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June 17, 2016 at 4:24 pm #10731
9 23-15-14-4-5-18 9-6 19-5-14-4-6-15-21-18-2-1-3-11 8-1-19 1-14-25-20-8-9-14-7 20-15 4-15 23-9-20-8 20-8-5 13-5-19-19-1-7-5 20-8-5-25 20-15-12-4 18-21-19-19-5-12-12
June 17, 2016 at 9:53 am #10663
I had the helmet on as well, but here’s the thing. They put the helmet on OVER a hood that was already on our heads. That could mean a couple possible things.
-that was just a test to see if we’d allow it to be put on
-by putting it on, it didn’t have direct contact with our skin/heads, so if any effects were had, they were minuscule or none at allPersonally, I don’t think what we had was “THE” helmet. It doesn’t make sense. That sort of technology, I feel, should be locked up and guarded, not just hanging out in the attic of a VFW hall. I think this was to get us used to it and to see how we’d react knowing what we already know/heard about “the helmet”.
June 16, 2016 at 10:59 pm #10612
Is that all you heard? Was there any background noise or anything? Did she say anything else besides your name?
June 16, 2016 at 5:38 pm #10569
Thank you III for the real and letting me know everything is ok. Also, I’m very happy to know you enjoy some Mac and cheese! There are talks from “others” who do not enjoy this. It’s a personal struggle to make them see the light of the amazingness of it.
What can we do or offer you in order to gain your trust?
You ask what matters in this world…it depends on the person. Some will say love and family, others will say their phone or popularity, others will say a home. What matters to you III?
The other questions you ask can have a similar response…no one wants things to end. Except if you enjoy the cleansing…that is a personal opinion question that we cannot answer for you. What do you think it is?
Also, I dig that you’re making a round about poop joke.
Whose laws and tears are you speaking of? Who are “they”?
Please do share the new dawn and world with us.
June 15, 2016 at 10:07 am #10458
It also says this in the May newsletter as well. Granted, all of the changes (III’s awakening, Four leaving earlier than expected, Addison stuff) happened after the May newsletter was posted. So I would think this was planned for a while, but could be up in the air based on all of that.
Speaking of, was the letter that @kasch and @thebuz found supposed to be the June newsletter? It looked like it could have been a rough draft of sorts.
June 14, 2016 at 10:35 am #10355
Thoughts and things for discussion:
“In those now familiar sun-washed video farewells, the members of The Anoch Institute have and they had made up their own minds” – Could this be referring to videos like the Rosemary video?
“Even the parents of one young woman found among the brainwashed tell us “she was happy, healthy, and acting under her own volition”” – Does this mean there is a video out there that we are meant to find of Tom and Margaret? Maybe that is what Addison left for @reaton and @111error ?
“But despite claims that the 42 followers were not brainwashed or bullied by The Regent” – this is the first time that the Regent has been mentioned. I know he’s posted here and he is @regent7. I wonder if Regent numbers go up, instead of down like the Gatekeepers. That could explain 8/Les Huit to a degree?
“There is evidence to the contrary. Far from being freely thought-out final acts, the followers are seen by some mental health experts and cule(?) scholars as largely the result of a sustained, calculated and ruthless program of psychological coercion.” – Is the evidence only from opinions from experts? Or is there more physical evidence like videos/recordings of people being brainwashed/bullied.
“Hammer and others believe that members of “totalist” religious organization are subject to a form of psychological manipulation known as undue influence coercive persuasion or thought reform.” – Here are some articles about that
“leaving them to ignore misgivings and do the groups bidding no matter how irrational” – Like leaving work to go search for a letter at the park?
“However, the role of “thought reform” in cult behavior is hotly disputed in academic circles.” – Something to keep in mind. It’s not something every expert agrees on
“A person is attracted to an organization like this because it espouses a “convincing narrative” in which the follower “finds meaning” he says. By implication, a follower is not passively brainwashed but actively “buys into” the message.” – Welp, that’s me and a lot of us. Horror? Possible arg? Possible haunt? Puzzles? Yep, I’m in.
“Its commonly said that Americans too often avoid personal responsibility be claiming to be ????? of welfare reform argue that cutting federal aid breed cycles of defeatist ??? Many obstetricians say they can hardly afford to xray in practice because of malpractice suits in parents blaming their baby’s defects on their doctors.” – No idea what this could mean. Possibly a comment on avoiding responsibility? This could be in regards to Addison and how some people care but can’t really do anything or people who ignore it by saying she’s a big girl and can make her own choices. Who knows?
June 13, 2016 at 10:06 pm #10282
I just got a message from Aleister. I don’t know what’s happening. This is what he said
“Mike they know. I am sorry. Tell them all I am sorry”
Time to start #whereisaleister
June 17, 2016 at 4:22 pm #10730
What worked for me what tilting me screen. Things become much more clear
June 17, 2016 at 1:26 pm #10692
June 17, 2016 at 12:47 pm #10686
June 17, 2016 at 12:19 pm #10681
So this will be a panel? An invite only panel?
I’m picturing people we’ve met already who can show their face. People like the Attendants and such. I doubt people like the Gatekeepers will show up to an event like this unless they have security. There’s too many ways things could go wrong and have unwanted “guests” hanging around in such a public place.
June 17, 2016 at 9:13 am #10657
A message from “her”? Four???
This sounds like a drunk dial. I wonder if drugs were involved.
June 15, 2016 at 3:37 pm #10502
Just the newsletter as far as I know. Four did say she was planning a big event, so I was thinking the 25th could be it, but who knows now since she has departed apparently.
June 14, 2016 at 1:32 pm #10370
Right and why did Aleister send this person in his place? Unless the person that was supposed to meet got a phone call telling him to go to another bar, and then this guy took that person’s place. Anything is possible!
June 13, 2016 at 9:55 pm #10277
Wait, so you were supposed to meet with Aleister and he sent someone else, who was anti OOA? What?!?! I’m not going to assume the worst about him, but this does come off somewhat sketchy.
This is the 2nd time people were supposed to meet with someone OOA and got diverted. It happened the day before the Donut Social as well.
It seems like the OOA has some leaks.
Dear OOA, get us the materials and we can help plug these holes. I’m sure we’ll have some volunteers.