To tell the truth, I prefer to put the clues together on my own. However, I am having some difficulty distinguishing clues from red herrings/typos, so perhaps any enlightened participants could gently steer me away from unimportant information.
I don’t know if the following are typos, mistakes, or intentional clues:
1) The disclaimer on the Tension website is missing the letter “r” in the word “entertainment”.
2) The welcome letter is missing a period after “We welcome thee”
3) The welcome letter contains the sentence “Be you too deaf to hear not the voices that try to guide you?” This is a double negative: the word “not” does not seem to belong.
4) On the Facebook header image, the words “Los Angeles – 2016” cast a shadow that says “La anGelez – 2016”.
5) The most frequently mis-typed letters (in communications that are typed with a typewriter) are o, u, and m.
I can’t tell if I should be focusing my energies on solving these conundrums or if they are simple mistakes.