The puzzles that haven’t been solved, are there any that come to mind from the senior players here?
“Relentless”…yes, we are pains in the butt 😉
Thank you for sharing!
This is awesomeness❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
At this point, is there anyone that still supports the OOA?
Thank you for sharing, @electrichippo!
It’s a cat! 😂 @rizzzoooooo
Thank you, @kingkill33 for the speedy pick up and delivery
Very jealous of your uncle, I am sure he has some great stories @jkonigsberg
I saw the same as Amie and Blondie, I also thought I saw something between “Truth” and “Conspiracy” but when I looked again I didn’t see it anymore. My eyes hurt from trying to figure it out.
I can’t wait to listen to them!
There’s no way you could have known.
I forgot about it and then remembered, reason why I ended up editing my post, lol
It’s his cast, lol.
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