active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
July 25, 2016 at 1:03 pm #16327
@thebuz: I am watching you very closely. Just a friendly reminder, pin-up boy π
July 22, 2016 at 4:10 pm #16061
My meeting has been moved to 5pm and I have been instructed I must leave my phone in the car.
Thank you for all the well wishes.
July 21, 2016 at 12:52 pm #15964
@blondiecamps Nice work with your blog. You have my permission to blog anything I’ve said on the forums, or any other public venues. If you have a specific question regarding my particular mission, feel free to reach out. I can’t guarantee a complete answer, considering the sensitive nature of the things I know and carry out, but I will do my best. I agree…. our story needs to be documented, in safe places, for those yet to come.
July 12, 2016 at 11:14 am #14746
@ephorrorsociety, @amieexists, @lenize & @coryphella: Thank you so much for the well wishes. I’m very much looking forward to my face-to-face with @daela and company. We’ll be meeting around 7, 7:30pm PST this evening. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to share some of what we have decided or learned late tonight or early tomorrow. No promises, but my mind set is currently one of sharing rather than concealing.
July 11, 2016 at 6:14 pm #14643
@rizzzoooooo: You’re correct, @gatekeeper4 is not my friend and never has been, although hate is too strong a word. It would be more accurate to say she sometimes bores me, sometimes amuses me (pumpkin spice lattes and uggs, anyone?!), and irregardless of anything else she has never earned my loyalty. You’re also correct, I currently have no personal beef with @gatekeeper3. I’m not pro-murderer, if that’s what he is, but I’m also not pro-OOA methods in general. This is why I left OOA and never looked back or regretted.
July 11, 2016 at 10:51 am #14490
@kasch Different people have different boundaries. What you view as perfectly acceptable behavior, others may not. Yes, this is a game called Tension and you can play it as you like within the rules Tension provides, same as I can play as I like within the rules. My personal rules don’t involve badgering people, raising my voice, and becoming heated with the goal of others seeing things my way, for example. Again, you may view things differently. Fine. Just, do trust you’re not dealing with overly sensitive women who get their feelings hurt easily. That is not what this is about.
@kasch: I have a question for you. I heard a story about a phone call you received while you were at the pool party last night. This call came from someone you theorized may have been “game runner” rather than character or other player. This person supposedly told you what they wished might happen with @daela‘s envelope. This is all second and third hand information, as I obviously wasn’t there. Can you please explain what actually happened. Thank you.
July 25, 2016 at 5:03 pm #16360
@aleocotillo: It was actually quite funny between the locals milling about watching and the man trying desperately to get my to sign his voter petitions. I learned something. Best way to get out of signing petitions when they won’t take no for an answer: Tell them your waiting for your cult to pick you up, and btw, have you seen a red blindfold type hood laying around here somewhere, they won’t arrive until it is securely over my head?! He backed away from my so fast.
July 25, 2016 at 4:59 pm #16358
@reaton: Sorry, but as stated above, I really don’t know who he was other than a representative there to give me instructions, film the meeting, and possibly escort me to and from. Thank you for checking in on me that day. I’m sorry I’ve been so silent until now, but it really was the best option considering everything that has happened.
July 25, 2016 at 4:55 pm #16356
@aleocotillo: Thank you, Ale. I was instructed to arrive at a public parking lot where a red hood was waiting for me. Once finding the hood I was to put it on and wait. A few moments later someone grabbed me from behind and rushed me into a vehicle. The vehicle drove me inside of the warehouse. I would have no way to find my way back there again.
Did I see the cameraman? Hmmm, kind of? He was wearing one of those white masks we’ve seen in previous periscopes. I could possibly ID anything but his face. He never identified himself by name or affiliation. He was probably the same man who escorted me to and from the warehouse and that gave me all instructions received in person that day, but I can’t be certain. @thebuz: I hope this answers your question as well and thank you for the well wishes.
July 25, 2016 at 4:39 pm #16353
@lenize: Right after the camera was shut off, the bag was placed back over my head and I was escorted away promptly. I listened for screams or voices, anything relevant, but heard nothing. In retrospect, maybe I should have felt fear or apprehension, but I never did because FOUR’s greatest weapon was always her mouth, and the one with the knife had never expressed any dislike for me. Come to think of it, Addison hardly seemed to notice I was there. She never spoke to me or made eye contact with me.
July 25, 2016 at 4:32 pm #16350
@astro4545: Unless FOUR has some supernatural ability to come back from the dead or if a brilliant team of medical professionals was actually the car we heard pull up, I say she’s dead.
July 25, 2016 at 4:26 pm #16345
Thank you Cody. And thank you to all the others who expressed concern for me. I read it all. I’m touched that many here are able to see beyond affiliation, in exchange for simply being decent human beings. <3
July 25, 2016 at 4:24 pm #16344
@addisonborn: “Carlos” certainly crossed my mind, but no I never felt a desire to use it. I was asked to bear witness. I chose to do just that. Nothing more, nothing less.
July 25, 2016 at 4:20 pm #16343
@thegilded: Right before FOUR gave Addison the knife, I did hear a car approach out back, through the open warehouse door that Addison walked towards with the knife. FOUR appeared to assume the car contained III, but I don’t know what the car looked like or if the car even contained III or anyone relevant to the OOA or even BoS for that matter. All I know is Addison went out and came back. I can’t be certain she spoke to anyone at all. My estimation is none of us inside the warehouse at that time could have known these things for certain, at least in that moment.
July 21, 2016 at 1:13 pm #15968
@blondiecamps: I agree. I don’t believe writing a history should be about silencing less desirable voices or perceived(?) enemies. Thank you for your fairness.