active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
August 14, 2016 at 11:10 pm #18488
In the spirit of @mike‘s list of talking points, some of my miscellaneous thoughts:
Chanting – I would really like to know the purpose and content of the chanting. I wouldn’t think this is a big deal except for the fact the topic was deferred not once but twice just as the answer was about to be revealed.
Mark – At various points Mark comes across as possibly some sort of sketchy recruiter for OOA, as if his initial interest in Addison was more as a target than a nice girl he’d like to date. Mark also seems to have some secretive connection to Sadie. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d tried to recruit her to OOA as well. What exactly was Sadie so nervous about? What spooked Mark so much that he decided he needed to take Addison and run?
Purity meetings – This seems suspicious as Hell. What is OOA really doing with the names and addresses of recruits’ loved ones?
Anointment – Stripping her naked in front of a room of strangers is an honor, not a punishment?!
Four the actress – Four was an actress too. I really wonder about her back story. Did she come to LA similar to Addison, big dreams and naive perspective?
Four’s farewell letter – Addison says Four leaked the letter with all the notes so the good people could see and run. I’ve re-read Four’s letter and I’m not clear what truth we’re supposed to see that will make apostles want to run.
August 13, 2016 at 4:16 pm #18412
There is no less dramatic way to put this… Addison Barrow’s Journal has been haunting me. Maybe *you* are haunted too and this is why you have not reacted publicly. I just hope your silence isn’t a result of apathy. What I’m feeling for Addison is sadness, compassion and a wish that she could have reached out and accepted help before things got so out of hand. I’ve heard others express disgust and impatience, accusing her of suffering mental illness, or being a master manipulator. I doubt I’ll change your minds. I just don’t see it the way you do.
The journal I read was the story of a naive young woman. All she had wanted was to be come to L.A. and be an actress. This goal might seem shallow or petty to many of us, but it’s certainly not so heinous that she deserved what she ultimately got behind the doors of The OOA Institute. They groomed her to be one of them. It was a classic indoctrination. Giving her gifts and compliments with nothing expected in return. She was an easy mark… She had been so alone, desperate and depressed. We would all like to believe we would not have fallen for such transparent tricks… Don’t be so sure. In a moment of weakness even the strongest of us can fall. Belonging is a comfort. OOA is a place where you will be assured you belong. The problem is, at what price? Unfortunately Addison Barrow has experienced “the price.” She is now a murderer. Whether it was justified or not is not a topic I wish to address at this time.
What I do know… If she was my sister or my daughter, I would not turn my back on her. I’m not giving up hope for Addison Barrow.
(“You” is all of you, not one specific person.)
August 12, 2016 at 8:38 pm #18385
The most surprising thing for me today is the relative silence in regards to the journal of Addison Barrow. I would have thought her supporters as well as her critics would have been much more vocal.
@lenize & @addisonborn your names have been been moved.
ALLEGIANCE NOTES (draft/not official) β UPDATE 8/12/2016 8:30pm PST
Morgan aka Error β BOS
Daela β BOS
Kimberly β BOS
Rizzo β BOS
Sean aka Gilded- BOS, (pro-III)
Iris β BOS
Ale β BOS
Cody β BOS
Nate β BOS
Blondie β BOS
Addison Born – BOS
Kristin aka EPhorror β Gatekeeper2
Mustafa β aka Mumu β Gatekeeper2
TinNose β Gatekeeper2
Freedomβs Flame β Gatekeeper2
Michel β Gatekeeper2
Russell aka Rusty β Gatekeeper2
DimStyle β Gatekeeper2
Andrew β Gatekeeper2
Max aka ReidV β Gatekeeper2
Lucus – OOA
Ezi – Gatekeeper2
The following individuals have not aligned with a major faction. Everything after each dash mark is a comment recently made by that individual regarding major factions, including: Gatekeeper2, GatekeeperIII, OOA & BOS:Melissa β anti-2, (anti-III)
Gray aka KingKill β leans OOA, (anti-III)
Amie β leans OOA
Neil β (anti-III)
Megan β no allegiance, (pro-III)
Mike βFEβ Fontaine β no allegianceJake β neutral/undecided
Susie β neutral/undecided
Ethan β neutral/undecided
Derek β neutral/undecided
Bumble β neutral/undecided
Sisyphus β neutral/undecidedMcColyard β no comment
Jewels β no comment
Michelle β no comment
Maria β no comment
Tom aka Pruf β no comment
Buz β no comment -
August 11, 2016 at 10:04 pm #18225
@prufrock5150: The difference is, BOS would never had made a public issue of this, nor approached Max on the matter if not for the fact that Max privately and publicly pushed us for answers. If we continue to get questioned on this matter then it is fair to expect we will reply.
August 11, 2016 at 5:50 pm #18197
@atticus360: We do not keep secrets from one another. We trust one another. We do not trust the OOA and really… why should we? As far as obedience, it has never once been asked of any of us…. at least not coming from the mouths of Sentinel.
One thing I can guarantee you in regards to that journal, and something every one of us agrees upon. If that diary had been put in OUR hands the world would have seen every single page, clearly scanned and posted, no games or accompanying artwork, within 24 hours of having received it. Let the young woman’s words speak for themselves.
August 15, 2016 at 11:59 am #18527
@mike said
Iβm sure thatβs coming off as weird and sketchy to her
Truer words have never been spoken by our ex-Scribe π For the sake of CL Sarah I sure hope she’s truly involved in the OOA (never thought I’d say those words!)
August 15, 2016 at 11:51 am #18522
@mike said:
β The break in story/paranoia β Is it paranoia? Is whatever problem her mom has (that she needs meds for) something Addison might have and not know it? Orβ¦aliens?
The Journal states that her mom is depressed:
I know she’s been depressed, and I know my wanting to leave home (leave her, she felt like) didn’t exactly help, and I don’t doubt that medication can be useful, but it’s too much now, and she can’t stop.
I have to take this at face value as Margaret taking medication for depression. This seems consistent with the woman I met at the hotel who was meek, low energy, appeared sad, etc. To jump to diagnoses of paranoia or (as was mentioned elsewhere on forum) schizophrenia seems to me to be an extremely long leap, especially when discussed as a potential genetic predisposition.
August 14, 2016 at 2:48 pm #18472
@halfbloodfangirl: It’s a comfort of sorts to know I’m not the only one who had this reaction to the diary. Personally, I feel not choosing is a valid choice, and I do respect your desire to be certain before stating allegiance. Good luck in whatever decision you make.
August 14, 2016 at 12:18 pm #18470
This makes me think of all the theorizing over @gatekeeper3 and how he was described as not being ready, or coming too soon. People thought perhaps it meant he wasn’t fully cooked yet, he was a preemie, not ready to be hatched. Maybe this is all true in a metaphorical sense and the thing that makes the gatekeeper ready is the teachings that come through that helmet. If the teachings aren’t complete (GK3?), the helmet malfunctions (GK4?) or the teacher is corrupt (GK2?) all sorts of shenanigans can ensue.
August 13, 2016 at 9:19 pm #18441
@reaton: If @gatekeeper2 wants to teach by The Book of Anoch, while also removing all the abusive practices of The OOA Institute, then I don’t currently see a reason I’d feel a need to stand in her way. The Book of Anoch, minus the cult-like practices of the OOA, appears to be nothing more than a religion following it’s own bible. I have no interest in blocking others from their choice of God inasmuch as that choice doesn’t bring harm to others.
Either way it seems @gatekeeper2 won’t get a chance to (potentially) do good for much longer. The One is coming and if history serves this necessitates the removal of 2. Who’s to say what One will bring. All we know is others have feared him. What I know is One has already turned his head towards me in displeasure.
August 13, 2016 at 6:16 pm #18428
@111error: Do you personally feel at all purposefully manipulated by the girl that was Addison Barrow or the person now known as @gatekeeper2? I don’t feel you have been, Morgan, but I’d like your opinion.
@reaton: How about you? Has Addison Barrow manipulated you? Has @gatekeeper2?
August 13, 2016 at 6:12 pm #18427
I agree, the missing pages are concerning. I’d like to know who took them and why, but I don’t feel that anything on those pages will greatly change my mind in regards to the victimization of Addison Barrow.
Also agreed that that helmet is a disturbing device. Sentinel told me ages ago that the Hood of Clarity is the tool the OOA uses to change who people are. It is said to empty the mind and allow new information to be placed inside. Four placed her messages inside Addison Barrow and a metamorphosis occurred, followed by a series of disturbed thoughts (per journal) and events (that we’ve witnessed).
Do we really “all seem to have a common goal” of wanting to help her? I’m really not sure this is true.
August 13, 2016 at 4:19 pm #18413
@atticus360: We have always had one solitary goal. If other entities’ goals overlap, all the better.
August 11, 2016 at 11:24 pm #18245
@atticus360: No. There is no misunderstanding on our part. You are to return that book within “FIVE DAYS, not five weeks.”
August 11, 2016 at 9:51 pm #18223
@mike: You know what… If Max wants to hand me each and every remaining page he is welcome to, but, complete transparency, I would upload the pages immediately without flourish or video or audio because many people and “entities” are extremely displeased with the pace this is progressing at and I will not be the one to hang things up any further.
Itβs fantastic that the community wants to be artistic, and I 100% support the idea of allowing newbies and others to shine, but not everyone has the time to absorb 65+ pages of crucial data coming at them in mixed media formats at a slow and irregular pace. Furthermore, timing wise, The One is waiting in the wings for this journal to be revealed, and Ascension is approaching quickly. If this project occurred weeks ago there wouldn’t have been the sense of urgency that we face now.
you were more than willing to do a page until Sentinel told you not to do it yesterday
Sentinel mandated nothing. Our decisions are collaborative. No one will ever be strong armed or forced to do something they don’t believe in.
There seems to be some misunderstanding in regards to what Sentinel is and what it is not. I’m going to state this in very over-simplified terms: OOG you are all my friend regardless of label or faction. You need a favor or someone to talk to, I’m here for you. IG… not so much.