Guys, I realize we have a difference of opinions on this but I personally don’t feel this belongs on a topic about page 3. Please take it else where.
Hm, not playing but maybe it’s a browser issue. I can’t immediately tell.
Can you add the picture of the page pretty please?
It looks like a box.
@mike, when did you start to notice you were starting to get uh…..overlooked I guess is the best word choice here?
Pages 1-5 in the Compendium of Addison’s Journal has been updated (it’s stickied in Interactions to make it easy to find)
Now we wait for Pages 6-10!
Ya got spoofed! Also, I’ll be totally listening to MHL , thanks for the posts!
Damn! Thank you! Got the page pic?
Senses from left to right (natural reading order in english) are TOUCH, SMELL, HEAR, TASTE, SIGHT
so in theory the letters you’re concerned about are u L l T H
Right tracK?
Nevermind I think I got it.
I understood what happened but I can see why new people would be confused.
Now I wonder who the hell did you piss off?
I’ll edit but no wonder I couldn’t crack it. @aleocotillo post the solve please.
Which should be a separate thread! PLEASE!
As Moderator I highly advocate to go with our recommendation here about posting your own topic for your page AND posting in order.
We await for PAGE 1.
That video will NOT get old for me. With @reaton haunt noises and @mike falling to the ground at the end this will forever be a WIN.
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