To the recent new aspirants, I can’t recommend this enough: Listen to @mike‘s and @reaton‘s My Haunt Life podcast. You can find it on iTunes or in their page. They talk about Tension in a lot of their episodes, along with some other unrelated but also cool stuff. Make sure to find the oldest episode and to listen in order! That should get you up to speed:
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by AH-lay.
Question: At this rate, do you think we will be able to see all pages before Ascension starts? What are the total number of pages? This journal might contain essential information that needs to be shared with the community sooner than later. @thegilded mentioned 10 pages a day, I think that would be a good expectation to have.
Welcome! I live in the Prescott area, so I feel your pain. Even though, I love it here. I think you’ll be safe listening to the podcast to know what this is all about. So far only you and I are from AZ. Good luck!
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by AH-lay.
I offered my help openly in the forum, did I receive a page? I have not. However, now the plan seems impractical, I’d rather have the pages posted instead of continuing with these videos. I am more than eager to know how the diary progresses.
@lenize, make your stance based on what feels right to you, whatever that is: Left, right or in the middle. I wasn’t recruited, I made my choice, we all make our choice here.