Forum Replies Created
August 13, 2016 at 1:02 am #18403
Thank you for sharing this @kingkill33
”This must be rectified before eradication is no longer an option.”
“is it HE who begins to talk through her?”Maybe I am reading too much into this, but this sounds like fear. The fear of the choices @gatekeeper2 is making and over something coming soon? Not sure. If the plan is to eliminate @gatekeeper2 because of what she will unleash, it speaks to the growing power she has and why some feel so threatened by her.
To me, this indicates that whatever is ahead will be much more powerful and much darker than any of us have even guessed at.
If they are afraid… how afraid should we be? -
August 12, 2016 at 6:45 pm #18368
What a creepy way to send a message! (Creepy and awesome!)
August 12, 2016 at 2:42 pm #18331
There is another thread where the ramifications of information contained in the diary are being discussed. In this thread, I feel the need to remind everyone that there is a lesson that we were to be given. Interrupted, it was, but it was given.
It should not be lost that this began with references to perception and reality.
@mkarrett is quoted for one outlook on reality. In some philosophical outlooks, reality is ever-changing and never a concrete thing that can be explained or contained in our small points of view in this universe. There is the observation that can be made, “THIS moment is not… THIS moment. Indeed, the moment that we are in NOW is not THIS moment that just passed us by.” Reality is malleable? Yes, for it never is solid. Also, we are the ones who create it.
The story tells of nourishment, but do we choose to believe this is about food for the body? Isn’t that the easy way out?
We have been told of a light in our future. We have been told our paths will lead… somewhere. These lessons… these WORDS… are seeds and, perhaps, we are the ground in which they are to take their hold. As they grow inside us others will take notice of the increase in size and the potential bounty of the final harvest.
After all, it has been requested we share our experiences with others, to lead them. It is my belief that we are examples, no matter which side we may currently “choose.”
There is refuse around us and the seeds must be sought out, for sure. Choose your seed to plant. Nourish it with faith and thought. If it feels like it may turn poisonous… perhaps you chose a seed that is not suited to your soil.Before the abrupt ending of this lesson, we must remember that the woman in the story was given a seed by the one known as 84.
And, it was a beginning. -
August 11, 2016 at 11:56 pm #18253
Here is a transcript…
The Foreign Woman periscope from Thursday August 11, 2016,
It should be noted that it was 10:30 PM in Los Angeles but daylight in the video.Gatekeeper2 appears, seeming distressed or disappointed. She states…
“I see that Régent7 has released my…… her…. journal. I need you to know that I thought it would be a distraction from your path. When you learn…
Remember the king that spoke Anoch true? The words FOUR gave you were still truth. It’s why she did all that she did. She gave you her final letter to show that “they” were trying to… Why am I telling you? You’ve already read it. I still don’t think you realize how high the influence goes.
Go back to the recordings – listen to WHO says “glory be.”It was the plan that you didn’t need to know. Even if the second had not learned the true… the true path towards the one I could not have let her do it. I could not have let her do it
It didn’t matter how much III tainted your minds or pulled you from the light. You didn’t need to know what she was capable of. You loved her, as I did.”
Gatekeeper2 lifts up The Book.
“Today’s lesson is about perception and reality. Melissa, one of our very own Sentries, felt that reality is ‘the place where I currently reside as I am conscious.’ I wonder, Melissa, if you – have you come to find that reality can be malleable yet?
Perhaps this story can help all of us…
(She now reads from the book)The rotten fruit called to the maid from the compost and made her mouth water with desire. She had not eaten for days. She gave her daily payment of stale bread and fat trimmings to the growing children and yet they were still malnourished.
The strange woman with the thick accent and a number for a name watched her with strong curiosity. ”You want to put that to your lips don’t you, my child?”
The maid found that the who called herself 84 was hard to lie to so the maid admitted, ”I do.”The foreign woman gave the maid a stern look as she marched through the pile of refuse, brushed the flies away and placed a piece of the rotten fruit inside of her hand. She gave a look of disgust as she squeezed the fruit inside of her large palm until rancid juice erupted from…
(A doorbell rings and a dog begins to bark. Gatekeeper2 seems annoyed at the interruption.)
… erupted from between her fingers. The maid hung her head in shame.
The foreign woman looked at her and exclaimed, ‘Do not be embarrassed, you will simply have more luck if you place this in the ground.’ And she opened her hand…(There is now knocking heard at the offscreen door.)
… To reveal a seed resting in her palm”
Off screen, a door is heard opening a male voice is heard speaking a foreign language
Gatekeeper2 to exclaims, “What?” and the male voice seems to reply, “Must get out!”
Stressful words are exchanged (in the foreign language) and then Gatekeeper2 ends the Periscope.I hope someone can assist with the translation of what was said near the end…
August 11, 2016 at 5:10 pm #18192
@electrichippo I was a bit surprised by the reference to drugs, as well. On page 11 there is a comment about her mom being “drugged up.”
The woman we saw at the hotel did not appear to be under the influence of anything, in my opinion. Emotional, yes. Altered… no.
I wonder if this is something that took hold as Addison was preparing to leave home. Maybe it could even be a specific influence on that decision? -
August 14, 2016 at 11:06 am #18466
@electrichippo I personally find @gatekeeper2‘s choice to use the Book of Anoch as this tool is interesting and I can only hope it will become clearly over the next few weeks. I believe she is trying to help all of us, not bring harm. (I am commenting… I do NOT think you are insinuating that in your post in any way.) She seems aware that something violent may be approaching. Since she is obviously a target right now, of someone, I can only come to the conclusion there may be power she has or can access to alter the course we have seen unfold in the past. Maybe that’s why she is a target and maybe that’s why One is feeling rushed to do something. (if One or One’s followers- whoever that may be – feel any pressure.)
Just a weird theory floating around in my head. -
August 14, 2016 at 10:54 am #18465
@addisonborn and @mike and @rizzzoooooo This little exchange is fascinating to me. @addisonborn, your words about the journal, I relate and understand to what you point out, but reach a different conclusion. This conversation seems to point to our interpretations of what has been unfolding and things the journal revealed. @mike, yes it seems the BoS may appear a bit more “on point” with their recent statements that have swayed some people to their ranks. I believe @gatekeeper2 is doing the same thing but through the use of parable and lessons. Different tools, yes, different methods, yes. We can argue all day about what is effective or not… and indeed the evidence is mounting for each side. @rizzzoooooo I feel @addisonborn‘s thoughts got the attention of big people everywhere. This is a time when our choices and voices mean something to everyone who reads them.
August 14, 2016 at 10:39 am #18464
@mumumusings and @mike… here’s another “wacky” theory. We began all as one community… we all came to this for similar reasons and then things unfolded that made each of us doubt certain people or groups and their motivations.
@mumumusings your statement of “being hunted by someone” combined with your mention of Tom made me think, what if we are all wrong? What if we are about to encounter something or someone who feels everything should be destroyed… from the BoS to the OOA to all affiliated with any of it? Is One feared so heavy because One is the end of everything before One? There’s a whole fire & brimstone vibe to this thought. (I admit… this is a half-baked idea in my own head, for sure.) But rather than being the end for everyone but The Chosen… what if we are heading toward the end of everything we know?
Wow… I woke up in a dark place! Haha!
August 13, 2016 at 7:32 pm #18435
@electrichippo Interesting question, Kim. But, no, I do not feel manipulated. My communication with Addison has been sincere and brief almost every time there has been contact. I feel I caught glimpses into someone or something that was evolving. Nothing in the diary really changes that opinion.
@111error makes a valid point, the evidence now points to a very dark and unhappy conclusion for some of us. I still believe @gatekeeper2 is doing her best to do the best for this community.
That is where I stand right now. Thank you for asking the question, Kim, it is interesting food for thought.
August 12, 2016 at 1:09 pm #18322
@gatekeeper2 I am glad to see you reach out in the community after the sudden ending of your lesson. Glad to see you have the time to do so. I wish you well.
I never took my task to be a simple transcription process, this is the first time I have done this. You know that your lesson came at a late hour and I was simply trying to offer a convenient service to the community. Quite simply, I could not sleep for various reasons, so I took my time to offer that.
Since you contacted me, I have done my best to do as you have asked of me. I have offered my take on what you have shared. What your lessons mean to me… my impression is that the past reflects the present and future… a key point in my interpretation. Please know that I do not take your words said to me in private lightly, and I will continue to offer my thoughts…
August 12, 2016 at 10:00 am #18285
August 12, 2016 at 12:17 am #18259
Thank you, @atticus360
August 12, 2016 at 12:15 am #18258
To the community… why the hostility? What was being offered by @atticus360 was a generous, inclusive path to the reveal of the journal… and it was his choice. There seems to be some confusion from the original instructions and Max is rectifying the situation.
I believe that would have happened without the attacks and melodrama.
August 12, 2016 at 12:08 am #18256
Susie… I have stated in the past that personal life (not nearly as… discomforting… as your situation currently seems, for sure) has taken me out of the game during several stretches of time. No apologies necessary. Life happens and sometimes pulls us in directions that consume us… I hope you burden lightens soon.
August 10, 2016 at 2:36 pm #18133
Glory Be, Melissa! 😉