active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
June 22, 2016 at 12:11 pm #11553
@rizzzoooooo Sorry Mike, I realize I was unclear. It was put to me specifically as “Mark left us when James did.” This reads to me as they both left at the same time, but not necessarily, for example, in the same car, to the same destination.
As far as the mixed emotions, and disagreement on how Mark was treated on this forum, i’ll say this… Mark was my Brother. In any family there will be some strife and disagreement. My relationship to him was no different. I do not condone the way Mark approached the forum yesterday. To threaten, once again, to burn this place to the ground, was not acceptable, and the reaction he received from some of the the Apostles understandable. Furthermore, Mark’s statement in it’s entirety was very specifically not approved or sanctioned by BoS.
Even though Mark left us, BoS wished him no harm and were committed to looking after him best we could from afar. We tried to locate him last night, in an effort to assist him in whatever it was that was happening. Until I hear that Mark is truly gone I will hold out hope.
June 22, 2016 at 11:11 am #11545
As stated above, I was in contact with Sentinel all during last night’s events that centered around Mark (Benny) Samson. I’ll make this brief:
Last week my primary BoS contact, James, left the organization. Under what circumstance is unknown. What his current fate is, also unknown. What is know is Mark Samson left *with* James. Sentinel described Mark’s state of mind as “desperate… he will now act out of desperation. This is dangerous.”
Although Mark left, BoS was not turning their back on him. His safety, as well as Addy’s remained of vital importance. BoS just will not act carelessly, or as swiftly as Mark, or Tom Barrow had wished.
At 8:00pm last night Mark called Sentinel. Mark was described as, “not in the right head space… emotional and not thinking rationally.”
At 8:30pm Sentinel informed me that they had been trying to call Mark, but all calls were going directly to voice mail. Sentinel was frantically trying to locate Mark.
At 9:15pm Sentinel expressed the vague hope that of anyone at all, if Mark was going to reach out, it would be to me. Reason stated “He (Mark) knows you and where your loyalties lie.”
I did not hear from Mark.
Although things seem dire, I have not heard conclusively that Mark is dead.
June 22, 2016 at 10:42 am #11539
There is a lot of speculation in this thread. I feel it could be very helpful to have a detailed breakdown of the actual call between Tom and @111error.
For starters:
What exactly did Tom say, as word for word as can be recalled?
What was Tom’s tone/mood?
Any idea where Tom was or who he might have been with when he placed the call?
How long did the call last?I was in contact with Sentinel all during last night’s events. I’m currently parsing out what may be relevant to this discussion. I’ll share what I come up with.
June 21, 2016 at 7:41 pm #11432
@theoxandmoon Welcome back Joe
Did the woman who called give you her name? What did she sound like? Any additional detail you can remember is appreciated.
June 21, 2016 at 7:33 pm #11428
@bennieadnethejets Samson, you’re embarrassing yourself. I understand you’re emotional, but love (or obsession as the case may be) is not a good excuse for going off thoughtlessly to an audience that already has little patience for you. I am supposedly on your side and even I feel like throwing you in front of a moving train right about now. Next time you’re tempted to express yourself publicly, feel free to give me a call. I’ll be happy to help you focus your thoughts, and your grammar, more productively.
Please, for the love of Seraph, do not do this again.
June 20, 2016 at 9:03 pm #11132
Welcome @scrim! Addison has offered you some really great advice. We all realize Tension can be a very steep learning curve. Start small, read a little every day, throw in your two cents when you have something to say, big or small, and before you know it you’ll be fully indoctrinated like (most of) the rest of us. Best of luck
June 20, 2016 at 11:27 am #10988
One more shot of the man from Addy’s first periscope:
June 20, 2016 at 11:23 am #10982
Here is a still of the man from the other periscope featuring Addy:
June 21, 2016 at 9:27 pm #11470
@mike Ohhh boy. You are sounding like a good little robot. Not sure whether to laugh or cry. When you snap out of it let’s get peanut butter smoothie’s at Jamba. My treat <3
June 21, 2016 at 8:38 pm #11442
@bennieadnethejets Please don’t do anything that can’t be undone.
June 20, 2016 at 5:09 pm #11071
@reaton If there is another hack, I sure hope BoS has outsourced the task this time. Hacking isn’t exactly our strong suit.
June 20, 2016 at 5:01 pm #11062
Haha, nothing, i swear… ???
June 20, 2016 at 12:52 pm #10996
Due to proximity within the video, it seems these are two shots of the same man (right side of photos)… the one in the short sleeved logo short.
(The man on the left side of the photos was left up for comparison to the long sleeved man who appears later in this video)
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
Kimberly @ElectricHippo.
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
Kimberly @ElectricHippo.
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June 20, 2016 at 12:45 pm #10995
@mike I had forgotten this but you’re absolutely right! There was the long sleeved guy that I’ve screen capped above but then also the short sleeved logo shirt guy. I have a copy of those videos. Let me grab the shots.
June 20, 2016 at 12:30 pm #10994
@mkarrett Agreed. The unknown person in each of the two videos don’t look the same to me for the exact reasons you’ve stated. The driver appears much more slight in build than the finger painter. I’d also guess the driver is male, but the gender neutral attire, thin build and lack of obvious body hair makes it difficult to be certain.