These things take time and we can all appreciate the amount of work that it takes to get your house in order. If there’s anything we can do to assist, please do not hesitate to ask.
@gatekeeper3 you really ought to leave @regent7 and your ooa aSsociates alone. yoU seem to have a lot of stress and frustration. have you Considered taking walKs In The evening just to get out of your environment and maybe Get A differenT pErspective on things? i thinK it could rEally hElP you find a bEtteR way to get your message and thoughts out to a more receptIve audIence. I’m wiLling tO start fresh, clean the slate and try again. i feel like we all can salVagE the SitUation. SomethIng to considEr….
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Susie J.