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  • #16905
    Profile photo of Cody

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a fence,
    because at the time, it made so much sense.
    The narrative demanded, that he choose a side.
    So he picked by the trail left by the one that had died.

     So ever since the beginning , I have thought that there was more to tension than meets the eye. That the story line is a front for something much more profound.
    This thought has,(much like every other thought of tension) waivered and wiegned. 

    The endgame is unclear. 

    The Institute:
    Has had me lured in from the beginning (much like the rest of you) with promises of enlightenment. But anyone whom has studied texts on enlightenment, knows that as much as outside sources can aid you.. enlightenment can only come from within.
    While I have learned many lessons being a participant, I owe this to Tension as a whole including the community in my mind.

    The OOA has a long history of corruption, Insurance fraud, murder , and ultimately theft through said murder and fraud.
    They claim that they want to enlighten the world and that it is the people involved whom ultimately cause the corruption.
    They have said that this experience was a reset, to gain new followers to start fresh.
    Yet the cycles continue to unfold.
    The murder, the fraud , the loss.
    NONE of this was done by the community but rather perpetuated by those within the Institute itself.
    So my question is how in the hell can they expect things to go differently without change in the actions of themselves?
    This reminds me of my child who knows better and yet continues to act the same regardless.
    Wanting a fresh start and then repeating the same transgressions.
    In the institutes case, these transgressions will only perpetuate the same things they claim to wish to end.
    There is hints of MK ultra like mind control, the helmet(which I feel has potential to be used for good or for bad) , drugging foods etc.
    Finally , they support murderers. Ones whom have killed for no justifiable reason.
    Do not confuse this as an opinion that condones no violence ever. 

    I assure you all that any action ever threatening myself or my loved ones would result in my own defensive violence. This I would see as justifiable, as would the fundamentals of natural law. 

    I cannot support those actions of the Institute.
    I do however feel for Anoch, as everything he attempts to build always appears to be overcome by darkness in the end. 

    I would be silent as well. 
    If that is the price of so-called “enlightenment”, you can all have it.
    The price is to high for me. 

    The BOS:
    While the lines are fuzzy and grey, they have not caused harm to another as I can recall, they do not try to control minds and they have definitely not been involved in murder fraud or theft as far as I know. 
    They scream that the OOA is an evil cult. While there may be no real word verifiable proof of these things… IG , there seems to be enough of that going around.
    I do not think, as Megan pointed out, that we will ever receive that kind of proof.
    The BOS has aligned with a murderer.
    I have chosen to stand with the BOS,
     Not Gk3. I would stand next to him depending on his future choices. This is not to say that I feel he is beyond help however. 
    In the beginning it was quite taboo to jump sides. People were banned from the forums as a result of doing so. I did not want that to happen. Much was still unclear at that time.

    Much still is unclear. 

    If the BOS were to engage in the types of patterns we have seen of the OOA,(unjustifiably) I would adapt accordingly. 

    I like how there was a transition at some point where everyone went from swearing oaths to saying “I stand with”.
    I can get behind that.
    While I stand with the BOS, I do not turn my back on ANYONE. There is light and dark within us all but CHOICE is the determining factor of what we are to be.
    I believe there is good and bad on both sides, one just happens to be much more dark than the other.
    I feel that we are ultimately all ONE.
    We ARE  the tension experience.
    I would help any good person and would also help someone who is bad to attempt to make amends and try to start a new path.
    I still hold close to my thoughts of the origin story of the OOA , and hope that this can someday become a reality without all of the negativity accompanying it.
    Sometimes bad must be done to clear the way for good. Yes, sometimes a negative can create a positive.  I do not see that this is being done at the time by the OOA however.  

    I think that we are ALL being played here to some degree.

    Just like we were all played against each other by gk5. 

    Wars waging, friends on opposite sides, divide in the community. 

    I will leave it at this for now. 


    A shout out to the whole community, If you are ever out in western Canada and need help, a place to stay, just want to hang out, or pretty much anything else, I got your backs. 

  • #16826
    Profile photo of Cody

    Funny. I remember this being a much longer post. lol

  • #16797
    Profile photo of Cody

    At the top when I said “on 07/22/16” it was supposed to say, on 07/21/16 . fat finger. Can’t edit anymore.

    So it seems that this proves that the OOA is in full support of Addison or @gatekeeper2. The tag is up and flying!
    This certainly changes some things and shows the support she has from the Institute. Damn cults, always going to the dark side. Hahaha.

  • #16786
    Profile photo of Cody

    So, I know this is way after the fact but I thought I would share either way. I took so long for various reasons. Mainly keeping a promise I made to my beautiful other half.  
    My trip to LA was a pretty good time.
    Made lots of memories with my family and had the opportunity to meet a few community members along the way as well.

    On 7/22/16, unbeknownst to me, I received an email from the OOA. I was told not to show the email to anyone.
    I was not even aware of the fact that I had received an email until the following morning at around 11am when I received a message from the Aleister FB account simply saying,
     “Next time then”.
     At that moment I noticed that I was also sent a message at 9am saying ,
    ” we never heard back from you”.
    My reply was simply, “huh? , I’m not sure what you mean….
    I then went on to explain that I was planning on being in LA on the 23rd for sure and that I was open until the 25th.
    I thought I had perhaps missed something in my earlier call that week.
    Earlier in my trip I got a call while in Anaheim  asking if I was in LA.(this was the same call I was asked to convince III to agree to the meeting he showed up late for) I told the gentleman I was not. I was then asked when I was planning on being in LA again. I responded that I was planning on being back for sure on the 23rd and perhaps within the next few days.
    So anyway, back to the Aleister account message. I then went into my email and forced synced it. To my surprise as well as my disappointment, there was a letter from the tension experiences sent on the 22nd. It asked if I could come in on the 23rd.
    I started panicking because I had missed the email and perhaps my opportunity to be involved in a live experience so close to the end of the trip.
    I emailed back to ask If I was to late and apologize. 
    No reply. I replied to the Aleister account, also  no reply. No view.
     I then missed a call from a private number while tending to my screaming child. hahaha. Oh it was a good string of missing shit.
    I decided to take my chances and roll into LA. I informed both the email account and the Aleister account of my intentions and hit the road.
    I received a call from a female on the freeway. (I wasn’t driving, my misses was a good sport and drove us in). The female asked If It was me and then If I knew who I was talking to. I guessed Addison. She confirmed that it was indeed her and then told me that she had something for me and asked If I would be available to meet her later that evening. I said yes.
    Addison said that she was not sure of a time just yet. I said OK and was in the middle of asking a question when she hung up.
    My family and I went for some yummy Indian food downtown.
    I received another private phone call that was silent then disconnected.
    After eating, we drove around checking out some sights.
    I received another call from Addison saying to be in the above earlier mentioned area code by 7pm.
    We traveled to a park that’s southern most point fell just inside the area code.
    At that time I periscoped from my personal account stating what was happening and that I had no clue what was going on.
    I then received another call from Addison instructing me to be at the corner of Riverside Drive and Clark in 10 mins.
    Upon arriving at that location we parked and I got out of my rental  car and stood on the corner. (really cool used car lot at that location btw)
    I then had a smoke and stood around looking at people and the buildings looking for anything I could see.
    It was hot, so I returned to the AC. haha. 
    I then received a call from an unblocked California number, this time it was a male.
    (It sounded like Micheal with OSDM and also the same individual who tasked me with convincing gk3, to meet with gk4 and Addison).
    This individual then told me a few things.
    One of which, was that I was to download the twitter app and sign out of my personal periscope and then gave me access to tensions periscope. He told me that he would call back in approx 5 mins.
    I did as instructed in record time. haha.
    I waited for his call. What felt like an eternity
    to my impatience went by. 

    I posted “here here”. 

    I looked at my phone and there was a missed call from the unblocked California number! It had not even rang! I called the number back.. it rang about two or three times when suddenly I had a call waiting from the very same number I was currently calling. So naturally I assumed it was someone else’s number that was being spoofed and hung up my outgoing call to answer the incoming call. 

    Micheal (or whoever) gave me instructions on how to block the location on an outgoing periscope also to label the video with a two finger emoji ,and then asked me to punch this address into my GPS, *** W park Dr North Hollywood. 

    This gentleman then went on to explain that I was to follow the route given by the GPS and that It would bring me by a park where I would find Addison sitting on a bench.. I was to park the vehicle and start recording. He said to give the phone to my better half and explain who I was, what was happening, that I had been given access to the tension periscope to broadcast and to go over and talk with Addison while recording. We took off west on riverside and along a few block away we turned onto Addison street or Ave or way or something. haha

    She told me.. as you all witnessed, that I was going to receive an email with the video and I could do WHATEVER I wanted with it. 

    I was also told before on the phone or after by Addison,(can’t remember ) that I could keep it to myself, I could show it only to a select few,  I was in full control of what the fate of the video would be. 

    I thought of everyone in the community right away and knew what I would do with it.

    I was hit with many pleas from individuals, through various platforms, to share the video with them. I did not reply to any. 

    So after the video cut out, Addison told me to stay facing the direction I was facing and to wait 60seconds before turning around. I did so. 

    From my misses perspective, she had taken our son out of the car and he was screaming his head off. She had set him on a blanket to change him or something.  She said that when Addison started walking away, she did so quickly and then started hopping along and then took off in a full on sprint.

    She also said it was the most awkward run she had ever witnessed and that, “that chick was a freak” hahaha. When I got back in the car, my 6yr old daughter asked me who the lady with the funny run was and if she like me. hahaha. I wish I had turned around to witness it for myself. I would also say that my girlfriend has a photographic memory (seriously, level 100 stalker spotting skills style! it’s kinda scary.) and  witnessed where she went what she got into and such.. but none of those details will be disclosed by either of us, Ever, out of respect. 

    we left the park to go meet another fellow tensionite for the first time on our way out of the city. 

    Then back to Anaheim.

     I attempted to upload the video unsuccessfully on the drive back. 

    I figured once back to the hotel , the WiFi might work better. 

    A stop at the local target and then back to the room. I restarted the download and went to get my boy to bed. (it was like 11pm at that time and everyone was chomping at the bit, waiting for me to upload the video).

    Once he was sleeping, I looked at my phone.. it wasn’t uploading at all!  I switched my WiFi off and tried the roaming again. No dice!

    (the whole trip , my misses and I were having issues loading pages, uploading photos, missing calls and notifications. Such a pain in the assignment <—–that autocorrect can stay because it was fitting. hah. ) 

    I figured fuck it… I’m going to ground level for a cig and to see if the WiFi  would work there. It started working immediately to my relief (I had told everyone on the forums that it would be up to view that night hahaha ). 

    Then I went in bed a read all the comments that were popping up. 

    We slept In and went to meet @monkeymuffin333 and @prufrock5150 the following day. Which was awesome by the way! Sorry we slept in so late you guys! 

    I want to say Thank You to the Tension Experience for involving me in a live event and for making my vacation a memorable one. Also for the personal easter eggs. 

    I would also like to thank @monkeymuffin (who my misses now adores after you guys found out the commonalities you share btw haha) and @prufrock5150 for being so kind. 

    It was a pleasure for my family and I to have met you both.

    I would also like to make a special shout out to my man @rizzzoooooo as well, whom it was also a pleasure to meet in person. 

    You ever come to midwestern Canada , I got your back man! 😎. 

    Aaaaaand finally I would like to thank the members of the community who are also outside the LA area for being so patient with my tardy uploading issues. 😉

    This was mostly what I remember of my interactions, going off of memory and scribbled notes. This is as best I can recall.

    I am sad for the loss of @gatekeeper4 and the part I played in the whole fiasco. I am glad that you are still among us @gatekeeper3 as well as @electrichippo and @tensaddisonadmin or @gatekeeper2 … still not a thing I’m guessing. 



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
  • #16945
    Profile photo of Cody

    I am glad to have helped to inspire you to follow your own logic.

    Our numbers grow.
    I stand with the community as well.
    As I previously stated, I wouldnt turn my back on a single one of them personally.

  • #16944
    Profile photo of Cody

    Hmmm, well that seems odd as there have been others to declare that they stand with the BOS and have not been “booted”.
    So as much as that may be true.. it seems an odd reason to hold back.

  • #16940
    Profile photo of Cody

    I have, on multiple occasions, witnessed @rizzzoooooo, state that he stands with the final counted/3.

  • #16937
    Profile photo of Cody

    I have noted some inconsistencies with the list as per observation of others statements. I do not wish to speak for others however so I will leave it at that.

  • #16924
    Profile photo of Cody

    B.C. is a beautiful province man.
    I spent a lot of time on the coast in my younger days.
    My father has a few places in BC.
    A place in the Okanagan and a fishing lodge on an island off the northern coast.

    I myself, am over one province, in Alberta.
    My family and I hope to relocate to BC if the opportunity presents itself.

    I will not comment on wars or thaliban.
    I am a conspiracy nut and as a result I am sure we have quite differing opinions.
    I do however respect your courage to defend what you believe in.
    If I had a venue to do the same for what I believe in, I would gladly put my life on the line.

    It is easy to convince yourself a cause is just… even more so with carrots dangling for you.
    Those whom use others for their own means always paint their enemy as the bad , “evil ones”, liars , betrayer’s of truth , or whatever suits the cause.
    I go with my discernment and by the way things are presented through the narrative so far.

  • #16910
    Profile photo of Cody

    Awe, thanks girls!
    Thanks you as well error, for yet another example of the depths of your kindness. hahaha.
    I could step down to your level, buuuuuut, I’d rather just be a decent human being. hah.

  • #16882
    Profile photo of Cody

    Not just one insurance scandal, but a long line of insurance scandals, murder, contradction and carrot dangeling.
    Seriously, I love the original intent of the OOA. Sadly, though resemble a child who keeps doing wrong even though they constantly state that they want the opposite. It’s like a kid who apologises over and over again and then repeats the same mistakes time and time again.

  • #16815
    Profile photo of Cody

    I thought we already decided it was a dick in a box. lol.

  • #16814
    Profile photo of Cody

    bahahaha. omfg.

  • #16801
    Profile photo of Cody

    I am glad as well. I hope your time there will be filled with even more excitement and community than I had.
    I wish that for everyone.
    Thank you for your kind words.

  • #16617
    Profile photo of Cody

    High five for that shit 🖐.
    To you I say ✌ (not to be confused with II)and also 🖖.

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