out by themselves without actually walking the _path intended.
    Not sure if that made sense to anyone except @ununpentium. I know he knows what im talking about!

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