Neil King

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  • #9706
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Hey guys, did Aleister get in trouble for something? This is his latest Facebook post:
    “…i can say no more”

    Interesting enough how the sense that we seem to be talking about the most is the mouth – the speech – but everyone of the OOA members we know are getting silenced. Maybe it is our turn to speak hence III’s short and vague answers.

  • #9685
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    All good questions guys! I think with some of them we have to figure out how we would answer them. Such as “who to trust?” they would say something along the lines of trust yourself and your judgement. Ya know thats a vague short answer but tells us what we already know. They won’t tell us who to trust we have to figure that out ourselves.

  • #9648
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Now as for questions I have I know 242 is ringing through my head like none other. Another is the significance of 8. I think knowing how Gatekeepers get their ranking can be very helpful in finding out what happened to 4 and 5 and potentially Addison. What do you all think?

  • #9644
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Okay everyone – let’s start coming up with questions. I think we need a leader first who is responsible for posting the questions in the new thread when it is ready. Is it okay if we use this particular forum to discuss the questions to be asked? (Not one of the questions I want to ask)

    As for a leader to do so I vote for @thegilded since Sean is incredibly active on these forums and knows his way around them and will be able to handle the influx I am sure we will see. Or @mike since he is the scribe and all.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
  • #9632
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Could all these numbers coming from III have to do with this list – so we are looking at 8, 2, 4, 5, 4, 3 etc. I wonder if there is any correlation… thoughts?

  • #9625
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I believe it to be a confirmation on Addison. We knew 4 would still be around – she said we would see her again soon in her farewell letter. There has been speculation that Addison died that night at the bon fire so maybe this is a note to us saying that Addison is still here.

  • #9676
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Second this!

  • #9675
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    As much as I want to know the real answer to what happen to Bob Jones – I think the lynching satisfies my imagination.

  • #9671
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Have to be careful with that one. That is assuming there actually is one. And that could easily be avoided. We get 2/3 of them answered so if that one is in it – he probably won’t answer unless the other 2 reveal something more deep or even if III knows. III may not know. He didn’t set the plants – someone else did.

  • #9669
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    What are the numbers (since nobody knows) and their meaning?

  • #9668
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I like the topics you are looking into. What we need to do though is figure out a way to word the question that doesn’t leave us more confused with the answer than before. All are valid points. I think the whereabouts of Overseer are not as important as some of the other questions. 242 is certainly up there. Addison is definitely up there. But we have to remember to be careful.

  • #9654
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I am all for that – as long as everyone else is too.

  • #9652
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I think we should keep the discussion in here. We have our base which is the original task presented and all discussion that follows.

  • #9634
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    As is mine.. everyone else?

  • #9633
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I am thinking next will be the mouth. III is certainly causing a TON of discussion among all of us. Non stop forum chat. Non stop theorizing and non stop messages to spread the word. It all has to do with our ability to speak.

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 224 total)

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