To compliment this, from @mike and @reaton My Haunt life podcast, which I will be listening today after work:
In case it wasn’t just desperation, III is supposed to be outside, right? Did she talk to him? Was it him that convinced her and gave her the final push to do it?
Did she kill III also? Outside?
It’s in the about section
I saw her log in to a Periscope video last night to watch, but that’s it. Her user name popped up.
I will never pledge alleagance to III. I believe this goes much deeper than we know at this moment.
“It’s not about wars and gatekeepers”
Reason why I assumed after the periscope she must have killed someone. To free herself, but will she really?
I would much rather have her take down both and stand alone as II
If she is working with III then, game over
Now your facial expressions make sense.
Take your time, you’re there visiting with your family, just enjoy the rest of your stay. We can wait, buddy.
Thank you, Cody
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