active 7 years, 9 months agoForum Replies Created
November 30, 2016 at 12:42 pm #22939
Called, but I think I am even more confused
November 30, 2016 at 12:15 pm #22936
Also the phone number on one of the walls 424-522-9288 is that the same number from the beginning of the ARG if not, did anyone try calling this number?
November 30, 2016 at 11:58 am #22935
I found a note in the reception area with the puzzle lady. It said something to the likes of, he is not an actor, dont trust him. Which I met someone who claimed to be an actor, and my mind blanked when I met him. Turns out he wasnt an actor, he was one of the head honcho’s of the OOA. I saw his picture in the tool room, where I was told that they were the ones who ran things around here. I was a bit pre occupied with something (I thought I was sneaky and did not swallow the liquid or the flesh from the desensitizing room, wondering if that could benefit me somehow in the long run, and managed to spit it out into my rubber glove while in the dark room with the Oracle.) So since my mind was elsewhere I was having a bit of a problem paying attention to everything being said. (Trying to communicate with someone with out speaking or causing suspicion through 3 rooms is not easy. Especially when I was taken back to the red room with all the girls and the crazy dr looking guy and they were just staring at me and the dr took his finger and started running it down my cheek. I thought for sure I was busted. That was the most nervous I have been in a long time. ) I cant for the life of me remember who the other pictures were. Sorry for jumping around a bit on this but the memories are flooding back in, and not in order.
November 27, 2016 at 3:35 pm #22892
Thier theme song should be https://youtu.be/GDpmVUEjagg
November 12, 2016 at 3:27 pm #22464
Any updates on what was in the van?
November 10, 2016 at 1:53 pm #22121
Best Imposter – Tom Barrow
Best Couple – Myself coupled with the Chicago style popcorn that I brought as a gift being poured my jump suite
Best Stage Presence – Simon
Funniest – The two girls (Sorry I dont know thier names) that were throwning popcorn at my head while I was interviewing.
Best Hood – The black one. no maybe the red. No i think like the black one.
Best Read – Myhauntlife.com blog
Best Improv- the nervous woman who was asking me questions in the white room, far upper right hand corner desk when you first walk in the room.
Most touching moment: Meeting some of you all when I went out there. If we want to stay tension based, I would say end scene of Ascension. -
November 10, 2016 at 10:49 am #22026
@agkeeling I left my phone (on purpose) and my wallet (on accident) in my car when I went. I didnt have any problem, other than the added tension that I thought I lost my wallet while I was in the OOA compound.
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Lukas L.
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November 10, 2016 at 9:56 am #22019
I really hope Sunday gets put up on a Periscope. I still have faith that Addison, Sabrina, Overseer, has a plan. Sabrina is a great actress, Addison is so compassionate, and the overseer is so confident, that I hope this is still part of her master plan. Addison may have been timid and scared, but she isnt just Addison. And I think whoever she is, is more cunning than what we perceived in the periscope.
If this isnt Periscoped, I was invited but cant fly out so, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hit me up with spoilers. I am going to be on edge all Sunday.
November 8, 2016 at 1:53 pm #21923
@flamey35023 yes as Max said there is plenty to do. I am also from out of state and while I fortunately got a chance to experience Ascension, I only did so because of the interactions on this site. Everything unfolds here on the forums. The more you put in, the more you get out of it. Welcome and Glory Be!
November 30, 2016 at 7:21 pm #22946
Yes @electrichippo that was the guy who said he was an actor. When I say creepy dr. Who I freaked me out cus I thought I was busted. This is who I was talking about.
he was the one who said the people in the pictures were running the show.
November 30, 2016 at 6:20 pm #22942
@electrichippo thats them! And the guy who said he was an actor was the guy in the second photo in the circle frame. He spent a good 2 min on a monologue about how he was hired to be there and do you know who signs his paycheck. It’s not signed by Darren Bousman. Or by some theater company. It’s signed by the damn OOA. That’s what he told us. But I froze and didn’t know what to say. Like should I have called him out? Should I have kept the note instead of putting it back?
November 10, 2016 at 1:36 pm #22108
@thegilded are you sure? I could have sworn @reaton or @mike said it was a stuffed cat? This was it right? Bears dont have long tails.
November 10, 2016 at 1:17 pm #22084
I am not sure anyone would/could ever know, unless they got their hands on the “Script book” But nobody ever has exactly the same interactions as anyone else. be it as big as sequential scenes or be it as small as a response to a question. Thats what I love so much about all of this.
November 10, 2016 at 1:14 pm #22081
@agkeeling You will meet her for sure, good luck on getting your questions answered. One thing, its a small error we were all making for awhile. It is actually as stuffed cat, not a bear.
November 4, 2016 at 1:26 pm #21572
@amieexists That is exactly what I was just thinking. Tom kept calling her Addison, if he were her real father wouldnt he have called her Sabrina? Or at least said something about them changing her name? But that also brings up another question. If Tom is not her dad, why did the stuffed kitty make her snap? Could this item be kinda like a key word that was once used in monarch mind control? IE instead of having a word or phrase that would bring people into a trance, could the kitty have been a substitution???