I hope whatever happens, happens after 3:00 PM!
Sooo many thoughts going through my head!
Is there any way I can help if out of state?
Funny how the invited Blumhouse to do an article but yet they have a problem with this one being published? Something doesn’t add up, what do they think will be uncovered?
Where will your story be shown?
Where are you watching it?
Did he sound like an older man?
@gatekeeper3 rest up, sugar!
Thank you, I’ll check it out
I keep wondering why Addison apologized to you during the phone call where she asked if she could count on you. Is there still something coming?
It sounds very similar to the nature of the call I received on 7/11, and yes it was also a very pleasant male voice.
What did they say was going to happen to Addison?
Haha! “Eyes Wide Shut reject” is awesome!
I also see it as training, I’m sure we will see Addison grow into her own badassery.
It’s tough love, @111error
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