
This topic contains 17 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa 8 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #17290
    Profile photo of ReidV

    Hello all,

    Last night I had a very long conversation, and it was made clear to me that I can no longer pretend my path is my own.

    My path is with the girl who, when finally given a choice, chose to free herself. And now with power, she has chosen to extend that freedom to everyone, regardless of faction. And she has chosen to share knowledge openly, and guide anyone who is willing to listen.

    My path is with a man who spent most of his life doing as he was told, and as his journey ends has chosen to break that obedience in order to give us unprecidented power in blind faith we will use it wisely.

    My path is NOT with Sentinel, who came to me in guise of 3 of my friends and tried to convince me to horde away the knowledge I might be given. And to be fair, I almost did. Who doesent want to feel special?

    The OOA has done many questionable things in the past, and many of our paths have felt meaningless and unrecognized…

    But this is a New OOA. A New Dawn. And I want to see where it leads.

    If I am to recieve power, I will share it will all of you, no matter what shadow it might cast.

    I will see you very soon.

  • #17291
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Unsarcastically and with the utmost respect I can only think of one thing to say:

    More power to ya, dude.

  • #17292
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Good to see you make the right choice, @atticus360.

    This is exactly why I side with the OOA. In her short tenure as Gatekeeper, I think Addison has been the most responsive and concerned about the community. It’s the exact opposite of her predecessor, who taught nothing and would only appear from his naps to boast about how unstoppably awesome he was.

    Also Addison’s body count is much lower.

    Looking forward to the New Dawn.

  • #17293
    Profile photo of Daela

    “And now with power, she has chosen to extend that freedom to everyone, regardless of faction. And she has chosen to share knowledge openly, and guide anyone who is willing to listen.”

    To be fair, it doesn’t sound like it was her choice at all. Regent 7 actually apologized to her for sharing this information without her knowledge, did he not? “forgive me @gatekeeper2, we have not had the chance to speak, but i am doing what you can not do”

    But regardless, we all respect your choice.

  • #17294
    Profile photo of Melissa

    My path is with the girl who, when finally given a choice, chose to free herself.

    I struggle with the idea that somehow it is acceptable that The Girl Formerly Known as Addison had two options: status quo -or- free herself by committing a horrendous act on another person. How is that level of violence okay for someone who wants to declare him or herself as a leader? How is that level of violence okay period? How can we trust “the girl”? This is why I CAN’T support 2 nor III. @atticus360 if you can shine some light on WHY 2 did to ~four I think a lot of people would appreciate it.

  • #17298
    Profile photo of ReidV

    @mkarrett: was there ever not a moment when four was telling Addison who she was and what she was supposed to do? Many of us tried hard to save her, OOA and Sentinel alike. Turns out she was the only one who could do so and it was by killing four. Four was going to use her as a weapon, do you really think she gave a shit about what Addison wanted?

    • #17317
      Profile photo of Blondie

      @atticus360 I think Four truly did care for Addison, like a mother wants greatness for her daughter. Sure, she was a bit pushy… But we wouldn’t have the gatekeeper we do now without Four’s tough love. Addison would be nothing. And how did Addison repay this? By cowardly slitting Four’s throat. Who’s to say she won’t betray you and Russell and Andrew and everyone else who stands by her in much the same way? You know I respect you and that doesn’t change because you’ve made a choice I could never make, but I will bust your balls about it 😛

    • #17323
      Profile photo of Melissa

      @atticus360 I asked for answers and you gave me one, I appreciate that. It’s a lot to digest and I just have to go with what you say face value. I just have to remember long ago something Addison said:

      “~four, I’m ready”

      I just think of that. Addison gave consent to go through what she needed to go through. And this is the repayment, sliting ~four’s throat. If Addison/Two was really basically being abused/manipulated and the “only way out” was to kill ~four I just can’t get behind that idea. There had to been other options.

      I think I’m going to echo @blondiecamps here that I am all for transparency and so I absolutely support @regent7 letting everyone have a fair chance of this Knowledge. With Knowledge people can make their own decisions on what to do next. However I still remain steadfast of not supporting Two.

    • #17326
      Profile photo of Blondie

      *clicks the imaginary LIKE button*

      I feel like it doesn’t matter how many times I point out the lack of evidence, everyone still clings to that narrative of Addison as a victim…

    • #17328
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      On the other end, I don’t really see her as a master manipulator. Sure, she went to LA to be an actress. But if she wanted to be what she is now-@gatekeeper2-then she would have to dump her previous life and cut all ties to that old version of herself. Remake who she was to become who she had been taught she could be with the proper training. She told Four she was ready for what came next.

    • #17329
      Profile photo of Melissa

      And unfortunately we now have a missing piece of that puzzle so even if we get a narrative it will be just that. Talk. Talk. Talk.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #17331
      Profile photo of ReidV

      Compared to… the Gatekeeper so despirate to stay relevant that he betrayed everyone? And the shadow group full of false promises amd little action?

      Intentions are murky even on a good day… but power speaks for itself.

    • #17332
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Oh, I agree. All the reason why I’m not inclined to join the BoS at the moment.

    • #17333
      Profile photo of Blondie

      Yeah, but we don’t subscribe to either III or BoS’s rhetoric either… It’s not an either/or. Right now, it seems @mkarrett and I are on our own separate path… And possibly @mike and others too (although I don’t claim to speak for anyone but myself here). If we have to forge our own path, then so be it.


    • #17334
      Profile photo of ReidV

      This might still be possible… if the opportunity arises perhaps all of us can make something new together.

    • #17336
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Agreed @atticus360. I do have that hope and I know Two won’t be forever.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #17327
      Profile photo of ReidV

      @blondiecamps @mkarrett solid points. I agree if @gatekeeper2 is to guide us, she needs to explain her choices. @daela I assume her and @regent7 have everyone’s best intentions in mind, though they are welcome to clarify that as well.

    • #17335
      Profile photo of DimStyle

      I have said @gatekeeper2 and @regent7 were the path… Glad someone else recognized it. 2 is the light

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