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August 12, 2016 at 12:38 pm #18317
Finally finished reading through the journal, what a roller coaster. I’m now disappointed in myself for rooting for GK4 when she went rogue, and I feel like I’m a little closer to understanding Addison/@gatekeeper2’s actions.
This does not put the OOA in a good light.. I’m reading it as GK5 using the OOA’s space and opening up a dorm as a way to prey on at-risk women in the name of bolstering the OOA’s ranks. Stripping their new recruits of their names as a way to reformat their identities and become the mental slaves of the OOA. Disallowing social media to disconnect them from the outside world and encouraging the sharing of secrets in order to break them down and encourage trust from within the organization? Sounds a little like brainwashing, and a little like another SoCal family.
Knowing Four was planning on “cleansing” everyone, even witnesses, is by no means comforting, but also not totally out of character. We know we’re playing with fire when it comes to either side, but especially the OOA when it was managed by Four. I rooted for the chaos she brought, but only in the hopes that she would bring a wave of change from within the organization. Yes, that change would’ve come, but it would’ve been a broader change than I was comfortable with.
After reading this, I’m wondering what I’m even doing on the fence anymore. I’ve been hoping for enlightenment this whole time, and this journal has given it to me. I’m now seeing that the Gatekeepers are using their position to take advantage of their followers. I’ve been hoping for change from the OOA, as I’ve been generally unhappy with their direction for the past few months. Now it’s been confirmed that bloodshed is the only form of change happening within the OOA. The leadership is operating under fear of the one to come next. We’ve seen them erase the hopeful actress that was Addison Barrow and replace her with one more self-serving Gatekeeper (though a Gatekeeper who’s been ever so kind as to take a few minutes out of her vacation to read bedtime stories to us rather than give us the explicit context and clarity we’ve been looking for.)
We’ve now seen the goings on of the OOA, and @gatekeeper2 has done nothing to change the course of the organization despite all she’s been through. At this point the only way to find the light I’m looking for is through the BoS. Hope they have one more seat at their table.
August 12, 2016 at 7:59 am #18272
Anyone want to help transcribe into a doc? Let me know and I’ll shoot you an invite to a google doc when I get to work, if a few people took 10-15 pages it should be quick work!
August 10, 2016 at 9:09 pm #18157
and image:
August 8, 2016 at 8:59 pm #17914
This is such a cool idea. Excited to hear you had such a good experience, sad we’ll soon be missing @regent7, and very much looking forward to seeing how people approach their pages.
August 6, 2016 at 12:14 pm #17683
Tom is back. Shit went down at the panel
August 6, 2016 at 11:33 am #17682
Hey anyone looking at this – as long as you have a wristband it seems you can skip the main building and just go to the other building where the second stage is.
Just need a wristband and they’ll let you in, panel is down the stairs and near the back corner. As of 11:33 it has not started yet.
August 5, 2016 at 7:48 pm #17650
Thank you for posting this, @ellisgordon.
I was one individual who emailed you last night as a concerned participant, and I want to speak my case. I’m not concerned about anyone being a plant, nor am I concerned about uncovering what’s going on behind the scenes or what’s to come next. I hope that’s not what was taken away from my note. For the good of the experience and the future of Tension, what’s behind the curtain should stay there, as everything we’re experiencing here on a daily basis is still exciting and engrossing and a large part of everyone lives.
I wrote you an email because I wanted to make my own concerns about seeing a participant putting their hands on an actor with apparent intent to harm known, and make sure that The Tension Experience is aware of the precedent they’re setting within the immersive theater and extreme haunt community. Some may disagree with my concerns, but a door had been opened that had this clarification not been made, had the potential to be detrimental to the future existence of hands-on immersive experiences. I don’t want to see other experiences I and many others love be effected from a legal aspect due to a misunderstood plot development.
I greatly appreciate the measures taken by you and your team in making that a safe action, and hats off to @thebuz for his convincing acting.
So thank you for the clarification to the community. I’m lpoking forward to seeing you tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to the future of The Tension Experience.
August 4, 2016 at 3:23 pm #17515
Still trying to digest it.. but I believe we just heard the origins of Glory Be?
August 4, 2016 at 2:45 pm #17501
I was saying this in the other thread, and it pains me to imagine, but I believe GK2/Addison will die to make room for GK1. We knew Four and III had to die, though we didn’t want it to happen. But we knew they would not be here as the countdown was happening.
At this point.. We ascend in about a month. I think it’s safe to say that GK1 will be leading us to ascension, if the OOA is still an establishment.
I don’t want it to happen because of who she was, but I’m anticipating the death of GK2/Addison – either at the hands of GK1, BoS, or now that this new wall has come down, one of us.
August 12, 2016 at 11:47 am #18310
August 12, 2016 at 10:18 am #18287
Oh awesome. Thank you!!
August 11, 2016 at 12:54 pm #18175
Remember the last time we had a mystery box come into play?
August 9, 2016 at 2:23 pm #17984
I would love to participate as well @atticus360. And thank you again for taking the time to involve the community in something so important.
August 6, 2016 at 11:15 am #17680
Same. This line isn’t moving…
August 4, 2016 at 3:49 pm #17540
@kasch I think I remember someone bringing this up before – the OOA is behind BoS, and using them as a way to cull the herd. A test to determine who’s devoted and whose faith waivers.
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Addison Born.
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