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August 14, 2016 at 8:39 pm #18473
First, let me apologize for the long read. It’s Sunday and I finally have time to do nothing. I went through her journal again, now that I had some actual time to sit, think, pay attention, and take specific notes (I skimmed through it very quickly when it was first released). I made some notes of things that are interesting (to me, maybe to you? maybe enough to start discussing it more?). Also, thank you again to @atticus360 for taking all the pictures and then uploading them and to @lenize for transcribing it! Having both options was super helpful when going back to it. Some things I probably looked WAY too into and the notes appear to be taken out of context, but at least it may have gotten people thinking and looking at something or thought differently about something they may have missed. This is more of a list of talking points than my opinion.
And here we go:
– Manifesting – Writing it down to make it happen. Write it down and believe it – Even though she says she got to the bus station by “doing”. Maybe deep down, she hopes what she writes will happen. This will come into play a few points down.
– only good with other people’s words (which is why she loves acting, she can be anyone and do anything) – I think this is VERY IMPORTANT. There’s lots of talk about her being Four’s puppet or that One is talking through her. Her acknowledging this, even back then, is huge. Maybe nothing she’s said has really been her own words?
– This notebook will mean something to someone. It’s so dark. – Foreshadowing t where we are now and where we’re going perhaps?
– Ask me again in 6 months (about being a movie star). Now I’m not 100% sure on this time line, but 6 months could be around the time of the first periscopes of her
– she mentioned her dad “threatening” to fly out. – A personality trait of Tom even back then?
– He’s a bit behind on technology – That explains his flip phone at the Mixer
– The photos were a bit misleading – Tom has showed us photos, could she have learned to deceive via pictures from him? He’s shown pictures to a lot of people…are they as they seem?
– maybe into a high rise or a sweet artsy loft – In one of the Periscopes with her in Four, she was definitely up in a high rise. Which makes me wonder if the OOA swiped this while she was writing it, to learn her desires and wishes and made them come true. Maybe this goes back to what she said about “writing it down to make it happen”? She wrote it down, and it happened.
– Dad denies Mom has a problem and denies she’s old enough to live alone – There’s something more to this, but can’t put my finger on it. Living in denial? Over protective? Wants to be the one in charge? Living a life of denial? All of the above?
– Three vertical lines all crossed out – Foreshadowing of III?
– Theatre professor told her how pretty and talented she was and she’d have no trouble in Hollywood – Sounds like it might be possible that she believes what she’s told and then does things based on this. Like, “oh you’ll have no problem” “Ok I’ll move to Hollywood.” She could possibly be easily manipulated. This comes into play many times. She gets convinced to do things based on getting buttered up.
– Lying to parents/Doesn’t want dad to fly out like she’s a child – She has something to prove, no matter what
– She deserved to be punished for being stupid – Self hate/self loathing. It’s already in her head that she “deserves” certain things if something dumb or bad happens.
– Dad doesn’t want her corrupted, she sees how it haappens to others, but won’t let it happen to her – Well it seems that she did get corrupted, just not in a sexual way like this entry. Possible “sleight of hand”…concentrate on “this”, while we do “this”?
– Used to win prizes for being dramatic – Hmm….is every Periscope an act?
– The break in story/paranoia – Is it paranoia? Is whatever problem her mom has (that she needs meds for) something Addison might have and not know it? Or…aliens?
– Can’t turn milk into foam if her life depended on it – foreshadowing a possible death? If we go with the theory that Gatekeepers die, maybe her future death could be at Starbucks? or having to do a certain task “or else”?
– Also being told she wasn’t peppy enough – @reaton and @111error have both mentioned a change in her demeanor when they have spoken. Gone from shy to more confident. Maybe this had something to do with it?
– How easy it is to lie to parents/Anything to keep them from the truth – Maybe she’s a better actress than she thought…or better than we all thought?
– Page torn our after talking about lying saying she’s devastated and needed help. What was on this page? Was it too much for her to look back on? Ashamed of something she did?
– The Craigslist ad about the apartment with the girl from the audition – Coincidence? Or something deeper? Perhaps this was all part of the plan to “get” her? Do research on her?
– Also, how the ad reads – “let’s support each other”. I wonder if Sadie is part of something bigger? How else could she afford rent on her own and tell Addy that she can pay whenever? If you need a roommate for rent, you won’t tell them it’s ok not to pay. Also, it says “Wanted”, not “needed”. So maybe she’s taken care of. Addy even says later on that “she must have money coming in from somewhere” because she hasn’t gotten any jobs either.
– Torn page after meeting Mark and says “Crying”
– Mark blows off the question of how he knows Sadie. – Maybe they’re in cahoots? Sadie finds the girls and Mark brings them to the OOA. Like in Hostel when they have the 2 girls do the same routine to gain the boys trust and leads them to the club.
– The first date – Mark gets her all smitten and charmed up and he brings up the OOA. Smooootthhhhh
– The mixer and how she got home – She didn’t tell the man where she lived and also didn’t remember getting into bed. If she drank, was it spiked? Was she just really tired or had a bad headache? There’s something more here…something sketchy I think
– Cell phone – the OOA gives her a cell phone. Could this be because they could tell she would be useful to them? That they could possibly manipulate her?
– Mark calling Sadie – another point in favor of this possibly being a routine
– Not landing any roles and she doesn’t see that changing – Maybe that is confirmation that “they got her”. She’s not getting gigs, she’s just another girl trying to be an actress. They may think she’s an easy target and now was the time to move on to the next step
– She goes to live at the OOA warehouse – could this be where Ascension is? Where Addy had her Periscopes with the man and the knife? Where she killed Four?
– When she became Attendant One, all of the fears/pressures of being Addison was gone. So it would make sense why she would want to become another person (GK2). After this entry we see a change for the better(?) She’s happy. She has faith in something and also herself. She’s ok with where she’s at.
– Mentioning One to GK5 – Maybe One signifies the end of the world? The end of the OOA? The end of something?
– Trying to interrupt her writing – “trying” or “purposely”? Maybe they know she’s writing about her experience and wants it to stop in case it gets out to the public?
– I don’t care what they stand for as long as they don’t push their beliefs on me – Very smart and well said, but also a false sense of security and a dangerous rope to walk
– Real friends now who don’t need to know her name to know who I am – Umm, shouldn’t friends know your name? I feel like this is more based on stature within the Institute. Like new people perhaps? Ohhh she’s been here longer! Respect!
– Social updating meeting – Sounds like the “hood event”.
– I want her to like me – Talking about GK4. Perhaps, she does anything to get this to happen?
– What is Tension? She later finds out that Tension is used to find recruits, but how did everyone get to the OOA before Tension? Are they all from out of town and moved here for the next chapter?
– No one has seen One, but they’re all afraid – Maybe this is more faith. Like how religious people are afraid at the mere mention of Satan, even though they’ve never seen him. They just believe he exists.
– The media room – I mentioned this earlier, but sounds like the radio room in Jonestown where they scan and look for news about themselves. So the OOA was doing this about Tension and then shuffled her away because “not ready”. Tension must be a HUGE deal for the OOA. Also, possible foreshadowing of her Periscope by the fire where she says “Four, I’m ready”.
– “hunting” people in Hollywood to take the fall – Perhaps this deals with the BoS video at Scare LA where we saw all the Hollywood people on the screen? They’ll get blamed for everything and then the “real” people behind the OOA/Tension will just move on?
– Mark trying to get her out – What changed his mind? Also, using a phrase her father used, were they in contact? Maybe Tom threatened him to get her out?
– She needed Four to look at her – Maybe because her mother is on medication and has a problem, she needs that motherly figure and needs her approval. That could explain a lot about the Four/Addy relationship.
– the hood of clarity – the same thing happened to many of us at the mixer. Hood/helmet on, count down from 10. I wonder if they did this to certain people that they thought they could trust? or people that had a future with the OOA?
– After Addy wears the helmet, her writing style changes
– I think I think what she wants me to think – this goes back to Addy saying she’s only good with other people’s words. Also, possibly the helmet did this or possible it’s a mental issue (despite her being convinced it IS the helmet/hood)
– I am her instrument – She is now acting for Four
– She says she doesn’t know for certain, but thinks it was her father that broke in – This coincides with what she told Russell on the phone about how she didn’t know if it was really her father.
– She says her mind is rejecting Four – Is it possible that any GK can control the thoughts of those that wear the helmet/hood? That could explain why she killed Four (III had her do it) and explain how One is speaking through her now
– She is going to kill everyone – Again, is this a true thought? or is III putting this in her head?
– Kill one to save many – was this Four talking about III or III talking about Four?
– She has read everything – Assumingly she means Four, but why would this be a big deal when she had nothing but affection (except the last few posts about her teachings being rejected and possibly killing her), but if it was that bad, why would Four still be with her and take her to the meeting with III?So many questions and theories!
I feel that we should try to find Sadie, although that might be a lost cause. She will have information no one else would about Addy. She was the last possible “civilian” and she’s the only one who hasn’t been mentioned yet within Tension. It doesn’t say if Addy talked to her parents about her, but if they know about Mark, they should know about the roommate.
@111morgan – you mentioned that people have always said “she can choose what she wants for herself, she’s a strong woman that doesn’t need rescuing, etc” based on the “tumbleweed of reaction” (which, btw please read below). I was and am one of those people. After reading this diary, I still feel the same. All of the choices she made, she made on her own accord (based on the diary entries alone). She moved in with Sadie on her own, dated Mark on her own, moved into the OOA on her own, shared things at the OOA meetings on her own, etc etc. She didn’t have to do any of these things and could have gone home/left at any time. She’s stubbornly trying to reach her dream, which isn’t a criticism. I’m the same way. I’d live on the streets before admitting defeat and that this city got the best of me. Unfortunately, the story plays out like many 80s hair metal songs and those usually don’t end well. It seems she had her mind messed with at a certain point and then things were never the same for her.
Also, members of BoS – I don’t think it’s fair to guilt trip/shame people for not commenting or talking about her entries so quickly. It was a lot to take in and not many people have the time to just stop their life and read 60+ pages after a day and a half. If this was a week old, then sure, I totally get it, but after a day and a half? Give people some time/a weekend to catch up when they can before you try that tactic. This may not have been how you meant it, but that’s how it came across to me. Typical BoS 😉
August 12, 2016 at 6:54 pm #18369
August 12, 2016 at 6:40 pm #18367
Holy crap that rules! They’re still pulling tricks out of their hats this late in the game. Amazing.
August 12, 2016 at 5:54 pm #18361
I keep forgetting to post this, but if you have a VR device like Google Cardboard, check this out
August 12, 2016 at 5:03 pm #18352
Very cool @kingkill33!
Questions and comments:
-Did the email come from an email we’ve seen before?
-The time stamp is CET (Central European time) and was sent 1:59PM PST
-Nearby homes were “secured” and “purified” as well? What does that mean?
-What does “True Believer” mean and what do they believe? Shouldn’t that be the what the OOA wants? True Believers?
-She can bring The One sooner than ready? We saw what happeened when another Gatekeeper came too early. Yikes.
-One might be talking through her. So it’s not Addison and not even Two anymore?
-What else can she reveal?
-They bring up the boards turning against her and losing more members to “them”…So they do care about people leaving?
-New electronic means of communication? What else is there? -
August 15, 2016 at 12:51 pm #18542
@electrichippo – Oh you <3 – I am saying that Addison’s journal should be shown to someone who could be in a similar situation. Addy’s _path is not one that many people would find “normal”. Some people reading that would run for the hills, others might read it say “Hell yeah, free rent and food!”. It’s really up to who’s reading it and how they take it. Reading her story may make people think about things they are told a little more thoroughly, which is something that is very important in general.
August 15, 2016 at 11:42 am #18515
@amieexists – I have no idea! haha It’s one of those things that sounds good in theory, but have no idea how to accomplish it. What *could* happen is…someone expresses interest in the apartment and goes to meet Sarah to check out the apartment. Then if there is another girl there, then easy, if there’s another girl there, but not at home, maybe try to leave a note with your phone number or something.
The email I sent was about trying to find information on a mutual friend that had answered a similar ad. I’m sure that’s coming off as weird and sketchy to her, but I didn’t want to pretend to be interested in her apartment :/
August 15, 2016 at 11:32 am #18510
We should definitely try to get her to read Addy’s diary if that’s true and let her see what’s happened to someone in a similar/exact situation. Then it’s up to her on what she chooses to do.
August 15, 2016 at 11:06 am #18500
Exactly! AND the name is another name that starts with “S”. Sadie, Sarah. Could be a coincidence, but maybe if this is a scam, the names get changed so people don’t catch on. Much like Mark is also known as Benny.
August 15, 2016 at 10:59 am #18497
August 15, 2016 at 10:25 am #18494
August 15, 2016 at 9:45 am #18492
@dimstyle – agreed! There were a lot of questions that were asked when we were told the information. What was told to Morgan was that he “suffered what may be a fatal injury that appears to be self inflicted” Original thread here
To me, that does not sound like a definite thing. As for Sadie, I checked Craigslist looking for a similar ad to see if she was still using it, but no dice. Let’s keep an eye out every few days and if we see something, maybe one of us could write and find out who is behind the ad (if it’s Sadie) and see where that goes.
August 15, 2016 at 7:26 am #18489
@electrichippo – thank you for this!
Chanting – I wonder if this was something that Gatekeeper 5 wanted. He talks about how it started when he entered the room and stopped when he left. If the Gatekeepers are in charge, maybe they have nuances that people under them must abide by? I’d like to know the purpose and meaning as well
Mark – there’s definitely something fishy about Mark. From what we were told in the past, it sounded like just an ex who got her into this, but in her journal, he sounds like he has a much bigger role and he searched her out purposely instead of having it be a “Hey we’re dating, I’m into this, check it out”. The way he acts at the events with her definitely screams sketchy.
Purity meetings – you just made something click. Addy says that Mark used a saying that her dad used. If Mark did speak to her dad, maybe this is how he got the information to do so
Anointment – I don’t know. Secret societies have many customs we’re not meant to understand. Addy seemed stoked on it. Maybe she know what Anointment entailed, maybe she didn’t. I don’t have enough information to say either way.
Four being an Actress – Another thing that you made click. She obviously knows Mark, and knows certain…”details” about his anatomy. I wonder if she follow the EXACT path Addison did. Did Four meet Mark and start dating him as well? Did Mark introduce Four to the OOA?
Four’s letter – I’m with you. I don’t understand what we’re supposed to see/understand
August 14, 2016 at 10:04 pm #18485
Not sure what you mean here. I’m making notes about things I saw and found intriguing in Addy’s diary. Some of those things may align with what you guys believe and others probably don’t. These are just talking points, not a “you’re right. you’re wrong” type of thing.
August 14, 2016 at 9:14 pm #18476