Forum Replies Created
July 19, 2016 at 1:05 am #15755
Oh Id like to add that I am pretty streatched for an abundance of time to post at present.
Im on a crazy vaca with my misses and two kids zipping between LA, Anaheim and San Diego. Cut a guy some slack *cough error cough*
Focusing on getting three’s attention seemed a priority at the time so that’s what I focused on. -
July 18, 2016 at 10:52 pm #15743
Thats awesome! Was there more to the conversation?
July 18, 2016 at 11:18 am #15670
So We will be going to Venice beach on the 23rd. A few other tensionites have said they will be there for sure.
I’d like to invite everyone to come down for some fun in the sun if you feel up to it. -
July 17, 2016 at 9:43 pm #15638
Come on III.
We know you like to live dangerously.
To be a risk taker.
Take a chance.
Or hell, you can even use this as an opportunity to stage something.
What will you do? -
July 17, 2016 at 9:14 pm #15633
~TRUST~ Such a funny concept to me.
A question for everyone.. but primarily for @gatekeeper3.
Have you ever suprised yourself?, or perhaps done something you thought you would never do?
I know I have, and I would be surprised if ANY of you could TRULY say no (unless your the freaking dali lama).
So now think for a minute about what that means.. If you have done something you never thought you would… then can you even truly trust yourself?
If you cannot truly trust yourself, can you honestly trust anyone else?
I trust myself about %90, if I were to be perfectly honest.
You may think this a jaded perspective, I call it REALISIM.
I do not let this affect my relationships, nor my ability to have faith in others.
You see, there is always choice… there is endless possibility and it would be foolish (in my mind anyway) to deny possibilities. It would be a blind mind, that would think things will always go as your trust, would have you wish.
Do I trust Three.. no. Do I trust the OOA.. no.
I do however have faith in
the possibility for redemption, reparation, unity and the ability of all of us to come together for a common purpose.Now III, you have turned on the OOA, you have aligned yourself with the BOS.
You are aware that the BOS wishes nothing but to burn the OOA, Tension and everything else attached to it to the ground.
They have voiced this opinion many times.
What do you think they will do after their goals are accomplished?
Do you believe they will make you their leader? I highly doubt it. They already have one.
Do you think you will have a purpose or place within the BOS once their endgame is accomplished?
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”
Sure… but what happens once you no longer have a common foe?
Do you believe you will still be their “friend”?
You are, “the last counted”.
Can’t you see that the BOS wants NO counted left?
Are you being used?
Will they still hold their alliance with you after they have finished with you?Even you say, that you have the knowledge that the OOA holds..
Cannot you see that this is what the BOS has sworn to destroy?
So the way I see it.. you are just a means to an ends that will probably be terminated as soon as they are done with you.
They threaten to destroy everything about the OOA.
These forums, the halls, the gatekeepers (which you are) and everything else as well.
I think you should really ponder these questions.. they could very well determine your future
It has been no secret that I stand for UNITY.
Myself and also a few others share this sentiment.
I would like to invite you to a meeting.. one with @Addison & @gatekeeper4 to discuss the future of ALL OF THIS.
If that means anything to you.If anything else.. it will give you an opportunity to look your foes in the eye. To face your enemy.
A chance for theatrics.. which we all know you adore soooo much.
I believe, that if you would take the opportunity, that a great many things could be possible.So @gatekeeper3, are you man enough to face your foes?
Is your mind open to possibility?
July 17, 2016 at 9:23 pm #15634
BTW @gatekeeper3 this is an oficial offer. Not me just blowing smoke.
July 18, 2016 at 11:33 pm #15751
Hah. Ok it seems as though I am being pushed to share the details on a few fronts. I have no issue in doing this except not knowing how revealing the number or any other details might affect the outcome of the meeting that is potentially going to transpire.
As far as my replies…
I feel that some of the most important points have been brought to light.
Both aspects… the possibilities that could potentially accompany a meeting such as is offered.
If he is mad at me for speaking truth… well then, that sucks.
Usually it takes two to have a conversation.
You know, someone say something which then leads to another comment and so on.
Pretty hard to just talk to myself.
If you feel you have more to say then ,a feel free to add it into the mix Padre.
If me pointing out his patterns enrages him, I don’t know what to say.The truth is the truth.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
July 18, 2016 at 11:19 pm #15750
I should also add that I was not given any particulars.
Only that there is an offer on the table for you.
I am sure that If you choose to accept, that all will be made revealed as it needs to be. You should know how things work by now. 😉 -
July 18, 2016 at 10:36 pm #15740
Sorry buds.
I was rocking DisneyLand with the fam.
No I assure you this was a real offer(as far as I know anyway).
You confuse me III. You have not replied to me, except to say that I had your attention.
I asked you to share your thoughts and you did not reply.
I figured you just bombed some KD and passed out as per usual. hah.
So I suppose if you are interested then You should make your decision vocal.
I am not a mind reader after all… -
July 18, 2016 at 10:59 pm #15746
Ahhh gotcha. I know the feeling.
I shared the important info about the call I recieved as well.
The nature of it should be pretty evident by the convo with III.
I plan on making a post about it as soon as this all works out one way or the other. 😁 -
July 17, 2016 at 10:22 pm #15641
I am glad that my words have caught your attention.
Will you share your thoughts with the class? -
July 17, 2016 at 12:01 am #15544
Interesring. For some reason I remembered it being a clear gel cap with brownish powder put into it.
July 14, 2016 at 7:29 pm #15374
Yes my friend. When I look at it this way it is an exciting prospect.
As with everything about Tension however, nothing is certain. So I will try not to get to excited over speculation at this point.
as others have mentioned, this could very well be a red herring or perhaps connected to red charachters from other sources. -
July 14, 2016 at 3:16 pm #15354
Hmmm can’t think of anyone who’s name start’s with a C and a last that starts with S.
July 14, 2016 at 10:58 am #15326
Bahaha. What the frack. I go offline for one flight and things go all BSG up in here. So say we all. lol