Nice! Seems like the need has been met. Thanks for taking the task!
Can’t wait to see what’s next!
OMG…”Am I that scary??”
So adorable. I can’t even. She is literally the sweetest.
It’s amazing how no matter where I go, haters follow. It’s so cute.
LOVED reading through this tonight!! I didn’t know DLB was such a fan of Jesus Christ Superstar (how would I have?).
As always, can’t wait for more!!!
Also, didn’t that use to read participant? Not Tensionee?
MOVIES: The Game (1997) One Night At McCool’s (2001) Brotherhood (2007) Lucky (2011) The Lobster (2015)
Received and responded.
To echo others, it’s likely spam but what’s the harm in an email?
“What an actress move…” LOL You guys slay.
OMG… Two seconds in and this is already one of my favorite things.
Great catch!! What an interesting perspective. I hadn’t thought about it that way.
This number is regarding the sub-plot for one of the handlers.
I read that same letter!
@electrichippo Next time, you won’t have to be alone.
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