active 7 years, 5 months agoForum Replies Created
October 30, 2016 at 10:20 pm #21202
October 30, 2016 at 10:09 pm #21200
I’m not sure how much of the process that I’m really supposed to divulge, but here it all is behind the spoiler buffer below. Keep in mind that both my partner and I have attended twice before.
@aporetic received a call earlier today from the OOA. Female caller is confused as to why our paperwork says that this will be our third trip, @aporetic confirms that the information is correct. Caller replies with “They’re not going to like this.” and hangs up.
We arrived to find that the van crew didn’t have any paperwork for us and that we could write our names down on a couple of blank waivers. We take the van ride until the two of us remain; both of our hoods are pulled off together and we find ourselves being unloaded into a gas station parking lot. The drivers say “Not tonight, guys…” and let us know that our money had been refunded, and that we were never to return. They get sort of a panicked look on their faces when they warn us to stay where they left us, that “he was coming” and that they had to GTFO now.
We notice a sedan parked across the lot, and a man gets out of the car, honks the horn, and gestures for us to approach. This is my first time meeting Samson, but @aporetic encountered him during our second visit and recognizes Samson immediately. As we approach, he asks if we’re thirsty and allows @aporetic to get in the backseat (next to a conspicuous small dark leather bag) while I am to ride shotgun. Hot diggity.
We launch into a few awkward attempts to find out if Samson actually answers questions (Spoilers: He doesn’t.), including trying to finesse Overseer’s killphrase out of him, he asks us about where we thought power came from these days. As @aporetic and I are both security geeks, our answer was “information.” Samson then went on to talk about how corporations like Google and Facebook are always trying to learn more information about you for their advertisers and gaining power over you because of it. He then pulled in to the parking lot of a convenience store and told us that he was going to buy us a drink. We both beeline for the nearest display with modestly priced bottled water. Samson asked us if we were sure that was what we wanted because he would buy us anything we wanted. He then led us to the back of the store where he suggested that we might want a drink from this cooler. @aporetic thought maybe the ‘nothing is random’ mantra also apply to this display, so he changed his mind and selected an Arizona Iced Tea. I stuck with my bottle of water. Samson paid for our beverages and led us back to the car. In the car, he told us that he knew more about us and what kind of people we were because of the choices we displayed in the store. Then, he turned up the radio and sang along beautifully with two older songs – one was more upbeat and referenced a frog, the other was a straight up love song. I could have sung along with them while we were in the car, but the lyrics aren’t coming to me at the moment. I’d recognize the songs if I heard them again, though. During the serenade, @aporetic tried several times to reach into the bag. Samson eventually had to pull over and relocate the bag to the trunk.
We pulled up to the OOA building (completely unhooded) and he knocked on the door. The receptionist, Mary Lynn, answered the door and greeted us brightly, then took her place facing the wall as Samson led us inside. Of course, everywhere he led us sent OOA members heading for the walls and corners. He led us through the Welcome Room and out through the Changing Room. He then opened a secret door in the hallway leading from the Changing Room, this took us into the Computer Room – a room that we have visited once before with Overseer. Sitting in front of the monitors this time was none other than Darren Lynn Bousman and another person that I didn’t recognize. They spoke a bit with Samson, and Samson told them to tell Clint that he had to stop fucking with the subjects. He then led us out to the Holding Room (the one with the circle of chairs), where Overseer was waiting. I actually shouldn’t call her Overseer for this part of the story, she was pure Addison. Samson asked us if we wanted to see something funny and asked Addison about who they worship, she answered with “Anoch.” She looked worriedly at us and said that she didn’t know that we would be there, Samson assured her that @aporetic and I were believers as well and leaned over to us to say “See? She really believes this stuff.” He then asked Addison about why they try to raise the Oracles, and she replied that it was because it was the only way that they could communicate with Anoch. Samson then ordered all of the handlers into the room, and told them to administer the helmet to Overseer (his words) for the next 20 minutes. Addison lost it when the girls entered the room, she cried “Why is everything changing?” They dragged her away and placed the helmet and a red cloth over her head, we could barely hear Samson over her bloodcurdling, relentless screams. Samson walked us back to the van, explaining that they just wanted to give us a little thank you for attending so many times and supporting the show and that we were free to tell everyone that we wanted about what we saw tonight. He repeated that last bit. He also asked who we were voting for president in the upcoming election, and said he would see what he could do when our answer was divulged.
The van took us back to the parking lot, and told us not to talk to or look at anyone. The next group was milling about, so we kept to ourselves and lightly explained to the parking attendant as to why we were there so soon, and what we were supposed to do now. The parking attendant suggested that we stick around until the next Black Van Express, so we did so. The head security person walked up to us immediately after the van pulled up again and told us that the show was over and that we needed to get out of there. We asked if he was really serious, as we had only spent maybe 30 minutes from van to van. He confirmed that he was serious, and after waiting for the van to take off, we reluctantly left.
* In the middle of writing this, I received a call from a man who asked if I knew who I was talking to. As I did not, he explained I will become very familiar with him in the future that he is a cleaner and the organization that he works for doesn’t like messes and that this isn’t over. If he had done his research, he’d realize that I’ve been threatened by far scarier cults than the OOA. Ask me about my pal Xenu…
October 30, 2016 at 8:47 pm #21197
Our third visit didn’t quite pan out as expected, apologies to anyone in our group.
It was nice while it lasted, OOA. Glory be.
October 30, 2016 at 8:44 pm #21195
I will update with more information when I get home but tonight Samson showed me a new side of both himself and Overseer… and encouraged me to share this information with any and all that may be interested.
Addison is still in there. Samson is not a believer. He is definitely using her, but I do not know why.
Again: Addison is still in there. She is being tortured and she can be saved.
The OOA won’t allow me or my partner to return, but surely one of you reading this will be successful.
October 21, 2016 at 1:41 pm #20690
The house works a lot like Tension Experience: you get out of it what you put into it. You can take everything at face value and have one experience, or dig infinitely deeper and discover so much more…
Also, if you haven’t picked up The Whalestoe Letters as a companion piece, you really should. It brings an extra dimension to P’s coded letters…
Oh, and have I mentioned the importance of Poe’s Haunted album? It’s pretty important, too.
October 31, 2016 at 8:51 am #21217
October 30, 2016 at 10:58 pm #21213
The person sitting next to Bousman was a pretty nondescript white guy
with short, straight brown hair. I don’t think I’d be able to point him out in a lineup. Sorry.
Samson is definitely in charge, but Bousman seems a bit irritated with Samson’s notes.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Crystal. Reason: Because I am wrong
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
October 21, 2016 at 3:56 pm #20692
I think it was the Exciter Tour, too. (I wanted to attend so badly!) I was lucky enough to see her during her small venue Pantene Pro-V tour with a bunch of other Angry Psychos and it was life changing. Okay, maybe nothing that dramatic but it was a wonderful time.
HoL is quite an experience. I’d love to see it turned into some sort of immersion theater because it’s completely unfilmable, but it would be such a monster project…