Thank you @coryphella!!!! It’s awesome to receive art hee hee
Its missing the L shaped tag on the tail in that vid
??? “F***ed” @mike
The prior one bothers me on a deep level so… “F***ed” V2 @mike
New FB
“Aren’t we all like kittens gamboling down the _path to enlightenment?”
“Simulacrum” @monkeymuffin333
“TRUTH” @sovereignskies
As a coffee addict, I can assure you stains occur coasters or no. Glory Be to the full pot!
Thanks. Sometimes not just the Oracles grow detached and barely ravenous…
Thank you, I feel better now haha.
Frankly it creeps me out but welcome 😃
@thegilded I can vouch for the “sin” thing. Her sins were to be examined and her position judged.
Pure speculation but maybe she has tattoos? Those would be “sins” that would require a disrobing
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