active 8 years ago-
Hazel Cloud posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
Raising glasses for @thegilded 💎💎💎
Melissa posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
Good morning everyone, we’re doing a bit of troubleshooting on the forum and it should be rectified. Please report issues to me or @thegilded and we’ll do our best to fix.
It looks like everything posted after 11pm last night disappeared. Hope that helps.
Technical changes were made. No one should notice any difference, but in the event that people have any tech troubles, please let us know
I’m not seeing anything posted regarding the Final Ascension too, Sean.
You might notice a few lost threads and posts, please let us know. We are currently working on restoring.
Are the “after 11pm” posts gone, or just being restored? Should I repost my recap or just wait?
I missed that day, so I would love to read!
Hazel Cloud posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
Here to help you on you _path. A reminder that @thegilded and @mkarrett are also available to you as your Sentries.
Glory Be!
You are too kind. For those unaware, that means that we can provide moderator type assistance, but we are elevated participants and not employees/actors/anything you want to call the people actually running this
Yes we were tapped by ~four long ago as Sentries. We accepted but by no means are we actually Tension.
But you ARE both very valuable instruments of Tension and decidedly lovely people.
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
Clint, I swear to Dog if you are pulling a Mr. Ohio Part II on us I will send @thegilded to your house to leave a present on your lawn. 😘 ❤️ 😂
TheBuz posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Never did I think that Ascension was going to rough me up emotionally like it did. What an absolute insane, beautiful experience. I am thinking about going again.
-Going off on a unique adventure with @mkarrett
-The Red Room
– @thegilded and I stealing a girl.And so many others that I don’t want to spoil for others.
AH-lay posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
If this really is the end, or even if it isn’t…
I want to thank @mkarrett & @thegilded for keeping this space neat and orderly. It’s a tough job! And you have put up with all of us kiddos perfectly <3
Aw thank you @aleocotillo!
You’re awesome! <3
The often underrated heroes of forum. I loves you guys <3
Cody posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@TheGilded or @mkarrett , in the thread “Truth” I replied and accidentally posted it before I could add a quote. When I edited , it double posted both for some reason. could you possibly delete the first one?
Just got home, thanks @thegilded!
thanks man!
_Michael Gray posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Is there any way to have a “Like” tab to click on these instead of a “Favorite”? @Thegilded @mkarrett Can this be discussed with the higher ups and with @regent7 @gatekeeper3 ??
PuppetGirl posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@thegilded it hard enough to navigate this forum from my phone I can’t go clicking on profiles or I end up messaging like this from my status and not in the topic.
Susie J posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
@thegilded *pokepojepoke*
Cody posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
@thegilded Sean, I seem to be having some puzzle issues and was wondering if you might offer some advice?
I’m here. What were you having trouble with?
Well I have 1 and 2 down but I can’t seem to figure out #3 in practice puzzles.
Ah, 3’s kind of a bitch. It’s two steps, where 1 and 2 were only one step. First step is not unlike the solutions to 1 and 2. Binary is Base2, and is used in all computing. Hexadecimal is Base16 and is used for image and character representation. But they are not the only 2 encoding methods used. Check out and try some other encoding methods. See…[Read more]
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
@thegilded Look at you all dapper in your new real life image. Hoping to be a star in Sentinel’s next video? 😉
DtheZombie posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
They closed @thegilded‘s post on the “What do you tell those who don’t “get it” and how do you tolerate their ignorance?” board in the forums
Light•2•Dark posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
When looking at a map in the dark only the areas you bring the Light to will be seen.
Nothing is out of bounds. ^%light2dark-
I see and understand. Please forgive my ignorance.
Your research and guidance will be •measured• with favor for your continued service to the Institute. ^%light2dark
You honor me, madam.