I applaud you, Tyson.
This whole experience is definitely the most meta thing I’ve ever participated in.
DAMN- I’m away for one day and I missed something.
Seeing this for the first time. Just realizing I met @mike the other night, unofficially. Well, officially, hello! lol
Definitely like LOST.
Seconded, @electrichippo !!
I would say that it is time consuming, rather than a time-waster.
Time enjoyed is never time wasted.
I was referring to all the posts. Maybe that’s why everyone was so quiet at Trivia. haha
Wasn’t this alluded to in CRUMBLING WALLS?
Interesting read!
Hence, what we THINK we know. I totally agree that there are layers to the story.
Wow. Thank you for that reply! It was enlightening.
-Good catch Michelle!
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