FYI new thread dedicated to Periscope videos (see thread started in PUZZLES)
I had this horrible thought that this Facebook post about “all beautiful things…” is actually alluding to Addison.
Joke guy at the 5/29 event said I was the most beautiful person in the room….
Ya or video (tbh I lump movie and video together)
Of course and without names we can merely speculate and be rather….
Okay maybe @light2dark is actually alluding to a movie.
New release. Popcorn.
Very cool Megan! Sounds like we need to stock up on the Jiffypop.
The most dangerous liars are those who believe they are telling the truth…” She shall seal her own fate. This seems to line up with what @reaton has been saying a little while ago. What the hell is going on?
This doesn’t definitively say what exactly happened but instinct is leading me to suspect that it’s bad. This is a dark day.
That would be so crazy but awesome.
I have a feeling it’s all of us. We are the collective that wind it.
But yes I also wonder if it was a specific action or statement.
Renewal of sight.
Don’t kill the MOD….
I’ve never seen Blade.
I dunno….seeking the Light and vampires don’t exactly go hand in hand. :-/
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