active 8 years agoForum Replies Created
June 5, 2016 at 7:34 pm #9556
You should definitely do that, explore, ask questions, and be patient. Nothing is guaranteed to happen but the more you give, the more you get
Welcome to the forums!
June 5, 2016 at 7:32 pm #9552
I wonder if 8 isn’t a Gatekeeper and were the first 8 people to really get behind this/started to spread the message?
242 – No idea, I keep thinking of Front 242
Addison – which one? That could go either way based on recent events.
June 4, 2016 at 8:25 pm #9462
June 4, 2016 at 7:17 pm #9432
It seems that way or at least she’s the spark. Especially after last Saturday’s event. Russell met with her parents and the note on the bear was signed “B.O.S.”
June 4, 2016 at 6:55 pm #9419
Benny (notice the initials) appeared on the forums and started calling out the OOA for being liars and taking “her” because she was the only good thing in his life. GK4 responded like she knew him (said his real name, his ip address, alluded to..err..problems “down there” etc). We think it was Addison’s boyfriend. I think Tom and Margaret confirmed it last weekend.
June 4, 2016 at 6:17 pm #9410
June 4, 2016 at 4:17 pm #9384
Guys, show some respect. He’s brand new, probably getting used to all of us and everything, trying to learn and remember our names. The first few days are always rough. There’s a lot of responsibility as a Gatekeeper. We’re so used to @gatekeeper4 at this point and we can’t assume everyone will be like her.
Sleep tight, I hope we hear more from you soon @gatekeeper3
June 4, 2016 at 3:58 pm #9371
So are Gatekeepers higher in rank than the Overseer?
June 4, 2016 at 3:54 pm #9368
June 4, 2016 at 3:30 pm #9351
So…maybe someone’s got a secret crush on @thebuz haha
The overthinking me makes me think they’re targeting either him or both of you together. 2 birds with 1 stone. Be careful dude.
But why would they “hope” he’d be with you. Do you hang out together enough to have someone notice that?
Speaking of, Buz did you check your mail today yet?
June 4, 2016 at 3:10 pm #9345
Who is the “he”? and who are “they”?
So whoever called you was hoping someone else was going to be where the letter was?
I’m sure you or Buz will get a new clue and figure this out soon enough…but when you do, make sure to let us all know
June 5, 2016 at 7:37 pm #9560
June 5, 2016 at 7:33 pm #9554
A guy named Robert Johnson?? Oh Neil….smh haha
June 5, 2016 at 8:23 am #9495
@nking – thank you for posting this. I went to bed very sad at what transpired yesterday and this is confirmation that I was not alone.
Last Sunday, I said “we have built this but we can also tear is down”. That is exactly what is happening and it bums me out. I don’t want this to be torn down. I feel we’ve dug a hole that is too deep to get out of. For example, what if next week @kasch and @thebuz get another phone call or get a find a new clue? Will this same thing happen all over again? Also, what if @addisonborn gets a call or a clue? Will that show others that if you’re not getting attention to call people out in a roundabout way? NO ONE WINS.
They want moths to a flame. They want community. How does this look to new people who become interested? They see a thread full of accusations and fingerpointing and drama. If you were brand new here and didn’t have the friendships and relationships within that we do, would you want to stick around and participate? Or would you be worried that if you got something extra that you’d be ostracized and become a target? Personally, if that was me, I’d walk. This is not the way.
We’re in this together and someone will ALWAYS get something, see something, hear something that you think is better than what you’ve gotten. It happens in life and it will happen here. There’s no way around it. So we can stop and focus on what other people are getting or we can worry about ourselves and do the best that we possibly can.
I know everyone involved (not well, but if any of you said, “Hey Mike, want to play Uno?” I’d be so down.) and you all seem like amazing and genuine people. We know that lines are being blurred, but let’s not ruin REAL friendships that we are making.
Yes, this is called Tension, but I don’t think the Institute had this in mind.
June 4, 2016 at 3:42 pm #9359
Could Finkle be Einhorn?