active 7 years, 11 months agoForum Replies Created
September 1, 2016 at 8:09 pm #19402
I don’t think I’ll ever forget the moment I sat at a table in a cluttered warehouse and through the back door confidently walked in @gatekeeper4 and Addison Barrow. Up to that point none of us had really seen Four. We’d heard her voice, and caught glimpses of her form… a hand, her hair… She wasn’t my friend, but I won’t discount her powerful presence. Offsetting Four, there was Addy. I saw so many emotions pass through her in the brief time I spent in her presence, but most of all she seemed distant.
It was like meeting fabled characters in a book you’ve been reading. I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity.
August 30, 2016 at 6:51 pm #19257
@kasch: Mmmm, I think I will stick around until the end of time just to spite you 😉 😉
August 30, 2016 at 7:26 am #19205
@reaton: I believe keeping the bear hidden is a wise move at this point, especially considering you couldn’t clearly hear all that was being instructed or get the caller to reply to your inquiries. I am not altogether convinced that @gatekeeper2 is thinking clearly, but I feel it is prudent to do our best to keep her out of harm’s way until/unless we have a solid reason to do otherwise.
August 29, 2016 at 9:32 pm #19139
@gabzilla: Good luck! If you have a periscope username and want us to watch, that’d be great
August 29, 2016 at 5:29 pm #19117
@thegilded: I believe The One will appear in his own good time, regardless of what we do. On the other hand, our actions up until that time comes might serve to please or displease. A wrong move and we might find ourselves facing a very cranky Gatekeeper.
There is one loose end I keep in the back of my mind at all times. That journal. I can’t help but think it will still come into play in a significant way. For example, what if we are given the opportunity to return it to @gatekeeper2? How will she react? Could it be like screaming “Carlos?” Will this subsequently have an influence on the arrival of One?
I believe this media blitz is a diversion to have us miss the trick. Hey, look over there, and when we aren’t fully alert to our surroundings the arrival of One, the fate of 2, and whatever other surprises might be right around the bend are staring us square in the face. I will remain alert. It’s not a time for complacency.
August 29, 2016 at 1:12 pm #19108
Welcome aboard @darthzannah! Similar to Sean, I’ve been around from the start of this mad journey. As you get further down the storyline rabbit hole, do feel free to reach out with your thoughts and questions. I for one will do my best to chime in where I feel most relevant. I’m not a good and loyal Apostle, so perhaps others will be able to help you more on that side of the street. As you’ll find I am the first rebel, something of a poster child for the thing many consider a “warring faction.” Despite this, I actually am friendlier and more amenable to inquiries than you’d expect 😉 Best of luck!
August 31, 2016 at 8:28 pm #19331
I’d like to explain to you @monkeymuffin333 because perhaps you weren’t here the day all of this was originally discussed.
Max agreed to hand the journal over to Rizzo, stating that he did not have means to make clean, fully readable copies (ie. a scanner). Max’s copies had been fuzzy and unreadable in many places, and a few pages were outright missing as were a handful of ripped text stubs. Maybe this was due to Max being in a hurry… I’m not altogether sure. Regardless, Rizzo very honestly drove to Max’s house to get the journal. His intention was purely to do a favor for the entire community who wanted to easily read and enjoy every page of the journal.
I notified Tension that we had the journal because it is their property and they should know it’s whereabouts and that it was safe. So, after the journal was already innocently in Rizzo’s hands for the copying, I was instructed by Tension to have Rizzo keep it. It was 100% NOT a mwahahahaha sneaky lying strategic game move. When Rizzo picked up the journal we/BOS had no intention of keeping it from Max.
To answer your specific question, there was no IG reason given to us by Sentinel for keeping the journal, although at a later time I was vaguely told it may come back into play at some time. The only real reason given at the time of the instruction seems OOG as it had to do with the integrity of the journal and it’s online legacy.
Bottomline, the person who treated the journal with respect and provided clear and complete copies was instructed to hold on to the journal until further notice. It just happens that person is aligned with BOS. If you had been that person then it is quite likely the journal would still be in your hands per the instructions of Tension. Max knows this. I spoke to him in detail about it. I’m not sure why he keeps bringing it back up as if he doesn’t know.
(I’ve written this with no malice or anger. I’m pointing this out because sometimes it can be difficult to read intent when it is in type. I hope events are clearer now.)
August 31, 2016 at 7:13 pm #19313
@pandace88 said:
I also have mixed emotions about Mark after having read the journal. And being that he is now dead? I don’t know if it would altogether make a difference reminding her of him
I suppose I could have said “Carlos” to Addy when I met her and @gatekeeper4 in the warehouse, but I was also not convinced it would have made a difference other than possibly confusing and agitating her further than she already appeared to be. Mark was quite obviously prone to dramatic displays. Just because he said “Carlos” would make a difference, doesn’t mean it is the truth. Her journal, on the other hand, could be powerful. It is something that could push aside @gatekeeper2 and speak volumes to the girl from Ohio named Addison Barrow.
August 31, 2016 at 6:32 pm #19310
@pandace88: Yes, BOS has the journal. Specifically, BOS member @rizzzoooooo is currently in possession of it. He took it to make high resolution copies of each page for the community and was instructed by Sentinel to keep it safe until further notice. We (BOS) have reason to believe the journal will be relevant again some time in the near future.
August 31, 2016 at 12:08 pm #19280
@kasch said: My beanie baby hex bags have clearly failed…
Hahahah and haha! You made a joke (or is it?!) and I laughed. I love this.
August 30, 2016 at 7:29 am #19206
@jkotowicz: What an interesting answer, although completely vague. Care to be more specific, as in name names or factions?
August 30, 2016 at 7:20 am #19202
@daela said:
It seemed as if Addison said “most have already seen the One”
And right after this Addison says: “the realization will empower them.”
If “them” means the apostles, then The One is someone thought well of, liked, rather than disliked? And old friend thought to be gone forever or maybe one believed largely powerless? Maybe even one of us here on the forum? Any guesses at who it might be??
August 30, 2016 at 6:29 am #19201
@pandace88: Hi and welcome! Characters in a book… Hmm, I like this.
August 29, 2016 at 5:11 pm #19116
@reaton: You are a kind and generous man, and I would certainly never seek to be your enemy. Like you, I understand the folly of delusion… I’ve always made my choices with the full understanding that I might go down in flames, but if I do, I’m dedicated to going down having lived this to it’s fullest, without regrets. Best of luck to us all.
August 28, 2016 at 12:29 am #19062
@reaton: Yes I think you’re correct. It did look like Stakic in the surveillance video with @thebuz and III. It looks like Stakic in the background of the LA Times video as well… From memory it is a scene near the start with DLB speaking and several others sitting behind him (I think, Stakic, Derek Hinman, Gordon Bijelonic and one other I can’t identify)