No clue how I missed this but hello! 
1. Where are you located? El Paso, TX
2. How did you hear about The Tension Experience? Via Suggested page on FB
3. When did you join our community? I’ve been a lurker for awhile and finally signed up.
4. What do you like most about this Experience? I love all of the different communications, other people, and clues.
-Multiple choice. Please select the answer most applicable-
5. How much do you consume Horror publications (podcasts, newsletters, blogs, etc)
a. Creator – I run/write for/submit content for a horror publication
b. Extensive – I consume horror publications on a daily / near daily basis
both a&b! I run a horror podcast (el paso horror society) and I consume way too much creepy stuff daily.
5a. If you answered A-C on question 5, how likely would an ad on your favorite Horror publication have sparked your interest in something like The Tension Experience?
a. Greatly – An endorsement would have been enough to get me to sign up / check out the site
6. Which of the following would have been most likely to spark your interest in The Tension Experience?
a. Endorsement by publication I trust
b. Conversation with a stranger involved in Tension who would answer questions in person (think person handing out fliers or booth at a fair, etc)
c. Intriguing flyer
d. Cryptic Facebook/Twitter/etc post that showed up on my wall
e. Comprehensive post on Reddit/Unfiction/etc
I like all of the above but I would probably say a cryptic post is the best way to catch my attention.