
This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of DimStyle DimStyle 8 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #17582
    Profile photo of GATEKEEPER3

    Nothing is random. The Tension Experience does NOT condone violence towards anyone, ever.


  • #17589
    Profile photo of


  • #17595
    Profile photo of Nate

    “Let us memorialize the one who most partook in the actions we are forsaking”.

  • #17599

    I don’t believe this is a memorial. This is a reminder for all participants, disciples, and everyone attending ScareLA, Ascension, or anything else that violence is not an option.

    • #17600
      Profile photo of Nate

      Not a SANCTIONED option.

    • #17601

      No. No. No. I’m going to take this opportunity to both speak to you and through you to all the other Participants and I’m going to address this as directly as I can to ensure that my concerns are voiced.

      In my opinion, this post addresses the issue that Buz acted directly against III in a way that other Participants may feel that they can emulate. There are two entities in Tension: we, the participants and Them, the OOA, BoS, Addison, III, 4, etc. Them and us. They can act against each other. 2 can kill 4. III can attack Sam. However, if at any point any of us thinks that we can act on our own and in any way directly physically harm 2, Sentinel, or any other Participant in any way YOU ARE A DAMN FOOL.

      Buz blurred the line of what We can do to Them, but it is likely that this was all set up in such a way that this is alright. If you show up to Ascension thinking that you can advance the plot similarly by choking out Addison or anyone, you are wrong and deserve all of the actual, non-Tension punishments you’ll be receiving.

    • #17603
      Profile photo of Nate

      Right right right. I wholly agree with you in this, Sean. I just wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more blurring is all I mean.

    • #17604

      Wouldn’t be surprised. As long as any blurring that happens occurs with Their permission and not rogue participants thinking they can be the next Gatekeeper by showing up and knocking someone out

    • #17605
      Profile photo of Nate

      Precisely. Thanks for helping me clarify.

    • #17791
      Profile photo of DimStyle

      @thegilded very good point. It is disconcerting that people would need to be reminded of this.

  • #17606
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    Thank you for bringing this up to everyone’s attention @thegilded.

  • #17765
    Profile photo of Lucus

    I agree @thegilded but Tension must realize that there may be consequences to what they are doing with the participants. If They are so concerned with what we might do They should probably consider thinking a little harder about where they want to blur the reality of this experience. This goes for both sides “Play with the bull and get the horn”. As I’ve mentioned, the @thebuz scene was great and I truly hope that some delusional participant does not take it upon themselves to create a scene with an actor real or imagined.
    It seems like there may be a deeper concern here because to me I have a hard time believing that participants are going to go out trying to kill characters and write there own story. Maybe They are more afraid of pissed off participants who didn’t get the answers and enlightenment they hoped for lashing out at actors at future events after all this gets really dark.

    Plus if the Tension Experience knows us better than we know ourselves They should be able to prevent this stuff from happening with their magick powers.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Lucus Lucus.

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