Forum Replies Created
April 28, 2016 at 7:28 pm #6201
When reading the privacy policy I made note of mention of apps or future apps that may or may not connect with tension, OOA ect. Sorry if it seems crazy to you or im not making sence to you. I do not offend to easily so no need to be gentle.
I cant quote the policy off hand but
I did make note of potential apps being utalized by this experience after reading the privacy policy.
Maybe its nothing. I however will continue to look.
HEY! Theres an app for that! hah. -
April 28, 2016 at 5:36 pm #6191
Hence the retracing. haha.
April 28, 2016 at 5:35 pm #6190
I am not certain. It was a little blurb at the bottom of something. Bottom left hand corner, as i recall.. I was talking alot of info in at that time and cannot remember if it was a regestration email link, or on one of the puzzle eggs or where exactly it was. It could have even been on another page talking about the experience. I CANT REMEMBER!! Argh. Wish I had been more thorough to begin with.
April 28, 2016 at 5:17 pm #6187
Ok. @TheGuilded. to elaborate farther. When I first came across this site (bearing in mind that I was just starting my journey and wasnt catalouging my experiences as thoroughly as I am now) I remember seeing a page where it spoke of the list and then there was a little blurb saying something like “if you require more information about this list please contact addison at ….com or call 1……., the consultation number.
Try as I might I can not find it again. This was durring the first hour or so of my time on the page. I figured I would go back to review with a new perspective but alas, it now eludes me.
I figured perhaps The institute had removed it from the page for reason. I couldnt let it go and it is still bothering me now… -
April 28, 2016 at 4:16 pm #6186
Wow. The awesomeness of the frequency that we are all in resonance with overwhelms me. Talk about Tension striking the tuning fork of my every hearts beat…. and all of yours as well it seems.
This is starting to feel Year Zero Projectish. hah.“My answer the their question was as follows sent to ….@theooainstitute.c
April 28,2016 1:08am (GMT)
I was instructed that you Need to “hear” from me within 48 hours.
I try follow instructions to the letter and as this is an E-mail it would be most difficult to hear me through this platform unless I were to record and attach an audio file.
I say, what’s the fun in that?
I intend to call The OOA tomorrow at 1-4.4-3.6-….(edited) to answer the question directly. I do however wish to ensure that at least some type of reply is received before the 48 hours is up so if there is no answer I will leave messages on the help and omega lines to help ensure It finds its way in time.
I was asked why I had signed up to be a part of the OOA when I have no idea who , and what you are.
I Wish to bring darkness into the light and unite with like minded individuals whom walk the same path.
I wish to cage the evils and spread light amongst the shadows. I walk a path that seeks enlightenment, but I know that only comes from within.
I am simply following my intuition. The Institute, while seeming shrouded in darkness, conveys messages that to me, seem to be anything but dark. They are of a sound logical nature and also points out the stagnant decay of our modern societies. There are lessons to be learned all throughout life and I welcome anything that excites the will to learn. Perhaps the Institute is a sheep in wolves clothing. Shrouded in darkness but containing a brilliant light. I have not been asked to do anything unreasonable and as of this point, I see no reason to not satisfy my curiosities and test my intuition.
Do not mistake openness for blind faith. Only a fool devotes to that which he does not understand. I read the terms of service the privacy policy and filled out my questionnaire knowing full well that it contains many questions that could help the Institute determine the types of people they are dealing with ( profile us psychologically ) and had no reservations as I feel that I have nothing to hide and that there is obviously good reasons for the OOA to take these precautions. At this point in time I await a more elabloative insight into the OOA and hope to see a great many lights streak across the darkness amongst the sea of consciousness, as a result of the OOA and their work.People see what they want to see.
I see light in the dark.
Sincerely and in light,
Cody of the family …… .Strange Now as I scroll up and see that this is an old thread…. I am not sure how I haven’t seen this before today.
April 28, 2016 at 10:56 am #6183
Hey now. I am not trying to do anything else except follow instructions. Sometimes you have to get creative to accomplish a task. I am in no way attempting to block anyones calls or impeede anyones path with my actions.
Good point @mike, I do not view the OOA as an advisary at all. perhaps tge reference was a little off beat. Haha.@Megan, I am horrible for following instructions to the letter. I was told they needed to “hear” from me within 48hrs. An E-mail would not suffice unless I created an audio file and attached. What is the fun in that?
I called exactly 41x in total and am at work now so my Occupy plan was a short lived venture.
I am in an out of service currently and will elaborate more when I am not having difficulty loading pages.
I appologize for the typos. Im sneaking speed texts in when possible. haha.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
April 28, 2016 at 10:47 am #6181
I will glady share @mike. It seems that either, as the page evolves there are changes where certain things seem non accessable or are edited now. I was not sure if perhaps what I saw before has been changed, or that maybe you are only able to see certain things once. So i started a ghost account to see if I could recreate my first experiences with a new account. Not successful. I am going to try to see if another device and IP can yeild different results.
April 28, 2016 at 9:34 am #6177
Today I have already called the consultation line 38x since 9:00am (within buisness hours). Every call was sent directly to the voicemail except at precicely 9:14am. On that call It rang 5x and then went to voicemail.
perhaps it is to early to want to answer calls. You have heard of the occupu movements, no? Well I guess I will have to make and occupy movement of my own. More specifically, I will have to occupy the phone lines. Hah.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
April 28, 2016 at 8:57 am #6175
Do not read into it to deeply. I was testing a theory. I seem unable to re-access some information that I had the oppertunity to gaze upon prior to knowing what this was.
I was thinking perhaps I could not find that which I seek due to the fact that yiu only get one oppertunty to see it per account. So signed uo again to retrace my steps so to speak to see if I could find that which I was looking for. It did not work. I will try from a different device when I return home as I am thiking it may be an IP related issue.
I recieved a letter from the OOA telling me that they need to “hear” from me in 48hrs. So far I have been unable to do so. 18 hrs remain on the clock. -
April 27, 2016 at 10:12 pm #6164
@StarbournePuppet , See , Addison the Keymaker.
One shouldn’t need to say much while making keys, unless they like to whistle while they work. Hah.ll
The silence…. it’s kind of nice sometimes.
With all the noise… it’s not as easy to find ones center.
shhhhhhhhhhhhh. -
April 25, 2016 at 9:32 pm #6006
……mmm ok.
April 25, 2016 at 6:41 pm #5985
“I also wonder if we, the aspirants, are to some degree supposed to discuss doctrine and shape it ourselves, conforming to hints from Light2Dark and others.”
I have wondered this myself as well. -
April 24, 2016 at 10:23 pm #5864
@mike I apologize for the omission, Usually you would find me to be the one thoroughly defining. You are correct.
Perhaps section 2 of the definition helps with perspective application but I myself see it covered by section 1. No harm Loss or Fraud, as these are the rights we share by virtue and are also recognized fundamentals by Law (not to be confused with statutes,acts, bills or other “fictions of law”) . These are basic truths I already know.
If we were to take it one step farther and enter into the “fiction of law”/corporate realm the word “injustice” can apply to a great deal more than the basic common meanings.
So let’s take a look at some legal or psudeo lawful definitions and interpretations.
“injustice: noun abuse, bias, bigotry, breach, crime, damage, denial of justice, discrimination, disparity, error of the court, evil, fault of the court, illegality, imposition, improbity, inequality, innquitable action, inequity, infraction, infringement, infringement on one’s rights, iniquity, iniuria, iniustitia, malfeasance, maltreatment, miscarriage, miscarriage of justice, misfeasance, mistake of the court, mistreatment, offense, omission of a court, oppression, outrage, partiality, partisanship, persecution, prejudice, transgression, tyranny, unevenness, unfair action, unfairness, unjust treatment, unlawfulness, unrighteousness, violation, violation of right, wrong, wrong verdict, wrongdoing
Associated concepts: social injustice
Foreign phrases: Fictio legis inique operatur alicui damnum vel injuriam.Fiction of law is wrongful if it works loss or harm to any one. Lex nemini operatur iniquum, nemini facit injuriam. The law never works an injury, or does a wrong.See also: corruption, disservice, error, grievance, ground, inequality, inequity, infringement, injury, mischief, misdeed, misdoing, misjudgment, nepotism, oppression, partiality, prejudice, wrong
INJUSTICE. That which is opposed to justice.
2. It is either natural or civil. 1. Natural injustice is the act of doing harm to mankind, by violating natural rights. 2. Civil injustice, is the unlawful violation of civil rights.
A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.So you see this is why I was looking for more clarification. Is there such a thing as looking to deep? hah.
Seriously though, @electrichippo says shes been asked to report detractors immedeatly. So how do you hunt a detractor without knowledge of what is viewed as a detractor by the OOA? “If one lies or misleads in a way that is harmful to OOA’s truths or teachings that person is deemed a detractor. Detractors should be reported to Omega.” So then, name me some OOA “Truths” Name me some OOA “Teachings”. One cannot be defined without the other as I see it. Ive studdied a wide variety of subjects as a result of this…whatever it is.. but these I would not considder OOA teachings as these tyoes of research frenzies are habitual to my nature. So then… Where are the lessons and where are the truths? They are needed to determine adequate use of the omega line.
they seem like legitimate questions to me. hah.Interpritation is key as we all share different perspectives. Ones wayward perspective could be the meme to anothers insightful realization. Openness is always an important factor while on the path from dark to light and wandering the unique trail that is ones enlightemnent.
thanks for the thoughts. Any more? -
April 20, 2016 at 4:10 pm #5746
I have been with us for two days now lurking in the darkness of these forums, absorbing. I now step into the light of the forums to give some of my thoughts.
All secret societies symbology/ sacred geometry occur in nature all around us. The various Societies (in my opinion) only see the relevance of these patterns, mathmatics, shapes, geometry and perhaps understand the importance of them and how they are intricately connected to everything around us right down to the very fabric of “time” and space itself even as far as to the subatomic level. These symbols do not belong to the societies themselves. I rather think of it as these symbols are all of ours. They belong to the universe. I can see how the symbology would attract attention from other promenant societies though. In my research I’ve found that these societies hoard knowledge,ancient knowledge, from the rest of mankind and utilize the knowledge to their benifit and keep the rest of us in the dark. In my heart I know that we all knew this great knowledge at one time and it clings there still, just out of reach of my consciousness, and everyone else’s as well. This symbology would call to anyone whom is walking the path of enlightenment. “bringing darkness into the light”. That one line can account for many of the overtones. conspiracy truth, indoctrination, illumination. We think we have been through the dark ages, I say we are still in them.Perhaps some things are better left unsaid, I’m not sure.
The questionnaire…. the homepage….the quotes.. (all of it really ) leave me with the feeling that a certain type of men and women are being found. My intuition is screaming at me with the same first impression I’ve had since first visiting the site. For now I trust in my first impression. I feel as though it should not be put to words ,however not for keeping info or thinking of an edge or any unless behavior of that nature but rather that if it were true… it should. not be uttered here where preying eyes may see.
Light be with you all. -