1. Where are you located? Richmond va
2. How did you hear about The Tension Experience? Through a friend
3. When did you join our community? May 28th
4. What do you like most about this Experience? The storyline and the puzzles
-Multiple choice. Please select the answer most applicable-
5. How much do you consume Horror publications (podcasts, newsletters, blogs, etc)
b. Extensive – I consume horror publications on a daily / near daily basis
5a. If you answered A-C on question 5, how likely would an ad on your favorite Horror publication have sparked your interest in something like The Tension Experience?
a. Greatly – An endorsement would have been enough to get me to sign up / check out the site
6. Which of the following would have been most likely to spark your interest in The Tension Experience?
b. Conversation with a stranger involved in Tension who would answer questions in person (think person handing out fliers or booth at a fair, etc)