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  • #18126
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @mike ruffles someone’s feathers… piss somebody off???
    Really? Hmmm. I just don’t see that happening… ever… in the history of this entire planet… through all time… nope…

    (SARCASM ALERT for those new to the neighborhood. Haha!)

    So, very interesting choice for them to play to you, Mike.

  • #18073
    Profile photo of Rusty

    In light of the @aleocotillo comments concerning the hope of seeing all pages before Ascension arrives, a thought has occurred to me.

    In the August 5th Periscope by @gatekeeper2, “Home,” the beginning of that contained a message that was translated as…
    “Regent, I know you think it’s noble what you’re doing, but there lies so much darkness ahead of us. Let her die a heroine, instead of immortalizing her as a villain.”

    Is it possible we are going to not only be learning about the past of our current leader toward the Light, but also about those who helped shape her? If this journal chronicles events of the recent weeks, perhaps @gatekeeper2 would have preferred some of this not be brought into view of the entire community?

    The pages excite me, the prospect of what they may reveal is incredibly intriguing. But, does anyone else wonder if that comment was specifically urging @regent7 to proceed with caution?

    Please note, I completely support the sharing of the pages and believe it will bring knowledge and power to us all. I am only asking a question.
    We may all be Pandora, and it is appropriate we are opening this jar together…

    • #18083
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @amieexists I have pointed out in a few threads… I take the position that the readings are not to educate a past… they are to enhance our present. The concentration in her communication seems to stress The Word. What do we learn and how does it influence us now… right now.

      And, @gatekeeper2 to offered us a tale of “Distractions” and the tragedy they may bring. Once again… a warning of our present situation?

      @blondiecamps Villains rarely see themselves as Villains, do they? She stresses the message is key, and she seems to be acting accordingly. Do you feel she acted in rage or violence since she has announced her arrival? @daela, thank you for pointing that out. Perhaps, it is an attempt to connect with @thebuz on some emotional level – to another who has blood on their hands? @halfbloodfangirl, maybe that is what you are sensing as well?

      @kasch Did not @regent7 promise something that would offer knowledge and power? The _path of @atticus360, perhaps, is going to reshape this community in unforeseeable ways.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty.
  • #17983
    Profile photo of Rusty

    It should be noted that the behavior of @regent7 parallels the actions of the king we were told of as @gatekeeper2 to read from The Book of Anoch.

    There is a story to be told and, once again, it is stressed to the community that it is not the messenger who is of importance, but it is the word that shall resonate through time. The Book of Anoch, it seems, is being used to comment on the present, even if it is writing from our past.

    @endlesspictures has a point… this is a tool. This is an opportunity to expand the communal knowledge of the one we have watched grow.
    And, as @dimstyle generously pointed out… the surrounding selections of texts all seem to point toward journeys both inward and outward.

    @gatekeeper2 is providing lessons, clearly, with her readings. These clues support that she is attempting to lead us through darkness into light… as she promised.

  • #17972
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @atticus360 You are an artist, we have seen proof of that multiple times before.
    For you to turn this opportunity into a communal expression of emotion, to create an artistic tapestry born from the community… it speaks volumes of the nature of your heart and soul. Well done, my friend.

  • #17838
    Profile photo of Rusty

    In light of the panel events at ScareLA on August 6, perhaps some may want to revisit this lesson provided by @gatekeeper2.

    We were given a demonstration of wills, perhaps? So many voices in that room… so much noise.
    But, in the end, this lesson puts forth that the ultimate thing to be held close, to be appreciated… is “the gift of Anoch’s voice and Anoch’s wisdom.”
    On Saturday, those before us were not speaking for Anoch, there was no clear statement or answer to any questions that we were hoping for or maybe expecting. Instead, we given several possible glimpses into the lives of some who had been touched by the OOA and the BOS.
    Those glimpses revealed pride, anger, bliss, apprehension, sadness, acceptance and joy… depending on where you sat and who you chose to concentrate on.


    In light of this lesson, perhaps we can ponder the motives behind the words rather than the delivery method or tone.
    More importantly, I believe, we gain from this lesson a simple truth… people come and go… Apostles come and go…
    Gatekeepers come and go, and they are there to lead us. But, the message they deliver, the wisdom the share with us… it comes from an older, deeper source.
    When the screaming stops… the words will remain.

  • #17835
    Profile photo of Rusty


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty.
  • #17803
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Let it be known… we are all hunters. We are all in the dangerous forest of these days.

    @gatekeeper2 should be thanked for bringing us this tale of warning. She has told us to be aware of the distractions all around.

    Is it not clear? She references the senses as they are taken from the hunter.

    She references the warnings that surround the man who shall not listen.

    In the end, he paid the ultimate price. Why? For the simple, easy mistake of not heeding the words and deeds of those who are there to protect and warn us…er… him.

    For now, the lesson stands as the lesson stands. Beware distractions, there are those who would like to mislead others, perhaps luring them to underserved tragic outcomes… and, perhaps, they hail from all sides from within this community.

  • #17676
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Dear Mr. Gordon,

    I would like to say to the community that I am someone who did send an email privately. Not in protest, simply to state several people had asked my opinion of events from the perspective of someone who has worked inside the “haunt” industry.

    You may have noticed Mr. Gordon that I did not offer an opinion in the email I sent. Simply because, I did not want to offer it in case The Tension Experience chose to make a statement. I expressed a concern, that is all – a concern obviously shared by many.

    I hope you understand that the concerns expressed indicate a level of commitment and interest that is admirable for this experience – an event that you admit you refuse to define. The front page of this event refuses to define the event but clearly states that this is for entertainment purposes. If you refuse to define it, the community has a right to question it at times.

    I did not “demand answers” but apparently some did. As part of this community, I appreciate all the opinions that have been expressed here.

    Mr. Gordon, early in your post you reference trust. Indeed, Sir, trust is a key that can open any lock.

    It is hard for me to believe that anyone ever thought that The Tension Experience turned Buz into a murderer. If someone actually didn’t believe that is reality, I feel perhaps this may not be a suitable pastime for them to be engaging in. (Please escort yourselves out now.)

    Personally, I believe this is less about what happened, and mainly about how it appeared to happen. Privately, someone expressed to me it felt “reckless.” Mike Fontaine once publicly stated “appearance is everything.” I believe it is “appearances,” that are ruffling feathers here.

    Your clarification is that Buz is a “pawn” in a bigger story. Interesting. Well, I challenge the community to consider that this opens up all kinds of exciting possibilities for all of us in the future. We have been told we get out what we put in, I find it intriguing and exciting that we may all be asked to perform in some way as if we the patrons are actual characters. Very interesting possibilities for everyone involved, but I am sure we all have limits as to what we would be willing to do, exactly… we would have to choose our own path. Perhaps we should start considering ourselves as characters if we have not done so previously. Personally, I have already considered myself that and at times acted in that manner, and I do not mind the “darkness.”

    There are those in this community who will not take kindly to being called, or used as a “pawn.” In my opinion, now that you have clarified the approach that the Tension Experience is using behind the scenes… let’s move forward.

    Mr. Gordon, The appearance that this event has is a double edge sword. The concern of a patron laying hands on a character is disconcerting. In my own past, I have been attacked inside an immersive environment by a patron who felt it was okay to touch me. The other edge of that sword, in some weird way – I think some people are wondering about our own safety as patrons. Thank you for addressing that issue specifically in your post. Personally, I have NEVER felt unsafe at any live event tied to The Tension Experience.

    So, now what? In my opinion, we have been told this is getting darker, and I, for one am excited about the possibilities of where that warning may lead us all. Each of us will need to determine what our “darkness” limit might be. I sincerely hope that the Tension Experience does not suddenly decide to “pull punches” because a valid concern has been expressed.

    This break of the wall became necessary because of actions by The Tension Experience. I, for one, vote to continue the exploration and will move forward keeping this exchange in mind.

    The future excites me. Now that we have been reminded that this is a big ol’ adventure and there may be rough bumps in the road ahead. I choose to participate and I respect those that choose to walk away.

    Okay, The Tension Experience. Bring it.

    Let’s play…

  • #18130
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Interesting, Mike. I wonder if the “First Party Planner in the Archive of Fun” is the one who designed Evites for III?

  • #18087
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @dimstyle You do offer a valid, sensitive point. I personally feel the pages must be seen.

    My only fear… you may recall according to some versions of the tale… the only thing left inside Pandora’s jar as it was resealed… the thing the world lost… was…


  • #18014
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Those of you who know us already are well aware that @mike and I are masters of the subtle and understated………..

  • #17887
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Welcome to the dark side, Melissa. 😉

  • #17844
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Yes, very good reference, Andrew! Thank you for reminding us of that quote from the April event.
    We have been promised light. Right now, though, I personally feel we have mostly shadows.
    Who knows what the light will reveal?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty.
  • #17806
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @mike, my dear friend, some flowers do have thorns. Roses, for example.

    I will keep that in mind. Others should, as well.

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