Me am!
I caught the replay. It was no visual. A child’s voice was rambling. Then a voice whispered “It’s 8 o’clock.” Then it ended.
“_path” 5/28/16
*ears perked*. Vampires are notoriously OCD about numbers too. Iiiiiiiinteresting. 🤔
🙀😻😻😻😻🤖😻😻 Thank you, thank you!!
I see a new ceremony on the horizon. The Ringing of the Taco Bell. *poot*
Dat face! 😸
Aren’t we all like kittens gamboling down the _path to enlightenment? >^.^<
Alphabetical by last name?
I submitted my waiver Saturday at 5:47 pm. My number was 13.
Funnily enough, slack is the lack of tension. HAHAHAHAHA!
it is possible to make your own viewmaster stereoscopic disk. Worth it? Idk, but possible.
The doubled lensed object was a pair of opera glasses.
Thank you! I have no idea what I’m doing. 😜
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